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Signs Of A Fraudulent Payment Platform

Online payments have become easier than ever- thousands of payment platforms offer users more convenient and efficient payment methods. However, not all payment platforms are created equal, nor are they all legit.

By Lisa TransfyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

So how do you know which one to choose?

Coupled with the increasing rates of online scams across the globe, it is wise to stay alert when choosing a money transfer platform. Thankfully, there are telltale signs to know if a platform is legit or not. And, in turn, prevent you from getting scammed or even identity theft.

This blog post explores 7 of the most common red flags to look out for when choosing a payment platform.

Let’s find out.

7 Common Red Flags to Watch Out For When Choosing a Payment Company

When choosing a payment platform, it's important to be vigilant and watch out for red flags. The following signs will help you stay on your toes to avoid fraudulent sites and protect your funds and personal information. They include:

1. Asking for Your Bank Login Information

One of the biggest red flags is when the company asks for your bank login information. During the KYC documentation, you may be asked for a bank statement, social security number, or bank details. You also need a recipient’s bank account number during withdrawals or transfers. However, no legit company would ask for your bank login details - (ie., email and password)

This is a major security risk and should be a warning sign that the company is not trustworthy.

So if you're looking for a payment platform, be sure to keep an eye out for these red flags and avoid any company that seems fishy.

2. Lack of Customer Support

When it comes to money transfers, it's important to ensure that the company has a good reputation for customer support. Just in case you need their assistance with any issues that come up.

So what should you be looking for?

First and foremost, the company should have a reliable customer support system in place. You can reach them for assistance or clarification, at any time, any day.

Secondly, the company should be able to provide you with detailed documentation on how to use their platform. If you're not familiar with how something works, it will be difficult to troubleshoot any issues.

Finally, the company should be willing to go the extra mile to give you a seamless experience. If they're not willing to help you resolve an issue, then it's probably not the right payment platform for you.

3. Hidden Fees

When choosing a payment platform, it's essential to be aware of the hidden fees that may be lurking. To be safe, look out for payment platforms that not only promise transparency but also have their fees clearly spelt out. This includes transfer fees, withdrawal charges, currency conversion charges/FX rates, etc.

Some platforms may promise cheap rates or even free withdrawals to attract more users. But when you add up all the hidden fees, you will find out that you're not getting a good deal after all.

4. Negative/ Fake Online Reviews

Due diligence is very important when choosing any digital platform. And one of the best ways to do that is by researching or checking online reviews. However, the majority of people either neglect this or ignore the signs.

Tools like scam adviser, whois, etc., can help you check if a website or platform is legit. You can also check out online reviews on Trustpilot, Capterra, Crunchbase or Nairaland if you are in Nigeria. But be careful - not all reviews can be trusted.

In fact, some of them can be downright fake - they are written by the company to lure people into using their platform. It’s also true that some customers can be hard to please. Nonetheless, you can look out for reviews with very negative remarks, too many reviews on a particular date, 5-star reviews that are too good to be true, etc.,

Most platforms with such reviews can hardly be trusted.

5. Suspicious Email Address

If you're on the fence about whether to trust a payment platform, take a look at the email address. Does it look like it's from a legitimate company? Or does it have weird spellings or punctuation?

And if you do decide to go ahead and sign up, be very careful about entering your personal information. The last thing you want is for your data to get into the wrong hands. So take your time and do your research before making a decision.

6. Lack of SSL Encryption

If the payment platform you're considering doesn't have an SSL certificate, you just might be opening yourself up to a world of potential problems. The SSL certificate shows that the website/platform is end-to-end encrypted, and your data and funds are secure. Without this, your data could be stolen, and you could end up losing money.

So make sure that any payment platform you're considering has SSL encryption ( eg., starts with HTTPS - or has the padlock icon). And if they don't, then move on to the next one.

7. Not User-Friendly

A user-friendly payment platform does not only provide a hassle-free experience, it also helps improves transparency and gives control over your funds. That being said, your preferred payment platform should be easy intuitive and easy to navigate. The icons and texts should be able to point you to any of the features you need at any point in time. In all, the platform should offer a smooth experience for the users.

Finally, look out for long and complicated contracts. If the agreement is filled with ambiguous phrases and is difficult to understand, that could be a red flag. A good payment platform will make it easy for you to understand the terms of the agreement, and they won't require you to sign a contract that's too long or complicated.

Other Common Red Flags Include:

  1. The website looks very amateurish or poorly designed.
  2. Too many typographical errors
  3. Too many site redirects or ads
  4. They ask you to download software/play a game before proceeding to the next steps.
  5. The company promises unrealistic returns or discounts.
  6. You can't find any reviews of the company online.
  7. The company is not registered with the Business Bureau
  8. The company has no verifiable physical address or contact details.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Money Transfer Platform

You’ve probably found a payment platform that meets all your needs and also seems legit enough. However, before you start entering your details to create an account, you may want to use the following tips to double-check. They include:

1. Does the platform have a good reputation?

2. Is the platform reliable and secure?

3. Are there any hidden fees?

4. What payment methods are accepted?

5. How user-friendly is the platform?

6. What customer support is available?

7. Is the platform compliant?

8. How often is the platform updated? (This is very important for security)

9. What payment features does it offer?

10. Are their charges affordable?

Use Transfy For Safe and Reliable Money Transfers

Choosing a legit payment platform can be a daunting task. With hundreds of thousands of digital payment companies available online. It can be challenging to distinguish the legit ones from the fraudulent ones.

Fortunately, Transfy removes that stress by providing you with a safe and secure means to move your monies. With Transfy you can enjoy the following benefits at industry-best prices.

  • Make seamless payments to individuals and businesses across Africa.
  • Save, hold or exchange your monies for different African currencies.
  • Save time and money on international transfers.
  • Enjoy enterprise solutions like mass payouts, bulk salary payments, and other money remittance services.

What’s more? Transfy offers bank-level encryption to safeguard your funds and personal information at all times. Plus, you can get expert help from the dedicated customer support team any time, any day.

So what are you waiting for? Visit today to enjoy instant, safe and reliable cross-border transfers!

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About the Creator

Lisa Transfy

Transfy is a Fintech startup on a mission to connect individuals and businesses across Africa financially. This is by building a financial infrastructure which enables them to seamlessly and securely send money within Africa

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