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A Book Review

By NAVEEN KAILASH BPublished about a year ago 4 min read


"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a book that has been highly recommended in the personal finance and self-help community. It was written by Robert Kiyosaki, who shares his personal experiences and insights on how to build wealth and achieve financial independence. In this book review, we will dive into the key concepts and principles covered in "Rich Dad Poor Dad," and evaluate its effectiveness in helping readers achieve their financial goals.


"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a book that contrasts the financial lessons Kiyosaki learned from his biological father (poor dad) and his best friend's father (rich dad). Poor dad was highly educated but struggled financially, while rich dad was a successful entrepreneur who had achieved financial independence.

Kiyosaki uses his own experiences and anecdotes to teach readers about the importance of financial education, building assets, and investing in oneself. He emphasizes that building wealth is not about working harder, but about developing financial literacy, understanding the difference between assets and liabilities, and leveraging the power of cash flow.

Effectiveness of the Book

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" has been highly effective in inspiring readers to take control of their finances and achieve financial independence. The book provides practical advice and strategies for building wealth, and encourages readers to think outside of the traditional mindset of working a 9-to-5 job.

The book's emphasis on financial education and the power of cash flow has resonated with readers, and many have reported making significant changes in their financial habits after reading the book.

However, some critics have pointed out that the book oversimplifies the complexities of the financial world and does not provide enough specific guidance for readers to implement the concepts discussed.

My Personal Experience with "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

I personally found "Rich Dad Poor Dad" to be an eye-opening book that challenged my traditional views on money and wealth. Kiyosaki's contrast between his two father figures - one who worked hard for money and the other who made money work for him - was a powerful lesson that stuck with me. The book taught me the importance of financial education and inspired me to start investing in assets that produce passive income.

The Importance of Financial Education in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

One of the key lessons in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is the importance of financial education. Kiyosaki argues that schools do not teach us how to manage money or build wealth, so it is essential to seek out financial education and learn about money management, investing, and entrepreneurship. This message resonates with readers who are looking to take control of their finances and build long-term wealth.

Understanding Assets and Liabilities in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Kiyosaki defines assets as things that generate income, while liabilities are things that drain your income. He encourages readers to focus on acquiring assets and reducing liabilities to increase their cash flow. This concept is particularly helpful for those who are just starting out on their financial journey and need to distinguish between what will make them money and what will not.

The Power of Cash Flow in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Kiyosaki believes that cash flow is the key to financial independence. He teaches readers how to generate passive income through investing in assets that produce cash flow. By creating a steady stream of income that covers expenses, readers can achieve financial freedom and build the lifestyle they desire.

The Role of Risk-Taking in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks and stepping outside of one's comfort zone to achieve financial success. He encourages readers to learn from their failures and use them as opportunities to grow and improve. This message is especially relevant in today's world, where entrepreneurship and innovation are driving economic growth and success.


While it may not provide as much specific guidance as other personal finance books, the principles and messages in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" are powerful and motivating. The book's focus on financial education, assets vs. liabilities, cash flow, and risk-taking are essential concepts for anyone seeking to build wealth and achieve financial independence. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to shift their mindset and take control of their finances.

book review

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