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Really Ingenious Ways Of Making Money Online

Without Any Investment Or Spending Any Time

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Really Ingenious Ways Of Making Money Online
Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash


There are so many ways to make money online without investing any time or money. Here, we will discuss some of the best ways to make money online without any investment or spending any time.

1. Sell old textbooks

There are many people who have tons of textbooks lying around their house and they don't know what to do with them. If you are one of them, then there is no need to worry because you can sell your old books online! Just go ahead and search for an online marketplace where people are looking to buy used or new textbooks and sell their own in return. You can also check out sites like Craigslist or Kijiji where people post ads about selling items that they no longer need anymore.

2. Become a virtual assistant

Virtual assistants are people who provide services to other people online. They can be hired to do tasks such as taking calls, writing emails and text messages, answering questions or completing simple tasks on your behalf.

Virtual assistants typically earn around $20/hour in some cases but it depends on what you're willing to pay for and how long the project lasts for. If you want an experience like this then this may not be for you because it requires a lot of time commitment from both parties involved (you). Also if the person doing the job doesn't know what they're doing then there might be problems with communication which could lead towards frustration on both sides!

If all goes well though then this could potentially become one of those things where everyone wins; especially if they end up getting more customers through word-of-mouth advertising down the road!

3. Start a blog

Set up a blog on WordPress or Blogger (you can use free blogging platforms). The most important thing is that you need to choose a niche for your blog and stick to it!

Once you have created your first post, start monetizing it by selling products related with the topic discussed in that article/post. For example, if you write about making money online without any investment or spending time, then sell ebooks related with this topic as they will help people who want to learn how do so easily and quickly without spending much effort or money on it like me!

4. Sell old clothes and accessories

One of the easiest ways to make money online is by selling your old clothes and accessories. There are many websites that allow you to sell your unwanted items for cash, such as Poshmark, eBay or Craigslist. If you have access to Facebook Marketplace, then this could be another option for you if it's something that has been sitting in your closet for a while but no longer fits!

The most important thing about selling items on these sites is knowing how much people are willing to pay for them. It may not seem obvious at first glance but there are some factors that influence this price: condition of the item (new vs used), style (casual vs formal), size of clothing/accessory etcetera... These things will definitely impact its value so before setting up any sales pitches online make sure that all these factors are considered carefully before setting up an auction listing with specific price requirements attached :)

5. Sell your handmade jewelry and crafts

Focus on selling your best products.

Use social media to market your products and services.

Make sure you have a good website with proper SEO that ranks high in Google search results.

Use Google AdSense to make money from ads placed on your site by advertisers like Amazon, eBay, etc., who want to sell their products through the use of others' websites so as to increase their chances of making sales at the end of each month when payments are due (or even daily).

You just need to place one ad per day at $5/day but if it doesn't work out then there is always another option: affiliate marketing where instead of charging money per click like most other advertising networks do; they give away freebies while still earning commissions from sales made after clicking through from links provided by affiliates within those same sites which means more profit potential!

It's also worth mentioning that this method works best when used alongside another method such as affiliate marketing because as mentioned above; there are quite a few opportunities out there waiting for us all...

6. Make money by renting out your room with Airbnb

Airbnb is a platform that allows you to rent out your room. It’s great for people who want to make money online and it can help you meet new people too!

Airbnb is one of the most popular ways of making money online because it requires very little investment or spending time on the internet. All you have to do is set up an account, list your apartment or house on Airbnb, find guests who want to stay there and after they've booked their stay in advance (once someone has booked), go ahead and let them into your home/apartment so they can enjoy themselves while paying less than $20 per night!

You can make money online without investing any time or money!

These are some of the best ways to make money online without investing any time or money:

Affiliate marketing: This is one of the most popular ways to make money online, and it requires you to promote other people's products and services. You can choose from a variety of products, including affiliate programs from Amazon (which pays 0% commission), Google Adsense (you get paid when someone clicks on your ad) and many others.

If you have an interesting niche topic that people would love to read about then this may be a good opportunity for you. For example if I wanted to write an article about “how we got rid of our cat” then I would have enough traffic coming through my site because everyone loves cats!


And there you have it, my friends! These are all great ways to make money online without having to invest any time or money. If you really want some more ideas, check out my blog post on how I made $1,400 doing yoga classes around the world. You can find that here: How To Make Money Online Without Any Investment Or Spending Time

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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