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Online Business Ideas for Housewives

Here are some online business ideas for housewives

By I Write Life Published 3 years ago 5 min read
Online Business Ideas for Housewives
Photo by Georgie Cobbs on Unsplash

Online business ideas for housewives

Imagine the look on your spouse's face when you tell him you're quitting your job to stay at home to take care of the kids. It sounds like a dream come true, right? But then they ask what you're going to do with all the extra time on your hands now. And suddenly, becoming a housewife doesn't seem so glamorous anymore. Well, worry no more!

Whether you're looking to start an online business because you're bored out of your mind or just want some extra money in your pocket, there are plenty of ways to make it happen. We've compiled a list of three housewife-proven online business ideas. And unlike other "online business idea" posts, you'll find out the amount of effort required, what to expect financially, and what you need to be successful.

Idea #1- Freelancing

A freelancer is someone who works independently from another company. They may work as part of a team, but their primary responsibility is to complete projects assigned to them by clients.

The best thing about working as a freelancer is the ability to choose which jobs you want and the type of clients you prefer. You don't have to follow any set schedule, either; if you feel like working during nap times, go ahead and get started. If you prefer to sleep until noon every day, that's fine too.

How Much Can You Expect To Make?

The simple answer: You can make as much money as your willingness to work for it.

James Knight, a programmer at Google -- yes, he's not exactly a housewife -- quit his high-paying job to pursue freelancing. He now makes $1,000/hour as a freelance developer. Does that mean you can expect the same results? Not necessarily. While many people report making thousands per month, others only earn around $100-$200 per project. And some make nothing for months at a time. How much you end up earning depends mainly on two things:

Your skill and the quality of your work

The kind of clientele you attract

What You Need To Be Successful

When you look at James' example, it's clear he didn't start from scratch. To work at Google, he needed to have the ability to program well enough to compete against top programmers.

That statement goes for you too. So before you decide to become a freelancer, think carefully about your skill. What can you do better than anyone else on the planet? Start there. And if you realize you're not skilled enough, consider improving first.

Many hear incredible freelancing stories and feel they deserve to succeed. But that mindset will cause more heartache and disappointment than anything else. So choose a good field and work to improve your skill. Those are the only keys to success.

Idea #2- Online Tutoring

As a housewife, you might love teaching your kids. If you love teaching children, why not turn that passion into a career? A site like has a wide range of teaching jobs. You can help students with homework assignments, teach English lessons, tutor math, science, history, and more. The possibilities are endless!

You also won't have to worry about getting fired since you're not an employee. Plus, you can pick when you'd like to work without having to worry about getting stuck doing something you hate.

How Much Can You Expect To Make?

As far as online business ideas for housewives go, an online tutoring job will probably not pay you as much as freelancing. However, most sites offer hourly rates ranging between $10 - $25 per hour. You could earn even more -- between $30 to $50 per hour -- if you decide to teach advanced subjects like Calculus. That means you could potentially make anywhere from $400 - $1,000 and more per week, depending on how much time you spend teaching.

If you enjoy helping other people learn, this could be a great way to supplement your income while spending less time away from home.

What You Need To Be Successful

The barrier to entry is low. All you need is a computer, knowledge of your subject, and access to the Internet. And you don't need a degree in education, unlike most people assume. A diploma or GED is good enough.

So if you've got what it takes, then all you need to do is sign up to one of these websites and begin searching for your next student.

Idea #3- Affiliate Marketing

You've probably seen Youtube videos or blog posts where the content creator places a disclaimer stating that they earn a percentage when you buy from them. Yes, that's affiliate marketing. It works just like any other form of advertising, except instead of paying someone to promote your product, you get paid for selling another person's products.

How Much Can You Expect To Make?

If you're just starting but put in a lot of effort, you can make less than $20,000 in your first few years. But once you hit your stride, you can earn $300 to $3,000 a day; some exceptional affiliate marketers make as much as $10,000 a day.

But keep in mind that earning money through affiliate marketing isn't easy.

And there's no guarantee you'll ever reach those levels. Many affiliates fail miserably at achieving their income goals. But the popularity of this industry and the income potential make it worth trying.

What You Will Need To Succeed

First, find a niche market that you know well. This step helps because you already understand the problems customers face and how to solve them.

Second, create unique content that solves customer problems.

Third, build relationships with influencers who share similar interests so you can become an authority figure within your community.

Finally, use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., to grow your audience.

The biggest problem is getting traffic. However, once you start building traffic, you should see sales coming in. Also, as long as you continue creating quality content, you shouldn't have trouble growing your traffic and list of subscribers.

There are plenty of online business ideas for housewives. If you want to try something new, consider taking advantage of the opportunities presented here. They may seem intimidating at first, but after reading about several different options, you might discover that you love working from home anyway!


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I Write Life

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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