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Nikocado Avocado Net Worth

What is Nikocado Avocado Net Worth?

By Omkar KamblePublished about a year ago 4 min read

Nikocado Avocado Net Worth is US$ 3.8 Million as of 2022.

Net Worth- US$ 3.8 Mn

Born:- May 19, 1992 (30 Years)

Full Name- Nicholas Perry

Gender- Male

Height- 5′ 6″

Horoscope- Taurus

Country of Origin- Ukraine

Source of Wealth- YouTuber

Marital Status- Married

Spouse- Orlin Home

Famous For- For His Mukbang Eating shows on YouTube


Nicholas Perry, often identified as Nikocado Avocado, born in Ukraine. He is an Internet celebrity of America who became recognized for his mukbang eating events on YouTube. He gained this reputation as a result of multiple popular viral videos. Nicholas Perry was born on May 19, 1992. He had amassed greater than 7 million members and around 1.61 billion views across 6 channels in YouTube as of August 2022.


Noodle King

over 45 million views

Nikocado Shorts

over 70 million views

More Nikocado

over 315 million views

Nikocado Avocado 3

over 200 million views

Nikocado Avocado 2

over 120 million views

Early Life

Perry had been raised in Philadelphia but was born in the Ukraine. He has had classical violin training. He claims to have earned callbacks for The Glee Project and mastered in performance in the college. He worked at Home Depot while he was pursuing his career as a violin player. Earlier their family lived in Columbia for 3 years & then to Florida. He even worked at The Home Depot while he was pursuing his career as a violin player. He aspired to become a violinist and join the Broadway Pit Orchestra.


Perry’s earlier videos were violin renditions of well-known tunes and vlogs which is vegan in the lifestyle. In 2016 there was a video posted to his YouTube account, where he detailed his reasons for quitting being a vegan, claiming health issues. In 2016 Perry had started making the mukbang films & was one of the 1st American males to do so. His 1st mukbang video received 50k views quickly. His pet bird (parrot) could be seen eating while perched on his shoulder in past mukbang short videos.

In 2018, Perry made an appearance on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central. He is also active on websites such as Cameo, Patreon, and OnlyFans that are not YouTube. He claims that his bad nutrition has caused him to experience manic episodes, & that he uses these episodes to his advantage by employing clickbait to draw viewers in his videos.

Perry stated that he only intends to continue making mukbang videos “for a couple more years” & “it is highly unhealthy” in a 2019 interview. People have also questioned Perry’s mental health as a result of many emotionally charged videos he has published. He claimed on 18th September, 2021, months of “excessive, powerful coughing” had caused him to fracture his ribs.

Perry claimed in an interview which was with the MEL Magazine from 2021 that numerous internet disputes are staged for professional gain. He cited his background in the performance arts & his wish to portray the bad guy.

Nikocado Avocado Net Worth Growth

Predicted net worth of Nikocado Avocado in 2022 is US$ 3.8 million.

Net Worth in 2022 US$ 3.8 Million



3.27 million for the channel (Nikocado Avocado)

784 thousand for the channel (Nikocado Avocado 2)

909 thousand for the channel (Nikocado Avocado 3)

440 thousand for the channel (Noodle King)

1.29 million for the channel (More Nikocado)

378 thousand for the channel (Nikocado Shorts)


677 million (Nikocado Avocado)

125 million (Nikocado Avocado 2)

206 million (Nikocado Avocado 3)

48 million (Noodle King)

361 million (More Nikocado)

199 million (Nikocado Shorts)

Brand Endorsements

Nikocado Avocado has YouTube channel King of Mukbangs and is a famous YouTuber with a large fan following.

Keys Life Lessons from Nikocado Avocado

Everything about Nikocado Avocado and his net worth is now known. Let’s examine a few of his teachings.

He always wanted attention in his childhood and he is always focused in his work.

Earlier he was a talented musician but the dedication to get known to everyone he eventually became YouTuber

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money does Nikocado Avocado have?

The Nikocado Avocado’s net worth is estimated at US$ 3.8 million.

What is the height of Nikocado Avocado?

The Height of Nikocado Avocado is 5′ 6”.

What is the age of Nikocado Avocado?

Nikocado Avocado was born in May 19, 1992 and he is 30 years old.


One of the most well-known producers of mukbang videos in the US, viral star Nikocado Avocado gained prominence through his YouTube account.

Nicholas Perry is the real name of Nikocado Avocado. He was born in 1992 and has always had a penchant for making things and having fun.

He is a classically trained violinist who initially intended to pursue that career path before finding a mukbang audience on YouTube, something many new viewers are unaware of.


About the Creator

Omkar Kamble

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