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My Top Tips To Stay Consistent With Your Routines

It's time to really make that habit stick!

By Sally From The Shine ProjectPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
My Top Tips To Stay Consistent With Your Routines
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Whenever we want to develop a new habit or daily routine, we always go at it with much excitement. We're looking forward even before starting to reap the rewards. We KNOW, there will be a reward as long as we stick to our routine!

Yeah well, that's the issue, isn't it? Sticking to the actual routine.

If you've ever tried to acquire a new habit or get rid of one you probably know how challenging this can be. You probably sat down, thought, or if you're like me - an obsessive note taker - put down on paper your entire routine from A to B.

On paper or in your head, it sounds so easy and doable. You think, I definitely have time.

And true, technically speaking. Except, we fail to take into consideration that we're not robots; We don't work exactly minute by minute. There are things like motivation, energy levels, mood, brain fog and so much more to consider.

As someone who is always trying to learn something new or acquire new habits, routines are an important part of my life, so I think I'm in a good place to give you some tips about how to do it in a way that allows you to be consistent.

Here are my top tips for staying consistent with your routines (and habits!)

Practice Habit Stacking

It's something that is discussed in the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. A simple, reasonable, and effective concept.

The idea is that instead of creating a whole new routine around the habit you're trying to build, or adding this new habit/task to your day at a random time, you have much more chance of being successful and sticking to it if you simply add it to your already set up routine.

For example, if you're wanting to build a habit of doing daily face yoga, you can add it between taking your shower at night and dressing up. This would be better than trying to create a whole routine just around it.

Try Different Routines

As I said before, on paper everything seems doable and easy. Practice is a different matter altogether.

A lot of time, when we decide on a routine, we start acting as if it's set in stone.

For example, you may think okay, I need to start doing yoga in the morning. It HAS to be the morning because everyone says they feel better for the rest of the day and everyone and their mother is doing it.

The truth of the matter is, that it may not work for you. Not just because you may not have time for it, but maybe because you're just not in the mood for it in the morning and forcing yourself into a routine is the surest way to NOT stay consistent with it.

So my advice is to play with your routines. Try different things at different times of the day, and see what works for YOU. The goal is to find the easiest and most enjoyable way for you to do it.

It could sound completely crazy to some, but as long as it makes sense for you and makes you motivated to want to stick to it, then that should be the routine you settle for.

Start Small

This can be very challenging I know, especially if you're the impatient or ambitious kind and you want to achieve your goals as soon as possible. But starting small can be a key to consistency with routines.

I'm not saying you can't have big goals, like working out for 1 hour every day, but my advice is to build it up.

Start with 15 minutes, then make it to 30 minutes before you aim for one hour. The idea is to first build up the habit itself into your system and not demotivate yourself from the start

It's easier for you to be motivated to do a 15 minutes workout a day when you're totally new to working out than going straight for 1 hour.

Try Multi-tasking

I'm not a fan of multi-tasking in general and most times I can't do it but when it comes to routine and habit building I find that it can be really helpful; It all depends of course on what habit you're trying to develop.

But often, you can fit a new habit/routine simultaneously with another. You only have to make sure, that your already established routine doesn't need much focus from you, or it could be something you don't particularly enjoy.

For example, I love podcasts but I always felt like I never could find the proper time for them. I get distracted very easily and I try to be mindful so listening to them while commuting or walking was a big no for me. So I simply decided to listen to them simultaneously along with another daily routine that I don't necessarily enjoy or need to focus on which is..working out!!

Give it a shot too, it can literally cut down the time you spend on certain routines by half (at least!)

If you took something away from this post that you think will inspire you in your routine building and help you stay consistent please show some love by dropping a like and consider subscribing for more personal growth and wellness tips!

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About the Creator

Sally From The Shine Project

A self-made entrepreneur/writer.

From entrepreneurship, wellbeing, self-help to personal growth.

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