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My "Hello" Introduction

On Writing

By william u cowserPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

What does it feel like when writing about a certain subject? Or better yet, what does it feel like writing about anything for that matter? I guess for me, it's a feeling of release, not just of emotions, but also of bottled-up creativity, just waiting to burst out.

Emotional Release

When writing and creating a character, aside from their physical attributes, what kind of person are you creating? Will they be the strong, silent type, the shy, vulnerable type, the unpredictable comedian, or the unforgiveable villain? When these people in your story face conflict, do you find yourself cheering when overcoming an obstacle, laugh out of the blue when they(or another character) do something ridiculously silly, making you pause during your reading? Or, without warning, and not knowing why, tears began to fall before the next sentence is written? When you write, it can't be helped but to inject some of your own emotional energy. In doing so, it begins to breathe life into your writing, helps the future readers connect with the story being told, and in some ways, acts as therapy to the writer on long buried issues long thought forgotten.

Informational Release

So, what if what you're writing about is based in reality? is it your review of a trip to another state, or another country? or maybe perhaps it's about the newest attraction that's just opened and you have a front row seat to experience everything and give your best honest opinions. Regardless of what the topic may be, when you write about the subject, you don't want your writing to come off dry and unfeeling, like you were there, but you were bored the whole time! The Flight was terrible, the weather stuffy, and the event itself, meh! Writing about anything in the real world, be it about a person, place, or thing, one takes patience, and the second, an observant eye, taking in not only all that's seen, but also those things unseen that will enhance the experience.

Creative Release

When you start writing a story, the first thing i think comes to mind is the storyline. What is your story about; love, loss, discovery, or revenge. And of the many different subjects that can be in your story, will one topic be the main focus, or will several topics intersect, and if they do, for the writer this can be very challenging.

The timing of your story is important too, as it helps set the mood for all the events and conflicts that will happen. Is your story set in the past, present, or a possible future? Usually, if possible, this is where some real-world research will have to be gathered, then altered a little bit to fit to your story(some fact, some fiction, right). Even though your story is completely fiction, some elements can be based on real life research. Now, if your piece is an article, everything that you write about must be factual, based on either first hand knowledge, or recorded history, which you should always site your sources.

Your characters in your story, aside from their personalities, what is their back story? Did they grow up in a community, a family unit, or a tribe? Did the economic status in this world affect their behavior, thereby creating the conflict or conflicts the character has to face. Another thing to ask, "what's the physicality of this character?" Are they humanoid, plant-based, or animal? Asking this question early on helps in developing where the story and conflicts take place. Not said much, but the environment is a character in your story as well. The description of natural landscapes or cities also help the reader get a feel of what kind of world this is, the challenges of the other characters, and how all your elements tie in.

Hi, to everyone who reads this, my name is William Ullysses Cowser, and why i joined Vocal is perhaps to explain what it feels like when writing. I enjoy reading about stories or articles where sometimes the goal is more than the information, but the feeling behind it. I do like various genres whether watching or reading, and i hope to add to that melting pot of imagination and creativity. I hope to challenge myself and see where it goes, so i hope to hear and learn from everyone soon!


About the Creator

william u cowser

46yr old enjoyer of reading interesting stories, sci-fi and anime watcher, and part- time gamer during my free time. plus enjoy challenging myself in obstacle course runs!

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