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Look At Glory Side Of The Online Millionaire’s Grunt work

So Is This Your Typical Scenario of A Millionaire

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 22 min read

This is kind of counterintuitive to what you’ve been told, but the real glory and the real money is in the grunt work of marketing.

And by grunt work I don’t mean the $8 an hour clean the toilets type of grunt work or in the Asian economy , the trending food delivery hailing app to Go Get Grab for your food delivery or transport ride

Thanks to the recent boom in the live streaming industry, a local Malaysian streamer finds find her popularity ravaged due to her sulky comment on Grab drivers” efforts which sparked a viral trending interest for Asian viewers all across social media via Tiktok and Facebook especially for audiences in Singapore and Malaysia forcing her to apologize as she totally overlooked and disrespect the effort and contribution by many side hustle workers and most food deliverer during this pandemic just mainly due to her own personal wrong impression of Grunt work efforts in the industry

Now Grab aside ; For Grunt Work — Whats I mean,is to refer to the boring, mundane, repetitive, every single day tasks that you’re going to need to run a successful business, that don’t get a lot of talking about, that are very hard to sell to the general public, but are of the utmost importance for this discussion about Millionaires


Now politics aside . there are millions who like and may dislike Former President Trump , So a lot of people think that Donald Trump’s success comes because he’s a flamboyant character, because he’s a celebrity and all this, and that’s true; but the thing about Donald Trump that really, really, really makes him good is he’s always on time, always gets the job done under cost — I mean, almost always you can count on this guy to do what he’s going to do. So his word is good, and what he does is he holds everybody to a super high standard and demands the best results from them so everything gets done in an efficient manner. And that’s done through boring, mundane, count the cookies grunt work, where you just have to hold everybody by the fire. It’s not the sexy stuff that everybody thinks it is. And so this is a good exercise to think about this.

This is what the average person thinks of when they think of a millionaire. They think, first of all, that this person probably inherited a good chunk of their money, that the person is greedy — that’s one of the reasons they have all their money — that the person had opportunities that the general population just doesn’t have — like they knew the people in the know; they did lunch with the right people; their daddy gave them something great or they went to school in an illustrious university, blah blah blah.

They think the average millionaire is lavish. They own five cars all with bling and million dollar rims, and they wear all these sports watches and silk ties from Arabia and 2000-thread counted sheets and this and this. They think that a millionaire’s wasteful, that they just spend money and throw it all around and that they just don’t really care.

This is what the average person thinks of when they think of a millionaire. And a lot of it is because a lot of people don’t know millionaires personally or they don’t realize they know millionaires personally because they’re not so easily spotted. So they rely on the media and the movies to kind of give them a picture of a millionaire.

And this is sexy. This is easy to sell to people. This sounds fun and exciting and has a lot of drama to it.

The media’s going to latch on to the stories of people buying a million dollar diamond encrusted bra from Victoria’s Secret. Because it’s so garish and crazy that it has that appeal. So this is what the average person thinks of the millionaire.

Now here is actually based results. And if you don’t believe me you can read Thomas Stanley’s The Millionaire Next Door. This guy has spent more hours on this planet studying millionaires than anybody else alive. And this is the composite of what the average millionaire actually is.

First of all the average millionaire is a first generation from scratch millionaire, meaning that he started from a poor or middle class family and he built his wealth on his own. And typically it’s not too hard to believe once you understand it. Those who inherit money are very good at spending it, but not very good at containing it.

So even if you become a first generation millionaire and you give your inheritance, chances are that money’s going to be separated from the second generation anyway. So first generation from scratch — that’s your typical millionaire.

Failure Is Okay

The second thing is they’ve failed many times before succeeding. So typically it takes the average entrepreneur 7 attempts before they are successful. So there’s six things that they’ve previously test attempted to be an entrepreneur at that they failed at. So the average millionaire has failed 6 or 7 times before succeeding.

The average millionaire works 60 to 70 hours a week. This means 12 hours a day, 5 days a week; or 10 hours a day, 6 days a week; or 12 hours a day, 6 days a week; or 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. That’s boring. You can’t make a movie out of somebody who works the average job 70 hours a week running their own small business because that’s typically where most people get thinker money from, and I’ll explain that in a minute.

So this is your average person, and they would not stand out in a crowd, meaning they would not be dressed in $8,000 silk shirts. They would not have Jaguars that they drive all around. They wouldn’t do all this fancy stuff. They would not stand out in a crowd. That’s why Thomas Stanley called them the millionaire next door because typically you would not even know.

The average millionaire worked real hard to make active money, meaning they are trading dollars for hours which they then invested in passive streams of income. So this is a typical scenario of a millionaire. They’re a small business owner, and so what happened is they spent many years building up the business actively. And it got to the point where they only needed to come in a couple hours a day to even to the point where they didn’t need to come in at all on a lot of days. And then they got their investment back through a passive stream. Basically they got the business in place and they would make this much money a year, and they just had to maintain the overall regulations to make sure it wasn’t going off course.

Or they took all their money they made in their business and they invested it into real estate and/or the stock market and got passive long-term streams of income from that. That is your typical, average millionaire. Again, not very sexy, not very exciting. Waiting 10, 20, 30 years for the money to come back from investments is not the stuff movies are made of.

Another thing about the average millionaire is in all but a couple areas they spend very conservatively. And this ties back to the psychology of they failed 6 times before. Most of them lived in utter poverty and are first generation from scratch millionaires, and so they’re always in the back of their mind knowing that they can go back there, and that scares the hell out of them. So in most areas they spend conservatively.

I know a couple millionaires who will clip coupons but they will buy thousand dollar cigars. So they have one or two areas of indulgence where they absolutely where price is not an issue and they pamper themselves, but for the rest of the things they typically spend conservatively because they abhor waste because, again, it’s rooted into this psychology of they’ve worked so hard to get where they were at that they don’t want to waste it.

And finally, they continue to work not for the money, but for fear of going back to zero, which ties back into this. So people think that they work because they’re greedy — not typically true. People think they’ve inherited — no.

Typically they’re first generation from scratch.

People think they’ve had opportunities — no.

They just sucked it up and they dug in to the glory of the grunt work.

People think they’re lavish, and they’re only typically lavish in one or two areas, except for some — the eccentric millionaires or those super star millionaires who didn’t do it from scratch, through hard work with the typical picture. Those will be more wasteful and more lavish.

And in fact what people think are true is usually the exact opposite when it comes to millionaires.

So this is important understanding this because the glory is in the grunt work. And let me tell you what I mean.

Where the money in marketing really is and where the money in business, whether on the internet or not, where it really is at. Honestly, if you want to get rich in marketing it’s this. You want to follow a few small simple habits and just repeat them every single day. These are the habits that you really want. I have more habits but these are really — if you boil it down to these four:

The habit of continually filtering and coming up with good ideas; the habit of focus, being able to do one thing at a time and give all of your energy to that one thing; the habit of confidence — that way you take your good ideas and are so confident that you can act on them and get the results that you’ll do it; and then action because you just don’t hesitate. You continually move and move forward and move forward and move forward.

So really these are the habits. These are not sexy. I could not sell a book writing about these four things unless I came up with a hook about it, not very successfully at least, but these are what you need.


So good ideas. So what’s your habit for getting good ideas every day? Well, one simple thing is simply being involved in your business. If you continually take action good ideas are a direct result of that action. The other thing is to expose yourself to a lot of different areas where ideas will come in. So I read a lot of books in a lot of different industries and genres, and I skim through things, and I talk to a lot of my peers, and I have friends in the industry, and that’s where I come up with the good ideas.

The focus is learning how to devote all of your resources to one thing at a time. So let’s say I want to make money on the internet. There’s a lot of things that I got to do. One business model is great a product, write a sales letter for it, drive traffic to that site. So that’s the whole model.

So if the first thing I need to do then is create the product, should I be thinking about driving the traffic then?

Or should I be thinking about the sales letter for it? Not necessarily. What you want to do is come up with the overall plan for that goal and then break it down into small, tiny little steps that you can focus on one at a time.

So once you know everything you’re going to do for the product and it comes time to create the product, you just sit down and focus on that one thing. At that time you’re not worried about how you’re going to drive traffic to it. You’re not going to worry about what other people are going to think about it. You’re not going to worry and have all these millions of voices in your head. You’re going to turn them all off, focus on that one thing.

So learning how to do that habit — and I’ve conditioned myself to do that habit and you should, too — that is where the money in marketing is, but it’s grunt work. It is grunt work.

Every single day you’re going to have to sit down and say, “How can I improve my focus?

How can I sharpen my focus?

How can I keep my focus sharp?”

Because if you don’t practice it you lose it.


Confidence is the same way. And it’s hard starting out to build confidence, but every single day till you get to that point where you’re confident without having to try, you have to do one thing to build your confidence at least. So you have to do something that you didn’t think you could do or were unsure you could do and then do it.

So it’s confidence.

And the last thing — action — is really tied to all of these. But learning how to compel yourself to take action when you don’t want to, when you’re scared, when you’re nervous, when you’re unsure, when you’re tired, when you’re feeling sorry for yourself and learn how to act more than you take in information. Learn how to be more of an action-taker than anything else.

So these are the habits. And this is really the only difference between success and failure really is focus, confidence, and action. These three things.

So successful people practice focus every single day, and unsuccessful people don’t practice focus, confidence, or action every single day. And that is the only difference. People think there’s this wide gap.

There’s 95 percent differentiation between successful people and unsuccessful people and that’s actually the opposite. There’s like 5 percent difference. The 5 percent is just that focus, confidence, and action. And that tiny little bit of how they do their daily habits translates into major, major results they get for their lifestyle.

So where the money in marketing is. The second thing here — the axiom — is maximizing existing customers, not chasing new ones. If you talk to the average business owner, especially the brick and mortar business owners, they’re always intent on getting that new client, getting their new client, getting their new client.

Why? Because that’s sexy. That’s fun. That’s exciting.

But what’s boring is figuring out how to take a client and making them come back to your store again, purchase more, purchase more often and refer their friends. Because there’s no glory in that.

You can’t say, “Man, I ran this newspaper and we got 72 new customers in one day, and everybody was trampling in the store.”

That’s a lot more exciting than saying,

“Well, we figured out through all kinds of crazy little strategic maneuvers that we worked on and focused on over the period of a couple months that we were able to increase the average purchasing value of our existing customers by $62.” And people are like,

“Ooh, big deal.”


But when you have a thousand customers, you just pulled in 62,000 more dollars. And the money really is in existing customers and maximizing them than chasing new ones because once you’ve gotten their attention, once you’ve identified them, and once you’ve opened up the lines of communication, then it’s much easier to interact with them.

The new people you have to do all kinds of things before you can even begin to interact with them, like getting noticed and getting their trust.

So maximizing existing customers is so much easier. And it really comes down to two things: Getting them to spend more and spend more often. So this means offering them complementary goods for frequently instead of trying to get more customers and offering them your other goods.

And the other thing is figuring out ways for them to spend more purchasing for the same stuff. So in this case there’s little extra things that you could add to your offers that maybe will increase the amount of sales you make.

So one thing is you could develop upsales. So that way that they’re spending more money than it is instead of taking that time and trying to get new customers, but that’s boring and it’s mundane, but it’s what you need.

And again, the glory of the grunt work is developing mundane but effective systems.

So one system I used to have that got me really good is I used to write 5 articles, do 5 videos a day, and two hours of writing on a product or sales letter in the morning. Boring stuff, but it got me real good real quick. I don’t really have to do that kind of stuff anymore, but that’s a system.

It’s crude; it’s mundane, but it was effective at the time.

So you know contacting a JV partner a day is boring, and the grunt work, and you can’t brag about it at a party; but I guarantee you over a span of 365 days, if you develop a system and optimize it for contacting a JV partner, you would be in the know. You’d be the man or the woman. You’d be the person where everybody wants to talk to about how you do that so you could be making money as a JV broker and making money showing other people your techniques — a lot of money.

And then you learn how to maximize existing customers with your small, daily habits that you do. So that way you’re getting them to spend more. You’re getting them more JV partners, which is going to make you more money instead of chasing new ones.

Two things here where the money is. It’s either in vicious split testing or deal flowing, and I’ll explain both of these concepts.

And ideally split testing, but I have to make a personal concession: I do very little, if none, split testing at all, but I know I’m leaving money on the table because of it.

My personal preference is I’m still building my business, and so then I’m going to get into split testing, but I got a lot more to build first before I optimize it. Maybe I’m right; maybe I’m wrong; I don’t know.

But instead, if you’re not going to do split testing, the next thing is deal flowing. And this means instead of split testing, I take that time and create new products. So I made it work to my personal preferences. A lot of people can’t create products as high-quality, as quickly as I can, so they should be split testing, but one of these two. And neither one of these two is sexy.

Increasing Flow

Every week I have a thing where I create a new product. Every week — every day ideally — you should be increasing your deal flow, meaning getting more people in your pipeline or getting more stuff to offer the people in your pipeline, or you should be split testing to convert people in your pipeline to bigger and better deals, to purchasing more often or getting new customers from your conversion on your sales pages.

It’s boring.

And really I like to call it polishing the dull and making it beautiful instead of getting a new shiny object. Everybody just wants to go out and get that new shiny thing instead of restoring the old dull and making it beautiful again. That’s really what you got to do to make the money.

And the willingness to roll up your sleeves and just get on with it. That’s what it really boils down to. And the people that are rich, that have gotten there, what you’ll find is when it comes go time, they’re willing to jump right in and get it done. Even though they got all this money, they’re not above doing anything that needs to be done at the time to get the results that they want.

And that’s the glory of the grunt work.

And again, if you study and model successful people, you’re going to see time and time and time and time again that they have these things. They have a few small habits that they just repeat daily.

I know when I was working for this very successful painter, one of the things he says is “the work environment absolutely has to be clean at all times because we want to look professional and we want to be able to find everything we need to find at the drop of the hat. We don’t want injuries, all this other stuff.”

So he was militant about keeping things clean, but that habit — I don’t know how many deals that won him in the future from clients and at the same time how many hours it saved. And so he valued his time so much that was one of the habits we did every single day. I absolutely hated it but in the end I appreciated it because I could see the results.

Know Your Numbers

Know your numbers is the final thing I have to say about this, and this is the glory of the grunt work.

Marketing is two things when it all comes down to it. Marketing is two things: It’s math and psychology. Psychology is understanding human nature in manipulating it in such a way that you can give them the value that you offer. So in this case a lot of psychology is figuring out what causes people to buy and then making sure your offers are presented in a way that matches that psychology.

But the other thing is math. And for you to understand this, know this: Any system can be made to work with the right numbers. And so any advertising can work.

Let’s say you had the worst advertisement in the world, but it cost you zero dollars, and you were able to — let’s say you were dropping pamphlets from an airplane, but for some reason you got the airplane for free and the pamphlets didn’t cost you any money.

And you drove around all day long in this plane and you dropped 60 billion pamphlets all over the place. That marketing would be effective in that condition because you have nothing to pay for it.

But the numbers — typically it wouldn’t work because there’s usually hard costs. So any advertising and marketing can be worked at the right place so it’s all about knowing your numbers for that to succeed. Typically, though, that isn’t possible.

So the numbers that you’re going to need to know is average transaction value per customer so you can make decisions. Let’s say you know how much the average customer spends with you.

Let’s say they spend on average $90 with you. So if you’re competing in that field and everybody else is spending $5 to get a customer because they don’t know their numbers, you could spend up to $90 and still break even.

So you could spend $45 and get all the customers because everybody else is only spending 5; so just by outspending your competition you’re going to be able to attract all the customers. And in the end that’s going to make more money for you.

So that’s the biggest number is average value per customer — the lifetime value of a customer or the yearly value of a customer to make your numbers. It’s boring. It’s grunt work, but that’s where the money is at. So that’s one thing to know.

The other thing to know for your numbers is simply the value of your time compared to what you put into the business. So if you’re doing — and I say this a lot and I get a lot of disagreements with this, but if you make — on average I make around $70 an hour right now. And so I’m not going to be going out and cutting my grass or shovelling my sidewalk unless I just want to unwind and do it for fun.

But when it comes down to it, if I have so many hours in a week I’ll pay somebody 10 or $20 to do that for me because I could just spend that time doing what I want to do in my business and make $70 while somebody else is doing my $10 an hour work.

So there’s a lot of leverage points at knowing your value per hour. The value you provide per hour.

So if you have a limited hour in a day and you need to do the laundry or something, maybe it’s quicker to call somebody up and pay them to do it for you while you go and do what you have to do. So there’s a lot of decision in that.

So those are the two biggest numbers you should recognize is price that you make — value per hour. So how much value do you bring to the table per hour, and then if you have so many hours a day of value you have to offer to reach your goal, then any extra time you should just pay somebody else if it’s a lesser value task.

And the last thing is average transaction value per customer, meaning that — I mean lifetime value per customer.

Knowing that I can spend X amount of money in my marketing is going to be profitable. Because, like I said, all marketing works at the right price. So you’re going to have to find the marketing that works where you can just simply saturate the market and still come out with a profit.

So those are the two basic things, but really the premise is and the conclusion is that the glory is in the grunt work. It’s not in the sexy stuff. I know it’s not what everybody wants to hear, but it’s the truth.

So think about this.

This is what the average person thinks of when they think of a millionaire, but this is what the average millionaire is.

And model and be more like this person here because you’re going to have a lighter, greater chance of succeeding.


About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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