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Innovative idea for a story writing for filmmaking

This article will give you some ideas for creating your own cinematic story.

By Raman SPublished about a year ago 7 min read
How to get an innovative idea for a story writing

Getting an innovative idea for a story can be a challenge, but there are a few ways to come up with new and unique ideas.

When it comes to finding inspiration for your story, one of the best places to look is in real life. Real-life experiences and situations can provide a wealth of ideas for your characters, plot, and setting. Here are a few ways to find inspiration in real life.

Observe people:

Pay attention to the people around you and take note of their behavior, mannerisms, and conversations. Use what you observe to develop interesting and relatable characters for your story.

1. Read Widely:

Reading widely can expose you to different styles, genres, and perspectives, which can help spark new ideas.


Observe the world around you, talk to people, and pay attention to current events. You can find inspiration for your story in everyday experiences and real-life situations.

Generating innovative ideas for story writing can be a challenging task, but there are a few ways to get the creative juices flowing.

3. Take a walk:

Sometimes getting out of your usual environment can help you think more creatively. Going for a walk or changing your surroundings can help you clear your mind and come up with new ideas.

Taking a walk can be a great way to find inspiration for your story. Sometimes, getting out of your usual environment and changing your surroundings can help you clear your mind and come up with new and creative ideas. Here are a few ways that taking a walk can help with writing a story:

Clear your mind:

A walk can help you clear your mind and break away from distractions. This can make it easier to focus on your writing and come up with new ideas.

Stimulate creativity:

The fresh air and change of scenery can stimulate your creativity and help you think more creatively.

Observe the world around you:

Walking allows you to observe the world around you and take in your surroundings. You can take note of the sights, sounds, and people around you and use them as inspiration for your story.

Think about your story:

Use your walk as an opportunity to think about your story. You can brainstorm ideas, consider your plot, or think about your characters.

Take a different route:

Try taking a different route than you normally do. This can expose you to new sights and sounds that can inspire new ideas for your story.

Listen to music or podcast:

You can listen to music or podcast while taking a walk. The lyrics or story can inspire a new idea or perspective.

Keep a notebook or voice recorder:

Bring a notebook or voice recorder with you to jot down ideas or thoughts that come to mind during your walk.

Remember, taking a walk can be a great way to find inspiration for your story. It's an opportunity to step away from your usual environment and refresh your mind, which can lead to new and unique ideas.

4. Brainstorm:

Get a group of friends or writing partners together and brainstorm ideas. You can bounce ideas off each other and generate new and interesting concepts.

5. Experiment with different genres:

Experimenting with different genres can help you develop new skills and come up with fresh ideas. Try writing a story in a genre you're not familiar with or combine elements of different genres to create something unique.

Experimenting with different genres can be a great way to find inspiration for your story and develop new skills as a writer. Here are a few ways experimenting with different genres can help with writing a story:

Expand your writing horizons:

Experimenting with different genres can expose you to new styles, techniques, and conventions. This can help you expand your writing horizons and develop new skills.

Spark new ideas:

Trying out different genres can help you think more creatively and spark new ideas for your story.

Develop your versatility:

Experimenting with different genres can help you develop your versatility as a writer. It's a way to show that you can write in multiple styles and adapt to different conventions.

Challenge yourself:

Experimenting with different genres can be a great way to challenge yourself as a writer. It can be easy to fall into familiar patterns, but experimenting with different genres can push you to think differently and come up with new ideas.

Get out of a writing rut:

If you find yourself stuck in a writing rut, experimenting with different genres can be a great way to break out of it.

Combine different genres:

You can also experiment by combining different genres to create something unique. For example, you can combine elements of science fiction with romance, or horror with comedy.

Learn from others:

Reading widely in different genres can expose you to different authors and their writing style and techniques. You can learn from them and apply it to your own writing.

Remember, experimenting with different genres can be a great way to find inspiration for your story and develop new skills as a writer. It's a way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things, which can lead to fresh and exciting ideas for your story.

6.Push yourself out of your comfort zone:

Challenge yourself to think outside the box and take risks with your writing. It can be easy to fall into familiar patterns, but pushing yourself to think differently can lead to innovative ideas.

7.Keep an idea log:

Keep a notebook or digital document where you can jot down any ideas that come to mind. Revisit it often, and you may find an idea that you can develop into a story.

Remember, coming up with an innovative idea for a story takes time and effort, but with patience and persistence, you'll be able to come up with something unique and exciting.

Keeping an idea log can be a great way to organize and track your ideas for writing a story. An idea log is a place where you can write down any idea that comes to mind, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Here are a few ways that keeping an idea log can help with writing a story:

Capture all your ideas: An idea log allows you to capture all your ideas, no matter how big or small. This way, you'll never lose an idea that could be useful for your story.

Organize your ideas: Keeping an idea log allows you to organize your ideas in one place. You can categorize them by genre, theme, or character, and easily refer to them when you need inspiration.

See connections between ideas: By having all your ideas in one place, you can see connections between them that you may not have noticed before. This can help you develop a more cohesive story.

Reflect on your ideas: Reviewing your idea log regularly can help you reflect on your ideas and think about how they could be used in your story.

Track your progress: Keeping an idea log can also help you track your progress. It's a way to see how far you've come and how much work you've done.

Encourage creativity:

Keeping an idea log can also encourage your creativity. By having a place to write down your ideas, you may feel more compelled to come up with new and unique ideas.

Share with others:

You can also share your idea log with others, such as writing group or a mentor. They can provide feedback and suggestions for your ideas.

Remember, keeping an idea log is a great way to organize and track your ideas for writing a story. It's a way to capture all your ideas in one place and make connections between them, which can help you develop a more cohesive and interesting story.

"Embrace your creativity and let your imagination run wild. A new idea for a film is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with your unique vision. Trust in your abilities and don't be afraid to take risks. The world is waiting to be captivated by your story, let's bring it to life. Let's make something that has never been seen before, let's make something truly special. So, get ready to embark on an exciting journey of new idea story for film making and make it an unforgettable experience for audience."

Thanks for read this article hope this help you little bit of overall ideologies of making story.


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About the Creator

Raman S

Hello, I'm Raman. I'll be posting content connected to filmmaking that is helpful to beginners and those who are eager to learn about the technical aspects of the art. I'll keep posting content linked to filmmaking.

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