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How to Write a Novel

A Simple Guide

By Matthew AngeloPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to Write a Novel
Photo by Tuyen Vo on Unsplash

How to Write a Novel

People who want to write a best-selling novel often think that they can't succeed. Believe it or not, some people out there have written great stories and didn't even know they were doing so. If you want to write a novel and are unsure where to start, perhaps this will help. Keep in mind that there is no rule on how to do it. This is more of a guideline and not a rule.

1. Big Picture - Start with a one-line summary of your novel

Start with one line. Look at it as your first step as a baby novelist. Sum up all your ideas in one single sentence. This can be easier said than done, but once you get this, you're almost there. You're creating a whole new world, and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

2. Three Acts - Write a synopsis including the 3 acts of your book

Break down the 3 acts and give examples of what they consist of. The first act is called the exposition. It introduces the protagonist and sets up the back story for their problem. The second act is called rising action. It mainly focuses on how the protagonist deals with their problem and attempts to solve it. Finally, we get into the resolution or climax. This is where everything will fall together at some point. All these events come full circle, leading us smoothly from our main character's journey towards their goal.

By Sibel Yıldırım on Unsplash

3. Spotlight - Write one-page descriptions on each character

Plotting characters ahead of time may sound like a lot of work, but it can really help if you struggle with what should happen next in the story. Try mapping out what each character's role will be down the line. Know your protagonist's flaws and strengths.

4. Location, Location, Location - Build the setting(s) and determine their significance

This is as essential as your character descriptions. This helps build your narrative and gives you more to add to your story. Where the characters go and what the area means will add impact and conflict to your story.

By Patrick Fore on Unsplash

5. I or You - Decide on the P.O.V. - it can make or break your novel!

Choose one and stick with it, as doing otherwise can ruin your story. Also, avoid head-hopping and make it clear whose headspace you're in.

6. It's About Time - Create a pace between scenes and be consistent

You will want a pace that keeps your readers wanting more but not overwhelming them. However, it's more important to be consistent between the scenes, so no one gets bored.

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

7. Pen to Paper - Write your first draft (and then your 2nd, 3rd...)

Now it's time to write. For some of you, creating an outline before this may help you write your first draft. Get that first draft done without worrying about perfect. The first draft will always be a nightmare.

8. Edit Out - Self-edit and then send out to an Editor

Now it's time to edit. Before sending your manuscript to an editor, make sure it's as clean as possible. This may help cut some costs and make any corrections easier when you get the manuscript back.

By Henry Be on Unsplash

9. Edit In - Revise and Rewrite

Now that you got the edits back, it's time to revise what's needed and does any rewriting. You may need another round of edits, so keep that in mind.

10. Off to the Presses - Publish your book. Just do it!

Time to publish. Having the right cover will help people judge a book by its cover. After that, query a publisher or self-publish. Either way, get that book out there for the world to read.

By Jess Bailey on Unsplash

While there is so much more to writing a book, these ten steps will at least point you in a general direction. Your process may hold more steps (mine does), and there's nothing wrong with that. It's crucial to find a strategy that works for you to succeed. Ask other authors what theirs is and see if you can incorporate elements into your way of doing things. I wish you the best of luck and best-selling sales!!!

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About the Creator

Matthew Angelo

I am a traditional and self-published author and content/copywriter. I write in many genres like fantasy, urban fantasy, horror, cyberpunk, grimdark, romance and science fiction.

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