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How to Make More Money on Gumroad

From side hustle to full-time income

By A AvondalePublished 12 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Are you a creator looking to double, triple, or perhaps even 10x your sales on Gumroad? I totally get it. Creating amazing content is hard enough, let alone trying to figure out how to turn it into a money-printing machine.

Now let's be real, just listing your products on Gumroad won't make you rich overnight, and that’s where this article comes in. It will cover all the key tips you need to skyrocket your sales and bring in that sweet, sweet moolah.

So, let's dive into the world of Gumroad and how you can make more money on it.

1. Offer valuable products

The first rule to success on Gumroad is to offer valuable products that people want to buy.

To create valuable products, you need to understand your audience's needs, pain points, and interests. So, take the time to research your target audience and engage with them on social media (Reddit and Facebook groups are great places to start).

Another way to go about this is to check if similar products on the market are generating a good amount of sales and listen to the reviews from customers.

You should also aim to provide better value than similar products on the market. This could be higher quality content, additional resources, bonuses, or personalized support to differentiate your product from those of your competitors.

2. Price your products wisely

Pricing your products correctly can be the difference between earning a decent income and making a fortune.

If you price your products too high, you could discourage people from making a purchase and if you price too low, you could undermine your product’s value and hurt your profit margins.

Your task is to find the sweet spot between affordability and profitability, and this requires careful consideration and thorough market research. Here are some pointers for you to consider.

  • Get clear on the value you're providing. If your product saves time, money, or effort, you can charge a premium price. If it's a low-value product, you'll need to price it accordingly.
  • Research what your competitors are charging for similar products. If your product is significantly better than that of your competitors, you could charge more. On the other hand, if your product is similar to what they’re offering, you may need to price it competitively to make sales.
  • Understand your target market. Different markets have different price sensitivities. For example, if you're targeting a high-end luxury market, you can charge more. But if you're targeting budget-conscious customers, you have to make your products more affordable.
  • Experiment with different price points. Consider testing different prices to see what works best for your products. You might start with a lower price to get initial sales and then gradually increase the price as demand grows.

3. Promote your products

Regardless of how valuable your product is, it won't sell if people don't know about it. So you need to promote your products as much as you can to attract potential customers. There are many ways to go about this, let’s take a look at a few of them.

  • Create free valuable content. This includes creating blog posts or YouTube videos answering relevant questions your target audience is searching for, then suggesting your product as a solution.
  • Use social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are a few of the powerful platforms you can use to reach potential customers. Make sure to share engaging content, use relevant hashtags, and engage with similar accounts to boost your visibility.
  • Leverage email marketing. If you already have an email list, use it to your advantage. Send newsletters, product updates, and promotional offers to your subscribers. If you don’t have an email list, you can easily start building one via your blog, social media, or Gumroad page.

4. Optimize your landing page

Your landing page (aka Gumroad product page) is the page where customers land to check out your product and potentially make a purchase.

If you fail to effectively communicate what your product is about, a large chunk (if not all) of your potential customers will leave without making a sale. If you want to minimize this and boost your conversions, consider the following tips to optimize your Gumroad product page.

  • Write a compelling title: Your product title should be clear and attention-grabbing. Use keywords that accurately describe your product and its benefits.
  • Write a detailed product description: This should include exactly what customers will get when they purchase your product. You should also highlight the key features and benefits of your product in a language that resonates with your target audience.
  • Use high-quality images: The images you use on your page should showcase your product in the best possible light. Consider hiring a graphic designer from Upwork or Fiverr to create images that really stand out. If your budget is limited, you can design your own graphics with a free tool like Canva.


Gumroad can be a powerful platform for creators looking to monetize their digital products. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your sales and make a full-time income on Gumroad.

While this change will not happen overnight, don’t let it discourage you. Keep experimenting with different tips and strategies to find unique combinations that bring you maximum returns.

Thanks for reading! You can read my previous article here:

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About the Creator

A Avondale

Mindset & Motivation Tips and Techniques.

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