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How to Make $ 160,000 with Passive Income

Nonfiction Writing

By JasperPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In about six years, I've sold over 40,000 books, and while writing on the side, I've sold non-fiction books on Amazon and earned over $ 160,000 (earnings).

I have a full-time job, the father of three adorable boys, and I don't have time to write a book 40 hours a week. But in this article, I will share my journey with you.

I mainly write technical books:

Fortunately, my readers supported me and left a lot of good reviews. Quite a few were bestsellers

Some have been adopted as textbooks in college:

The best thing about my books is the passive income they earn. This allows you to spend more time with your family. I also gained confidence in knowing that I can always quit my job and concentrate on writing full-time. But I love my job and it makes sense in it (I'm in a Christian ministry).

I wake up every day and am excited to write. Writing something always brings me positive energy when work is scary or something unfortunate happens. I'm not afraid to write. In fact, I can`t stop myself from writing!

Besides the income, writing has also established my authority in the tech field. As I have mentioned, universities have adopted my books in their subjects. I have been approached by traditional publishing houses to author books for them.

Here are some mindsets that have helped me get started on being a successful nonfiction author:

1. You don`t have to be an Authority

Yes, I have a computer science background, and I worked in the industry for a few years. But I'm by no means an expert on the subject I'm writing. For example, in my most profitable book, Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB, I had never used it before writing the book. I've used old server-side technology before, but I'm not using Node. Does it stop me from writing a book about it? can. But learning new technology was in itself interesting to me. So I read the top three best-selling books on Node, took some online courses on Node, and put all that content into my compact book (that is, already over 90% of people). I know).

And since I learned while writing, I was writing from a beginner's point of view, so I didn't have to worry about it sounding advanced in jargon. Experts may forget the hardships of beginners.

CS Lewis said: "Classmates have less knowledge and can help more than the master. Difficulty asked to explain what he recently encountered. Experts struck it long ago, so He forgot. "

2.2. Solving micro problems you know (niche)

I didn't want to create a definitive guide to a particular topic. Instead, I found a market with many problems and wrote a book on a particular problem. for example:

What about web development with Angular instead of web development? What about blockchains with Solidity and React instead of blockchains? What about a recipe for a particular meal instead of making a recipe? How about learning math in Singapore instead of learning math? 3. Piggy back trend

The above topics are still fairly broad markets and should be highly competitive. Example: React, Angular. To stand out, your book should cover the latest versions or trends of technology. For example, how about learning iOS 15 development instead of learning iOS development? What about personal finance using NFTs instead of personal finance?

That way, you're not widely known as a novice writer, but the subject you're writing is!

4. Write a short and concise book

This is a feature of my book and I understand the point straight away. I got a lot of good reviews about it:

First, your readers will admit that you have cut all the fluff and went straight to the good parts. And the reader can actually complete the book and leave a good review for you. Second, as an author, you will find it much easier to write a short book. Instead of writing a 500-page book that sells for $ 50 (which you're unlikely to buy), write a 100-page book (which solves some of the problems) and sell it cheaper, that is, the number of buyers It has increased significantly! (Yes, the benefits are diminished, but that's another article). At least it was made public rather than left unprocrastinated. You spend less time writing a book, so you risk wasting less time if your book fails. use

Daniel Wasaro

Write a portfolio of small betting books!

Third, it falls within Amazon's $ 2.99 to $ 9.99 price range (you'll receive 70% ebook usage). All small and large ones earn 35% royalties. For a $ 9.99 book, the number of words is about 20,000-30,000. If you put more effort into writing and raise the price above $ 9.99, you'll only get 35% royalties. Would you like to split it into another $ 9.99 book instead?

(Note: The above is for the ebook version. Paperbacks have a different price structure. You can price them higher with higher royalty rates.)


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