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How to get your Brand or Product on TV across the Country

Are you looking around for how can you get your brand or product on TV across the country with Brandstar Sports & entertainment. Read more to find out how!

By Brandstarsports & EntertainmentPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
sports and celebrity branding

Are you looking to get your brand or product on TV?

The entertainment industry is a prime place to get your brand or product seen by a large audience. While you may not be able to promote it as personally as you can on social media, TV can drive a lot of traffic and sales for your business.

For example, if you're a fitness enthusiast, you can pitch your new workout product on Shark Tank. If it's entertainment-related, you could feature the entertainment industry as trade shows for entertainment businesses.

When it comes to entertainment branding, this guide will help you take the next step in making that happen.

Step 1: Evaluate your brand.

The first thing to do is identify who would be interested in your product or service; what are their interests and habits?

Next, figure out how many potential customers are out there, how much they spend each year and their entertainment interests.

It's also essential to think about your target customer regarding age, gender, or other details that could help you identify them.

Once you have all this information together, it will be easier to approach entertainment opportunities for your company.

Step 2: Make a list of entertainment companies and channels.

One of the most crucial steps in entertainment branding is to do your research. While entertainment has its perks, like getting your brand or product in front of millions of viewers, entertainment TV can also be very costly if you don't have an understanding of what's out there. So, you'll want to know what entertainment shows are available that you can promote your brand or product on.

Step 3: Narrow down your list

Once you have a list of all the entertainment shows you can think of, it's time to narrow it down to the best TV show for your brand or product. Here are a few different things to consider as you narrow it down:

First, figure out what your entertainment interests are.

If you're interested in fashion, features like Project Runway might be right for you. Eco entertainment is a big area that companies and entertainment channels are focusing on, so you'll want to look into those as well.

You also want to think about entertainment interests you might not have considered before. For example, if your brand or product is related to skincare, entertainment shows featuring makeup artists might be more interesting than those with singers.

Second, look for entertainment companies your target audience would be interested in.

Using the information you gathered in Step 1 of this guide, you can determine the best way to target your primary audience. Once you know who you want to target, it's easy to find entertainment companies and TV shows they'd be interested in watching.

For example, if you're targeting young adults, entertainment channels with a solid online presence might be your best bet. If your brand or target is for children, then you'll want to target entertainment companies that have a substantial audience of parents.

Third, consider celebrity branding opportunities on TV

According to Social Media Week, celebrity branding can cause the value of stocks to rise and increase sales by about 4 percent. That's a considerable amount!

The impact of celebrity and/or influencer endorsements can be a game-changer for your business or product, so you should look for entertainment companies that have celebrity endorsers.

One example is Competitive Edge, a magazine-style talk show hosted by TV legend Montel Williams that features star athletes, recording artists, and more. This would be an excellent option for branding for athletes and entertainment-related brands. Montel Williams is a well-known TV show celebrity and entertainment industry expert, so his audience will be much more likely to trust your product or brand if they hear about it from him!

Step 4: Contact companies

Once you have a list of target entertainment companies that would be most likely to agree to your brand or product being featured on their TV show, it's time for the fun part: pitching your product!

Here are some tips when it comes to contacting these companies:

Keep it personal

You don't want to send out a general email that could end up in the hands of anyone. Try sending personalized emails with your pitch to make sure your email gets noticed.

Be persistent

Reaching out to entertainment companies can take some time, depending on how busy they are. If you want to get your brand or product on TV, be persistent by following up with the company if they don't respond quickly.

Step 5: Celebrate

Congratulations! If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, your brand or product is one step closer to being featured on a major TV show.

Brand Star Sports & Entertainment

Brand Star Sports & Entertainment is a sports branding and entertainment company based in South Florida. Reach out to them for help with getting your brand or product on TV, entertainment branding strategies,celebrity branding techniques, and more!


About the Creator

Brandstarsports & Entertainment

A division of BrandStar Inc., is a South Florida-based boutique marketing agency providing branding and marketing solutions to professional sports athletes and individuals in the entertainment industry and marketing and branding agency

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