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How Digital Marketing and Online Reputation Work Together to Help Your Business

We are living in a world that is dominated by various elements of digital technology.

By markyjonesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In all aspects of life, the increased focus on digital and IT based elements has become crucial. In the sphere of business operations as well, the intelligent use of digital technology has become vital in determining the future course of businesses. For all modern businesses, having a website is almost an essential requirement as that can help them in many different ways to establish a brand and create better prospects for future revenue generation.

In this article today, we will devote the bulk of our focus and attention on the twin interrelated themes of digital marketing strategies and the dynamic landscape of online reputation management. Although both will be discuss\ed in turn as separate categories, however we will also look to drive home the points that both fields have considerable linkages between each other. Hopefully by the end of this article, our readers will have a comprehensive idea regarding these two very important themes in the web design space and will also be able to appreciate the value of getting things right in this department.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing in simple terms can be defined as the art of marketing on a digital platform instead of any physical platform as is the case with traditional marketing mechanisms. Any marketing strategy or initiative that is based on any kind of digital platform falls under this category and it has undoubtedly emerged as one of the most crucial elements of any coherent marketing strategy in the current digitally dominated environment.

The bulk of digital marketing procedures revolve around the princo;e of brands looking to leverage the use of internet applications to try and spread the word about themselves and the products and services that they offer. The internet offers unlimited opportunities for brands, especially upcoming ones, to create cost effective marketing strategies through various different channels. For instance, apart from the usually channel of digital marketing which is the brands primary website, some companies also make intelligent use of social media platforms to engage in social media based marketing which is one of the main forms of digital marketing methods.

Considering the growth of the digital space in general and the increasing convenience and cost effective nature of using digital devices, the digital marketing space will become more and more critical in competitive market scenarios, Those brands which are able to use the right strategies to optimize their digital marketing techniques will inevitably be at a greater advantageous compared to those who don't.

What is Online Reputation?

If you already own or plan to start a business website then it is absolutely imperative for you to understand the role and position of the concept of online reputation. The first thing to take note of is the fact that any website which represents a business online is automatically performing the role of an impression generator. Whenever a new visitor visits your website, they form an instant impression about your brand and the legitimacy of your business based upon their experience in navigating through your website. Many studies have been published in the marketing space which seem to suggest that the average online user usually spends anywhere around 4-6 seconds on a website before deciding whether to continue or skip to some other peer market competitor’s website.

Overtime, the quality of your website in terms of web design parameters and the twin elements of visual aesthetics along with navigability and ease of usage come to determine the quality of online reputation. One of the most important and most talked abut concepts in this field is orm in digital marketing. The short form ORM stands for online reputation management which seeks to analyze the perception and border impressions that people have about the particular brand or business in question. Negative publicity can bring serious harm to the long term growth prospects of brands and the principle of ORM is geared towards having an understanding of all types of feedback that a businesses’ operations may generate online and provide useful responses and solutions to those issues with a view towards managing them.


In this article today, our main focus was on decluttering the twin elements of digital marketing and online reputation management for modern digitally based businesses. We also explored some important themes related to these two topics and also spoke about their interdependence. We started things off by outline what these terms mean and how they are important in term of application in the real world of businesses. Based on our analysis, the right web design agency can make a big difference in helping new and upcoming online businesses to fine tune and optimize elements related to digital marketing and ORM.

If you are looking for a professional web design and development agency that has the experience and expertise to handle all of these complex elements, then make sure to check out Janbask Digital Design. The company has acquired a very positive reputation in the digital design solutions space by helping many different companies to find their sweet spot in terms of handling ORM and digital marketing elements. With that we have reached the end of ur article here today. We hope the information shared in this piece helps you to appreciate and understand the nuanced elements involved in the digital marketing landscape and how to go about navigating it for best results.


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