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Helping Others Is Helping Yourself

Helping others is helping others. Often, what others gain is not what they lose. In some people’s thinking patterns, they think that if they want to help others, they will sacrifice themselves. Many times, when we help others, it does not mean that we will lose, but because you help others, you will gain friendship and friends.

By alibabaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I think to help others is to give yourself a way, that is to say, to give others a way is to give yourself a chance, that is, to give others a chance. Let me tell you a story below, there are two people like this, one is buying buns, the other is buying quilts, and in a cold winter, two people who bought buns and bought quilts went to a ruined temple to escape the wind and snow. Those who bought the buns were cold, and those who bought the quilts were very hungry, but they believed that the other party wanted something from themselves, so who would refuse to speak. After a while, the person who bought the buns said, eat a bun, and the person who bought the quilt said, put on the quilt, and after a while, the person who bought the buns said, eat another bun, and the person who bought the quilt said, put on the quilt again, In this way, the people who bought the buns ate the buns one by one, and the ones who bought the quilts covered the quilts, and no one was willing to ask the other party for help. But in the end, the person who bought the buns froze to death, and the person who bought the quilt starved to death. I once remembered a song that called everyone to give a little love, and the world would become a better tomorrow, but the most important thing in it was who gave a little love first, however, the first to give love, It is the most important and the most precious. For me, it should be less selfish and more caring for others, then our world will be full of sunshine and wonderful. I want to tell you a story about "blind people carry lanterns". Maybe everyone will find it funny, isn't blind people carrying lanterns unnecessary? I used to think the same as everyone else, but a recent incident changed my thinking .

It was a dark night with no moon and no stars. I was in a hurry to go to a colleague's house in the suburbs. In a hurry, I took a shortcut and walked into a remote alley.. Wow, it's so dark, I can't see my fingers. Looking at the dark alley, my heart is so frightened that I really regret that I shouldn't have taken this road. , I found a bright spot in front of me, it seemed like a lantern was walking, I hurried up and rushed to say hello, only to find that he was a blind man with a bamboo pole in one hand and a lantern in the other. I was puzzled and couldn't help but ask him: "Why do you have to walk with a lantern if you can't see it yourself?"

The blind man said slowly: "More than one person has asked me this question. In fact, the reason is very simple. When I carry the lantern, it is not to light the way for myself, but to make it easy for others to see me and not accidentally bump into me, so as to protect the My own safety. Moreover, over the years, because my lantern has brought light to others and led the way for others, people have often enthusiastically supported me and led me through ditch after ditch, which has prevented me from many dangers. You Look, didn't I help others as well as myself? So. Every time I go out at night, I always carry a lantern."

After the blind man finished speaking, he continued to walk forward. I followed him and didn't say a word, but every time there was a roadblock, I carefully helped him. It was time to turn a corner. I wanted to say a word of thanks to the blind man, but I didn't know how to express it. After that, I just said, "You're good to go!" At this time, I found that the sky seemed to be a lot brighter... When walking alone at night, I think of that lantern...

Helping others is helping yourself

· Help others and be happy

· Quotes about helping others

·"Send the Letter to Garcia"--Serve others after reading

· I just want to use my meager financial resources to help the most in need

·The best recommender is yourself

fact or fiction

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