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Have you read a book before?

Tips on my reading journey.

By Hagar MohammedPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Have you read a book before?
Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

I have always been a fan of reading. It started when I was young and my interest in picture books and comics books began, so my mother decided to develop this hobby in me. If I had the opportunity to acquire more of books , she would give me money to buy. The matter developed until I read novels and then to scientific books, and now I am writing these tips  What I learned during this long journey.

Ps,I wrote these tips on World Book Day as a tribute to my love for books and to my mother who encouraged me to love books and now here are my tips, I hope you enjoy reading.

1.  Books make me feel accomplished:
When I set a reading goal at the beginning of the year and achieve it, I feel that I have achieved the greatest achievement in my life. I have no difference with the idea of ​​reading for quality and not quantity, but a person needs commitment in order to do what he loves and achieve the greatest benefit ❤️
2.  Books are the best way to escape from reality, that is, yes, you can go to periods of time or facts that upset you, but at least it will be from one source that does not try to annoy you or provoke you.  On the contrary, if you don't like the words, you will close the book and that's it, try this by closing the mouth of one of the speakers next to you 😂🤷‍♀️.
3.  What if the world is without knowledge or books?
I mean, every generation will need to start from scratch, because there is no knowledge to build on, so the earth will remain in an endless spiral, and we will repeat today from the beginning again.
4.  If one day you feel that you cannot hold a book, try to listen to it, there are people in the world who can achieve their greatest achievements through listening, such as learning languages, for example, so why not try audiobooks ♥️
5. For me, paper books are indispensable. The texture of the paper gives a sense of the act and state of reading. Paper is certainly the most important means of preserving history, even if there are alternatives in the modern era. But in my opinion, the original is indispensable.  Unfortunately, in the presence of technology and economic crises, we need to adapt.
6.  Read about anything and everything, even if it conflicts with your ideas and ultimately your own ideas and convictions.  But always put a saying (if you believe everything you read, stop reading immediately) in front of you, it will make things much easier for you.
7.  Read what you like, even if they tell you that it is not useful, because after many readings, I discovered that every book we read, even if it is trivial, we learned from it a new experience, and life does not follow one right or one wrong line, it is a mixture of this and that.
8.  Don't let your love for reading and encouraging people to do it make you lend your books to people because you will feel that your children, who are the books, will leave you and you will be very upset with them 😂💔 and they rarely come back, so you can replace borrowing by writing reviews to encourage reading, and keep your paper books because they are a treasure in an electronic world.
9.  If you haven't yet read the first book in your life, don't hesitate to take this step, no matter your age.

You can tell me your thoughts and how much you love reading in the comments 🌹


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Hagar Mohammed

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