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Future Of Digital Marketing For All Businesses: 2022 Prediction

Digital marketing is changing so quickly and dramatically that it is almost impossible to imagine what the future may bring in terms of opportunities.

By Jay JangidPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Digital Marketing

In the past couple of years, we've seen new technologies, a backlash on social media, and influencer marketing increasingly mature as a viable and powerful marketing tool.

Predictions for the Marketing industry in 2022

In my opinion, three major trends will dominate the digital marketing company. The first trend is the resurgence of content marketing as the first thing businesses do in marketing. Start-up founders and B2B SaaS marketers used social media ads before the pandemic to grow their businesses.

They are now doubling down on content marketing. Why? Google told us that content marketing is the best way to rank for buyer searches. Research from the Content Marketing Institute indicates that more than two-thirds of marketers will increase their content marketing budgets in 2022, with one-fifth increasing by double digits.

The second bug trend is the creation of content through artificial intelligence. Soon, we will start to realize the potential of an AI-driven content marketing strategy. AI will force us to reconsider what we create and why we create it if 60-70% of our content goes unused.

Publications like the Washington Post and others have been using artificial intelligence to generate templated content (think sports highlights and crime reports) for more than two years.

Our testing has not found any service that can produce quality blog content or long-form articles that can rank for search engines or meet technical or professional thought leadership requirements. But it may be just a matter of time.

The third biggest trend is the activation of employees. Although artificial intelligence (AI) will tell us what we should create, the best storytellers in the company are employees from across the organization. For every company to be successful, it needs to develop a strategy to activate the employees as both creators and the most effective means of sharing that content.

I call the Paradox of AI: As the robots perform more tasks for us, the more our internal experts are required to create and collaborate on content.

Everything is powered by voice

Smart speakers and assistants have been available for some time. Still, they took off in 2017 and 2018 due to the loss of self-consciousness about talking to their phones and creation of new consumer devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

There is no reason why the trend in mobile phones should stop growing, and hands-free technology will become an increasingly common way that users choose to interact with their devices in the future. The number of voice searches is estimated at more than fifty percent of searches online.

As voice search powered smart devices grow, marketers will have more opportunities to market to their owners. The opportunity was spotted by Amazon when it offered cheaper Kindle devices in exchange for agreeing to receive marketing communications. Targeted Alexa ads are already in development, and other devices will follow soon.

AI-powered marketing and support

Artificial intelligence has been expanding what's possible in digital marketing for quite a while now. Still, we're going to see exponential leaps in what this technology is capable of over the next few years.

Customer service chatbots will replace live agents, what's possible in digital marketing for quite some time, but we can expect this technology to grow exponentially over the next few years. As machine learning algorithms produce more complexity, they can replicate human behaviour with almost spooky accuracy.

Marketing is becoming more conversational and personalized, and chatbots let you take advantage of this trend without adding additional personnel and resources.

Even from logo maker tools to advertising using artificial intelligence these days. Though it hasn't quite reached human creativity levels, Google already runs ads powered by AI to optimize campaigns by identifying the best-performing ad designs and copy and automatically adjusting for user engagement.

Social Media in the Future

You may think social media has already become ubiquitous, but it still has a lot of room to grow. Although the future of social media might look like something more social, its popularity is not likely to slow down any time soon.

There will continue to be a presence of social media in every area of our lives, and it will become truly integrated with both online and offline services as time goes on.

Social media has spilt into the real world in an episode of the dystopian Netflix series Black Mirror. Individuals rate their interactions with others and are rewarded with better housing, jobs, and social status based on their overall ratings.

Is it science fiction? Maybe for now, but the future isn't so far away. It is pretty standard for employers and recruiters nowadays to screen social media management before interviews because most of the apps on your phone already share data with your social media networks.

For marketers, what does this mean? With a better understanding of each customer as an individual and the ability to offer them highly targeted offers and services, the AI algorithms used in social media have become increasingly sophisticated.

Marketing with micro-influencers

Influencer marketing has grown enormously in recent years, with top influencers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube attracting millions of followers and making six-figure incomes from their deals with brands.

Influencer marketing, however, is still in its infancy, and while it offers excellent ROI compared to more traditional advertising channels, there are still some difficulties to be worked out.

A problem that's still being resolved is fake followers. In addition, there have been instances when a relationship between a brand and an influencer has backfired negatively.

The influence of big names is diminished as they accept more and more sponsored posts and their recommendations become less credible and impactful.

Since consumers continue to place a more excellent value on personal recommendations than on advertising, it will be logical for companies to invest more in "micro-influencers" - those social media users who have a smaller but more dedicated following and who can deliver genuinely authentic marketing messages.

The power of influencers is not measured by their sheer number of followers but by their relationships.

Augmented Reality Takes Off

Are you familiar with the Pokémon Go craze of 2016? There were many benefits to the mobile game, not the least of which was demonstrating how augmented reality can be used in games and providing an excellent opportunity for businesses to sell to customers trying to catch a Pokémon or two on their doorstep.

Augmented reality is not just a fun gimmick for gamers in this day and age. More and more brands are using social media to reach out to their customers. In addition to this, Ikea offers a virtual reality catalogue where you can place pieces of furniture in the room of your choice, while fashion brands are starting to utilize augmented reality to allow their customers to try on outfits virtually in the comfort of their own homes.

Expect to see more brands jump on the augmented reality bandwagon and the technology becoming more familiar with serious marketing goals rather than simply a novelty.

Video Takes Over All Digital Channels

Marketers have realized the power of online video for years already - it was predicted by The Washington Post in 2015 that on top of all other forms of written content, videos would account for 80% of all online content by 2020.

Though we're not quite there yet, video is already a powerful medium, and live streaming video, in particular, has skyrocketed over the last year or so.

The impact of video marketing can be dramatic on engagement levels, and the appetite for video shows no signs of slowing - YouTube has already surpassed Facebook as the second most popular site (Google is number one).

You're already behind if you haven't fully embraced online video advertising in your brand marketing, but it's not too late. With the combination of live video and augmented reality, exciting things are becoming possible and original and creative videos will be the big content channel winner as we head into 2019.

Employee Activation Back to Basics

All these advancements in technology are fascinating, but we should not lose sight of the basic principles that make a truly successful cost effective marketing strategy and a successful business.

With employee activation, your organization will get the most out of every employee, showing them that their job is to act as advocates for your brand and grow sales and conversions in a way that is more effective than any advertising campaign could ever be.

Right now, this is the most significant trend in B2B marketing!

When your employees are engaged, they will act as micro-influencers for your company, according to the trend of micro-influencer marketing. As long as you can hire individuals who align with your brand values and help their passion for what you're trying to achieve growth, they will act as your most dedicated cheerleaders.

We are relying on technology more and more. Still, more and more organizations also realize they need to be more "human" and harness their employees' storytelling power and organic sharing power -the "paradox of AI" as we learn to exist alongside machines in this brave new world of opportunities.


Author Bio: Jay Jangid has 2 years of experience in the news media industry with journalistic touch and knowledge of how to create and recreate information into news. Now serving ‘eRank Solutions’ and 'Top Ten Corner' to serve people with right and original content.

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About the Creator

Jay Jangid

Jay is an SEO Specialist with 5 years of experience, specializing in digital marketing, HTML, keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and Google Analytics.

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