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Fair and Balanced

Every day people listen to the news

By ElizabethPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Fair and Balanced
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The news has been a reliable way for people to get a better idea of what is going on in the world for many years. Before the news was broadcast on radios and TVs, it was spread through newspapers. Every day people listen to the news. In the mornings on the drive to work broadcasters talk through the radio. On CNN you can tune in at any time to see what is going on. People tune in and listen to what they are being told without realizing how biased it can be. The people on the news all have their own opinions and thoughts. The media we take in cannot be completely unbiased as long as the people presenting it are biased.

A journalist’s job is to report on situations without showing any bias. When there is any kind of emergency reporters are some of the first people to arrive at the scene. Journalists ask lots of questions trying to get the complete story of what has happened. Once they have the details they are ready to present their story. If they have done their job then their story will be told fairly for both sides and the people can decide for themselves what they believe. For reporters, it is not always easy to fairly represent a situation. Body language and tone of voice can have a big impact on an audience. Many times when the news is presented it is in a way that is meant to persuade the audience. People rely a lot on the media. This makes it easier for people’s opinions to be changed based on what their favorite reporter believes.

Our society today relies heavily on the media. Newspapers and TV provide information on the important events that are going on in the world. Watching the news allows people to educate themselves on important issues and form educated opinions. Media is also how people campaigning for a political position can spread their messages. Many times you will see an advertisement and in the end they will say that the message was approved by the candidate that believes in that thing. There is new information presented every day and the mainstream media is the most efficient way to see it all. Every day on various news sites there is new information put out for the people to see. Depending on what your source for news is there can be lots of bias. There are certain sources that obviously lean towards one political party and support those beliefs.

Many of the news sites available are made for a specific audience. These channels often have people sitting together discussing the various news stories from that day. The people on these shows all have their own opinions that they debate with each other. The problem with these sources is that many times the only opinions that get shared are the ones the people on the show believe in. The other opinions tend to get left out because these people have their own biases. No matter what your beliefs are, there is a news outlet that supports your opinions.

Whether you support right or left-wing beliefs there are news channels that cater to your beliefs. Some of the popular news channels that support the left-wing beliefs include CNN and CBS. The channels that support right-wing beliefs are ones such as FOX and CBN. While there are many sources of news that support a certain side, there are not as many that stand in the middle. It is much easier for reporters to choose a side they support than to talk about both sides of a debate. To be able to report on channels, such as BBC, that are in the center people must have an open mind and be able to keep their personal opinions out of the discussion.

Unbiased media can only be reported by unbiased people. The reason that it is hard to find an unbiased news source is that the media is presented by people, and people are not unbiased. Everyone has their own opinions on the world. Part of being members of society is keeping ourselves educated on what is going on around us. News sites have a right to share the news in the way they want to share. Because of this right news sources are able to share their opinions freely and without worrying about what others think. Because reporters are able to share what they want to there are many different news outlets that support different arguments. This makes it so that everyone can see their opinion represented in the news.

News has always been an important part of our daily life. Journalists do their best to report the news fairly and without any bias. It is important that reporters and journalists fairly represent each point of view. Their job is to get the news out there, but since everyone is able to share their opinions it is rare that news is unbiased. The media that we see is heavily influenced by those that present it. Even when they do not explicitly state their opinion a reporter’s body language and tone can say a lot about how they feel. The media we see will not be completely unbiased until the people presenting it are able to also be unbiased.


About the Creator


College student, writer, artist :)

I mainly write poetry, I'm currently working on compiling and publishing a book of poems themed around Spring. Any works here with the subtitle "Spring: The Anthology" will be a part of that collection.

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