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Exploring Smart EV Charging in Commercial and Industrial Buildings

How Does Smart EV Charging Take Place At Commercial Buildings?

By VoltixEvchargersPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

If you run a bustling workplace, there must be many employees working with you who commute by driving an electric vehicle (EV). They might often struggle to find a charging spot at the workplace. This results in them ending up wasting time searching for an available charging station beyond the premises. Sometimes they're left with a low battery when it's time to head home, which leads to immense dissatisfaction.

Well, here's the good news: Smart EV charging stations might be the solution you've been looking for. Intelligent charging systems like the Myenergi Zappi Charger installation can revolutionize the way EVs are charged at workplaces, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience for your hard-working employees. In this guest post blog, we will dive into the world of smart EV charging in commercial and industrial buildings, exploring how it addresses the challenges of EV charging at the workplace and the advantages it brings.

How Does Smart EV Charging Take Place At Commercial Buildings?

Smart EV charging at commercial buildings involves the installation of intelligent charging stations that go beyond simply providing electricity to vehicles. These charging stations are equipped with advanced features and connectivity options.

Smart charging stations can communicate with the power grid, adjusting the charging rate based on the building's energy demand and peak hours. They can aptly integrate with renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, maximizing the use of clean energy and reducing the building's carbon footprint.

In addition, smart charging systems offer features like load management, which duly optimizes the distribution of electrical power among multiple charging stations. This ensures that the charging process is efficient and prevents overloading of the electrical infrastructure.

Benefits of Smart EV Charging for Workplaces

Implementing smart EV charging solutions in workplaces brings numerous benefits. Firstly, it promotes sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation. By encouraging employees to drive electric vehicles and providing convenient charging facilities, businesses contribute to a cleaner environment.

Secondly, smart charging systems can help manage electricity costs. With features like demand response, which adjusts charging based on energy demand and grid pricing, businesses can take advantage of off-peak electricity rates, resulting in cost savings.

Moreover, workplaces that offer smart EV charging demonstrate their commitment to employee satisfaction and well-being. Access to reliable and convenient charging infrastructure encourages employees to switch to electric vehicles, promoting a greener commute and enhancing employee morale.

Voltix: Your go-to company for the best smart EV charging solutions for your industrial locations

When it comes to smart EV charging for commercial and industrial buildings, Voltix is your trusted partner. We offer a range of high-quality smart EV charging solutions tailored to industrial locations. Our workplace chargers, including the Easee Workplace EV charger and Myenergi Zappi, are designed to meet the unique requirements of businesses.

A Myenergi Zappi Charger installation in your industrial setup would ensure your employees’ EVs get powered up fast and smart through the myenergi app. Meanwhile, it also cuts costs in energy consumption since it can power vehicles entirely on solar energy tapped inside it throughout the day. For small businesses, we recommend the Andersen EV Charging Point Installation, a compact and efficient solution.


With Voltix, you can transform your industrial location into a future-ready hub for electric vehicle charging. Visit our website,, to explore our smart EV charging solutions and take a step towards a sustainable and efficient workplace.


It's evident that intelligent charging systems offer transformative solutions to the challenges of EV charging at the workplace. By implementing smart EV charging stations through Myenergi Zappi Charger installation among other solutions, businesses can make the lives of their EV-owning employees, which are only growing at an exponential rate, much easier. Commutes would become much easier and of course, eco-friendly.


About the Creator


Voltix Evchargers is your trusted destination for cutting-edge electric vehicle charging solutions. Our expert team offers a range of services, from EV charger installation to innovative products like Zappi chargers.

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