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Elevate Your Career: The Role of Courses and Certifications.

How to grow by learning with practical steps and resources

By Syed BalkhiPublished 7 months ago 7 min read
Elevate Your Career: The Role of Courses and Certifications.
Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

Today as you go about your career and personal life, self-improvement is not just a 'nice-to-have' but a necessity.

Most of us have the urge to climb the career ladder, but it's the strategies we use to do this that truly make the difference.

I'd like to explore the major role that learning plays in advancing your career. More specifically the aspects of online courses and certifications.

We'll look at several ways that should be available to you right where you are at work or in your local community.

We'll also check out softer, personal skills that are just as crucial in leadership roles. Whether you're ultimately looking for a promotion or simply seeking personal growth, these tips will guide you on elevating your career and building better prospects. This could lead to many benefits such as skill-building, higher earnings, and better quality of life.

Leverage In-House Training and Certifications

Most organizations have a variety of training and certification programs available for their employees.

You should take advantage of these opportunities to learn new skills, broaden your knowledge base, and showcase your commitment to professional growth.

Start by asking your manager or human resource personnel about available options and how you can participate. Larger companies often have special training for women, minorities, or other underrepresented groups. If you can take advantage of them, do so.

Don't be afraid to reach out and take advantage of these resources. They are there for a reason and they can help set you apart as a dedicated and motivated employee. Such an attitude can help you grow within your organization.

Also, you build marketable skills that will help you grow in your organization or make the leap to another business. Or even start something on your own.

Look for different types of certifications and learning opportunities in your organization - both for technical skills and 'personal' skills like leadership, negotiation, and so on. Don't underestimate the impact of 'soft' skills - it's the one that can make you a leader at work. I wrote another post about the most valued skills at work and you can read it here.

Leverage Online Courses

If you don't have opportunities in your workplace, or if you're looking to branch out and explore new areas, consider online courses.

There are so many platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offering hundreds or thousands of courses. In virtually anything. You can learn WordPress, drawing, programming, data analytics, or negotiation skills. Or even how to boost your LinkedIn profile.

Many of these courses may not come with a formal certification (except for those from Coursera and other universities), they provide valuable skills that can enhance your resume and career prospects. Not all businesses demand official certification. What matters is that you apply what you learn and make it part of your profile.

Enhance Your Personal Skills With Courses

As important as technical skills are, soft skills can often make all the difference in advancing your career.

Focus on areas like communication, confidence, public speaking, and mindfulness. These can help you stand out as an effective leader and team player. You can build these skills over time and with practice. Get useful tips from reading books, listening to podcasts, or by joining clubs dedicated to soft skill development.

For example, The Toastmasters International Club is an international organization that helps individuals improve their public speaking and leadership skills.

Likewise, there are many dedicated non-profit spaces for women entrepreneurs, minority business owners, or small business owners that focus on leadership skills, communication, and more.

There are even local government-driven facilities that support local businesses through various inter-persona skill-building programs. For example, someone in New York can benefit from the New York Small Building Development Centre's business training. Similarly, small countries like Sweden and Finland have a plethora of networking and training options that cover soft skills.

Personal skills help you nail job interviews, collaborate with team members better, and negotiate terms better. Hence, it's important to develop them even over your technical skills. Not to mention, technical skills give you a lot of rewards but they aren't necessarily the key to growth.

Find Mentors

Mentorship can be an invaluable resource for career development.

Having someone with more experience and knowledge to guide you can help accelerate your growth and provide valuable insights.

Look for mentors within your organization or network, and don't be hesitant to reach out to them. Many people are willing to mentor others, especially when they see the potential for success. For example, you can reach out to someone on LinkedIn or offer to work with someone who runs a local business.

The key, however, is to be interested and to be willing to work a little extra. Show that you're listening, ready to take action, and value what you learn from a mentor.

You don't need to have a formal mentoring arrangement. Just a friendly and respectful relationship (online or offline) make mentoring easier and effective.

Take on New Projects

Lastly, don't shy away from taking on new projects or responsibilities within or outside your organization. This could be to arrange a party, to support another team, or to do some community work where you live.

These additional experiences provide opportunities for growth and learning, especially when you step out of your comfort zone. You meet more people, make an impression, and are remembered when matters of promotion come up.

Build Your Body of Work

One of the most useful books anyone can read about their life's work and career is 'Body of Work' by Pamela Slim.

Slim's book talks about the importance of creating a 'body of work' that tells your professional story and showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. This can include the sum of all your life's work including volunteer work, your writing, art work, professional achievements, and so on. This is about documenting and bringing together everything you've ever done.

It's also about making an impact, whether it's in your field through research, thought leadership, or open-source contributions. Or by doing something for your community at large. For example, a WordPress enthusiast who contributes to the core software or someone who translates WordPress documentation into other language or hosts WordCamp events is building their body of work - only they need to document it.

Having a strong body of work is crucial as it serves as tangible evidence of your capabilities and potential. It also allows you to explore, document, and leverage your multiple skills and interests.

So, if something unfortunate happens at your current job, it's not just the skills in your resume that'll help you find new opportunities; your body of work can speak volumes about what you bring to the table.

Also, the practice of building your body of work will force you to develop important skills like blogging, marketing, and project management. These skills are transferable to any career path you choose, making you more marketable. So, be sure to look up online courses that help you showcase and brand your work.


So far, I will talk about getting online courses and certificates to grow your professional career.

However, it is time to talk about your mindset as well.

An important attitude to have is to remain open to change and be willing to adapt. You have to have the belief and drive to keep learning new things as a life-long passion. Just because you've finished school or college, it does not mean that you are done learning.

You need to take up additional courses self-study to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in your industry. What is important, is so have a mindset that is constantly seeking information and this will motivate you to listen to interesting podcasts, attend networking events, and pick up things from the environment that will help you grow.

And don't restrict yourself to things you know. As strange as it sounds, you should do something completely out of left field when learning. For example, if you're a marketer, consider learning about history, or if you're a programmer, try your hand at painting. This can help you broaden your perspective and develop new skills that can be applied in surprising ways.

Lastly, remember that growth doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, dedication, and effort to elevate your career, so, be patient.

Grow Your Career With Courses and Certifications

For anyone at any stage of their professional life, intentionally investing time in upskilling, reskilling, and lifelong learning will lead to personal and professional transformation.

Whether through company training, online courses, or certifications, you must continually strive for growth. Even in small ways such as putting on an audiobook as you work or just listening to someone with more experience talk.

There is no question that building your skills and portfolio with the help of online courses and certifications will lead to positive outcomes. So, do something small one day at a time and it will all accumulate to skyrocket your career.


About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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