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Don't be seen as pushy in the workplace

Don't be seen as pushy in the workplace

By Richter HaysPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

When I was a rookie, once was sent to a big customer far over their resident service.

There was a legend in that company, and I remember her very well, she was thirty-six years old, she had already been an SVP, she was an engineering woman, trained as a technician, she had been a marketing director for seven years, and when I met her, she was changing the division of labor to take over a large supply chain system.

She wasn't pretty, but she was easy on the eye, plain as hell, and always wore a variety of white shirts and low-heeled suits of different colors all year round. Not particularly strong or sharp, nor special affinity or sense of humor, just a very natural and ordinary person. No one was particularly afraid of her, but everyone knew she had a standard of work. There, including the big boss of the board of directors, all commented on her: There is nothing she cannot do!

In response to my curious gossip, one of her boys described it to me with a tearful voice: "Every morning I go to work on time, but I always find one or two notes she has left for me taped to my desk, highlighting the main points of a job, sometimes praising or criticizing it.

I never know when she left these notes, but when I was promoted for the first time in my company, my immediate reaction was to thank her. I thought she had put so much effort into me! What's more, I would do the things she arranged on the note the first time, because I was very grateful to her for saving face for me, not criticizing me in public or face to face, but timely guiding me on how to do the right thing. She's been looking out for me! '

After working for the company for two years, I discovered her secret: Unless she was on a business trip, she would always arrive at the office at least 30 minutes before the rest of the company, and even if she was out on business that morning, she would arrive first and then leave. She used that 30 minutes to write notes to other people, very quickly. In this day and age, she doesn't use emails or texts, she uses notes! It had a caricature of her smiling face on it, and it was awesome.

Especially on winter mornings, when everyone is struggling to get out of the commuting tide and arriving at work in a state of disarray, her office is always open and the light is on. She is wearing a white shirt and looking calm and relaxed while drinking coffee and reading materials. It was a scene as soothing as the Virgin of the woods.

Over time, even the big boss got into the habit of stopping by her office before going back to his room.

She was always a woman I secretly admired because she didn't have a loud voice, but she had a presence that held the room together. The term "queen look" did not exist at the time, but when I first heard the adjective, the first thing that came to mind was her reading material in a white shirt on a winter morning.

Ten years later, I finally became the partner in charge of the client, who had just been elected as the new chairman in a blaze of publicity. I wrote her a letter recalling the influence she had on a rookie for a decade.

She quickly wrote back a short, handwritten letter, on blue, personal paper with a comic face, with a sentence I will never forget: "Business is a game of uncertainty, let's try to be the most certain factor."

Perhaps she's experienced enough to have a sympathetic analysis of her ways. From the office girl to the office queen's training process, the most important thing is to create a kind of up and down to their own "trust". And trust comes from what she calls "certainty": being ready to work, always starting a step ahead of everyone else, managing your time more autonomously; Personal image is recognizable, leaving a consistent impression of stability, minimizing personal color to the greatest extent but forming strong differentiation; This is especially important for a boss who has the power of life and death, but it's also one of the easiest things to miss when a lot of girls are ambitious and ambitious. Make the boss feel like you're always there and in control.

When the boss thinks that, it's the turning point when you secretly HOLD your destiny. As for the blue note, it is an important technique for her to make each subordinate feel as if they have a private connection with her, forming an emotional bond that is not more of a mentor than a mentor.

In the office of this dojo, calm second kill angry, let a person see your strong will lose. You are lucky, Your Majesty.


About the Creator

Richter Hays

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