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Do stars still shine?

Beautiful Distractions

By Muhammad Abdullah JillaniPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Do stars still shine?
Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

In the midst of the bustling city, its luminous skyline adorned with a myriad of dazzling lights, there lies a balcony that serves as a sanctuary of tranquility for one weary soul. As the upcoming finals loom menacingly, casting a shadow over the horizon of anticipation, this individual finds themselves perched on the threshold between the obligations of academia and the desire for solace.

On this particular evening, with two days left until the exams commence, the exhaustion isn't purely physical. It's the kind that settles into the crevices of the mind, a heaviness born from the awareness that preparation has been relegated to a backseat. The city, with its allure of ceaseless activity and vibrant energy, stands as a silent witness to this internal struggle.

Stepping out onto the balcony, the night air wraps around like a comforting shawl, carrying with it a fleeting sense of respite. Gazing upon the cityscape, it's impossible not to be drawn to the mesmerizing glow emanating from the myriad of windows and billboards. A kaleidoscope of colors paints the urban landscape, each luminescent hue a testament to human innovation and ingenuity. But in the midst of this spectacle, an instinctual pull towards simplicity emerges.

Lifting one's gaze heavenward, the stark contrast is startling. The vast expanse of the night sky, sprinkled sparingly with stars, stands in stark contradiction to the vibrant man-made spectacle below. These stars, these distant suns, have long held a special place in the human imagination. Yet tonight, they appear to be mere vestiges of their true brilliance, dulled by the ambient light of the city.

As the eyes trace the heavens, a yearning takes root — a yearning for a moment of stillness, of respite from the ceaseless hum of modern life. A wish is whispered into the cosmos, a wish for all technology to momentarily relinquish its grip, for the city's lights to dim, and for the stars to shine forth in all their celestial glory.

And in this contemplative state, a revelation unfurls like the petals of a flower seeking the sun. Life, it seems, mirrors this very dichotomy. Our aspirations, our dreams, our goals — they are the stars that grace our inner sky, beckoning us to reach beyond ourselves. Yet, akin to the city lights that distract from the brilliance of the stars, our lives are adorned with a dazzling array of distractions.

In a world perpetually connected and teeming with information, it is all too easy to succumb to the allure of diversions. Just as one intends to devote focused hours to study, the siren call of social media, streaming platforms, and a myriad of other digital diversions becomes nigh irresistible. The comfort of the familiar, the ease of the effortless, often trumps the harder path toward self-improvement.

Isn't this the paradox of modern existence? The very technology designed to connect and empower us becomes a double-edged sword, sapping our attention and diffusing our intentions. Just as the individual on the balcony is ensnared by the city's lights, we too find ourselves ensnared by the glare of our screens and the allure of superficial engagement.

The revelation, however, is clear. Just as the individual yearns for the stars to shine unhindered, we must strive to dim the dazzle of distraction and rekindle the brilliance of our aspirations. Yet, like any journey, it is neither instant nor devoid of challenges. To reach for the stars — to accomplish our dreams, pass those exams, or achieve any goal worth its pursuit — requires a willingness to traverse uncharted territories and to traverse the darkness of uncertainty.

It's a call to venture beyond the comfort zone, to shed the cloak of complacency, and to navigate through the vastness of our ambitions. And in doing so, perhaps we'll find a balance between the enchanting allure of the city's lights and the quiet magnificence of the stars above. So, as the individual on the balcony surrenders to slumber after the composition of these poignant thoughts, a hopeful whisper lingers, carried by the night breeze — a whisper that maybe, just maybe, these words will inspire someone to silence the distractions and, if only for a fleeting moment, reach out to grasp their own constellation of dreams.

As the city's lights continue to twinkle and the stars persist in their distant radiance, the tale remains woven into the fabric of existence — a reminder that amidst the bustling rhythms of life, the pursuit of our dreams is a luminous endeavor that requires us to temper the allure of distraction and, instead, seek the brilliance of our own stars.


About the Creator

Muhammad Abdullah Jillani

✨ Embark on a journey through my mind and the pages of cherished books. Unveil my musings about life's tapestry and explore the emotions that stories stir within us. Join me in this sanctuary of reflections, revelations, and reveries. 🌸📖

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