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Customer Video Testimonials

6 Ways to Do Them Right

By James MoodyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Customer Video Testimonials
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

One of the most effective marketing strategies is a customer video testimonial. You must demonstrate that you are more than just a company, but a living entity with real people who care about what they do and how they can help others. Let's look at some strategies for accomplishing this successfully.

Be Clear About Your Objective

Before shooting any video, you should decide what your goal is. Ask yourself, "What am I hoping to achieve by having this person provide a testimonial?" Is the goal to build trust, promote a specific product or service, increase viewer engagement, or generate leads?

Once you've determined why you're shooting the video, you can decide how you want to shoot it and, as a result, what kind of testimonial you're likely to receive.

Make sure your videos are high quality

If you don't have video editing software or video capabilities, hire someone who does! The last thing you want is for these videos to appear low-budget or amateurish, because the viewer will assume that's what they'd get if they hired your company for work.

This could completely turn them off before they even consider you. You can now find online resources that teach you how to create video testimonials from customers. The information covers a wide range of topics, from maintaining quality to remaining relevant throughout.

Consider Your Shoot Environment

The setting in which you conduct your interview is critical for several reasons: For starters, it will aid in the establishment or reinforcement of the brand message you wish to communicate through this individual.

If your brand message has a rustic, home-spun feel, by all means, shoot in a barn! Find a well-lit conference room if you want something high-tech and polished.

Second, the appearance of the environment will influence the type of testimonial you receive from your interviewee. For example, if they are sitting in a drab, cold room with poor lighting, they will be uninterested in creating this video.

However, if you shoot them in an exciting location surrounded by meaningful objects, the passion will shine through.

The third reason, which is related to "the look of the environment," can assist you in capturing the best footage possible. For example, if you shoot your interviewee in front of a white wall, it's easy for them to fall out of frame by accident.

Make Your Subject Comfortable

If you make your interviewee feel at ease, the entire interview will go more smoothly. This includes informing them ahead of time about the shoot (including what to wear), having a quiet room available for blue screen interviews, and taking care not to make them nervous.

Do Your Research

If you want your testimonial to be as effective as possible, you should do your homework on your interviewee. This entails learning about their interests, such as their favorite sports team, causes they support, and so on.

If you can find some common ground with the person you are interviewing, it will be much easier to get them to talk in front of the camera because they will feel as if they know you.

Direct Your Subject

If you're interviewing more than one person, you should have a clear plan for how to direct each interviewee so that they stay on topic and don't sound too similar.

This entails providing them with a list of questions ahead of time, at the very least, so you know they have a good idea of what to say. Record a practice interview with your subject if possible and see what comes out.

When done correctly, video testimonials from customers can be a huge boost for your business. It's critical to learn everything you can about them, and you'll never go wrong.

There are trustworthy online platforms where you can learn how to do it

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About the Creator

James Moody

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