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Chat GPT vs Bard AI

Difference Between Open AI and Google Bard AI

By hari kPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Chat GPT vs Bard AI

Now a days Chatbot makes lots of things easier. You can money with a help of chat quick way much simpler than manual handling

Chat GPT:

Chat GPT is developed by Open AI and funded by Microsoft.Chat hits almost 5 million Users in a couple of days

Chat GPT is a large-scale language generation model that is trained to generate human-like text. It can be fine-tuned for various natural languages processing tasks, such as question answering, translation, and text summarization. GPT is known for its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text, but it can also be prone to generating biased or nonsensical text.

Chat GPT gives human readble output who ask a questions.

Chat GPT last updated database 2021.

Chat GPT provide real time AI content

It give awesome result continuous chat.

Its always gives trained data based result

Bard AI:

Bard AI developed by google currently development process going.

After announce above loses 100 billion dollar.

Bard AI provides already user posted content best match

Google Inc’s new experimental AI service, ‘Bard’, which was developed as an answer to Microsoft’s ChatGPT, delivered inaccurate information in its promotional video. Shares of the company tumbled 7.8 percent on the Nasdaq exchange in the regular trading hours on February 8, and were largely flat in the after-hour trading.

The error was caught by Reuters few hours before Bard’s launch event in Paris. In the video showing Bard in action, the chatbot responds to a question about what to tell a 9-year old about new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), saying that the JWST was used to take pictures of a planet outside the Milky Way. This is not true.

Google on February 6 unveiled an experimental conversation AI service called Bard, as it races to catch up with the wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT from the Microsoft-backed firm OpenAI.

The service will be initially opened up to "trusted testers" before making it more widely available to the public in the coming weeks, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said in a blogpost.

Chat GPT Vs Google Bard

Though both Bard and Chat GPT are language-based conversational AI models, there are key differences in their design and intended use.

Bard will draw information from the data and sources already available on the internet. While Chat GPT’s knowledge is limited to the events till 2021, Bard will have access to the latest date and will be able to provide more fresh information.

Bard, in addition to being integrated with Google's search engine, will have access to a multitude of data, giving it an edge over Chat GPT, which is backed by Microsoft.

While Chat GPT is prone to providing some factual errors and making up stuff, Google’s Bard AI is believed to provide more accurate data to the users.

Bard AI has an advantage over other AI platforms, such as Chat GPT, in terms of the depth and range of information it can access thanks to Google's enormous data collection.

Bard will be able to distill difficult subjects into digestible, chitchat-worthy chunks. The goal is to spread knowledge more widely in a manner that is clear and can encourage learning in everyone, including kids. Whereas, Chat GPT creates content in response to the text prompt.

Bard AI is not accessible to the public yet, however, its potential is enormous. There is going to be a battle of AIs in the coming future and it remains to be seen, which AI model will emerge at the top. The implementation of AI has already begun transforming the way we live and work, with virtual personal assistants and smart home devices becoming increasingly common. Despite these advancements, the use of AI remains a controversial topic, with concerns about job displacement and ethical implications. As such, it is important for organizations to carefully consider the benefits and risks of AI usage, and to implement these technologies in a responsible and transparent manner.


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