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Best Uses of Your $10,000 Job Bonus

The best uses of your bonus are the ones that will help you and others in the long run

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

You've worked hard for that job bonus, and you deserve it. But what should you do with all that cash? You may not have thought about it too much yet, but here are my top ten best uses of your $10,000 bonus in no particular order:

Invest it in your retirement fund.

One of the best ways to get a head start on retirement is to invest your bonus in your retirement fund. The earlier you start, the more benefit that compounding interest will have in terms of increasing your net worth. This is especially true if you invest your bonus into an investment portfolio that's diversified and balanced between stocks, bonds, and cash investments.

A good financial advisor can help you with this process by recommending what kind of portfolio would be appropriate for you based on your age, income level and risk tolerance.

Start an emergency fund.

The idea of an emergency fund is simple: you want to have money set aside for emergencies. An emergency can be anything from a job loss to a sudden car repair or a medical bill. If you don't have money saved specifically for these situations, it could put your finances in jeopardy if something goes wrong. So start thinking about how you can build up your own emergency fund!

It may seem like a daunting task at first, but starting an emergency fund is easier than you think. Here are some of the best ways to save money fast:

  • Cut down on unnecessary purchases
  • Cancel unused subscriptions and services
  • Start saving small amounts each month with automatic transfers into savings accounts

Pay off high-interest debt.

Paying off high-interest debt is a great use of your bonus because it will save you money in the long run.

High-interest debt is debt with a higher interest rate than the rate you could get from a savings account. It includes credit card debt, student loan debt, and other loans. It's important to pay off this type of debt before putting your bonus toward something else because doing so will save you money in the long run by avoiding paying more than necessary on interest payments each month.

Invest in your children's future.

You're going to want to invest in your children's future.

This is the perfect opportunity to save up for their college education, or start a 529 plan and put money into it every month. Your kids will thank you later!

Help others.

The first thing you should do with your bonus is help others. Donate to a charity, volunteer your time, or give to a family member in need. These will all be worthy uses of your bonus and make the world a better place by improving someone's life who may not have had such an opportunity without you.

Another option is giving to strangers - this is something that can be done both online or offline (personally handing cash over). In fact, if you want to really go above and beyond when it comes to helping people out financially then give them money directly rather than just making donations. You can do this either by handing cash directly over or sending them an e-transfer from your bank account so they don't have any trouble accessing it later on down the road!

Take a trip.

Take a trip. In this economy, we all need a break from the daily grind. A bonus can be used to take your mind off of things and get some relaxation in. You could use it to go on a vacation you've always wanted to take, or even just spend time with family members who you haven't seen in years.

Whatever you choose to do with your bonus money, make sure that it's something that will benefit both your wallet and your mental health!

Make a home improvement.

There are a lot of ways you can spend $10,000 on home improvement. If you're looking for ideas, here are some things to consider:

  • Research what projects will be most beneficial to your family and budget. A good place to start is with an online search engine - type in keywords like "how much should I spend on home improvements?" or "how much will it cost me?" and see what results come up. You can also ask friends and family members who've made similar upgrades; they might have helpful advice!
  • Talk with professionals about your project(s). This may include getting estimates from contractors and designers. They'll be able to help give you an idea of what it will take time-wise as well as cost-wise.
  • Make sure that there's enough money saved up for doing the job(s) before doing them! Also make sure that if there isn't enough money saved up yet but there will be by the time they're finished being done - for example, if something needs painted but isn't completed yet but won't take more than one year (or whatever length of time) until it's done being painted once started - then plan out how much extra each month/year until then so no surprises come later when trying pay bills :)

Buy yourself something fun, but don't go overboard.

Your $10,000 bonus is already a lot of money. Don't get greedy and think that it's going to last forever. Instead of blowing all your money on a big-screen TV or an expensive purse, try treating yourself to something that will make you happy but won't cost too much in the long run. A great way to do this is by buying yourself some new clothes or shoes!

The key is not going overboard - you still want to be able to save some of this money for future expenses. And remember: if you're buying something with your bonus check that costs more than $5,000, it's probably best not to buy it at all (unless you really need it).

Donate to charity.

Donating to a charity is another great way to use your bonus money. While it may seem like donating money is the same as giving away your money, there are many cases where it can be more beneficial than simply saving your funds for retirement. In fact, donating to charity can actually help you save tax dollars on your taxes and might even make you feel better about being charitable!

  • Consider donating to a charity that is near and dear to your heart. If there's something important in the world that you care about, consider making a donation directly related with that cause instead of donating across multiple locations or causes. This will allow you to see the impact of your donation directly on their website or in person with them - which can be extremely satisfying for both parties involved!

The best uses of your bonus are the ones that will help you and others in the long run

  • Don't spend it all on one thing. It's tempting to think that you'll be able to use your bonus as a down payment on whatever you want (a new car, a vacation). But remember: if you don't have enough cash left over after the purchase, the item will lose its luster pretty quickly.
  • Don't blow it on a short-term splurge. A $10K bonus might feel like an incredible amount of money when it first comes through; however, if you spend all of it right away and then go back to normal life with nothing extra left over at the end of the month, then what was once fun will lose some of its shine - and become just another monthly expense.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket. This can mean different things depending on who receives their bonus - some people may choose to invest their money while others may prefer not to risk losing everything with risky investments or other financial decisions they aren't comfortable with yet (or ever). Either way is fine! You don't need us telling you how best to spend $10K - just make sure whatever decision(s) about spending/saving/investing are ones that will help you achieve long-term goals without putting yourself at risk in any way whatsoever!


The best uses of your bonus are the ones that will help you and others in the long run.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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