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Bad People

Do We Need Evil People?

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Bad People
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

The title of this article may surprise you, and you may be sceptical about the feasibility of researching the necessity of wickedness in our lives. We've been fighting evil in stories and novels since childhood, attempting to eliminate and end it so that we can live in peace, love, and harmony.

As we grow older and develop moral values that distinguish between right and wrong, we become more adamant that we do not want our lives to be surrounded by the wicked and unloving, and that we do not want to come into contact with those who wish us harm. However, we learn every day that life cannot be lived in isolation from all of its positive and negative aspects, good and evil, and this puts us in front of the basic question that we started from: Why do we need evil in our lives?

So, who are bad people?

Many believe that man is born evil, of course, or we can say that he is born inclined to evil and harm, and the philosopher Hobbes is the author of this idea, based on his vision that man is a wolf to his brother, man, and that what a person does of good is subject to the laws and moral and social controls that bind him and restrict him. his actions.

But if this were true, wouldn't it be difficult to find those who do good who are convinced and satisfied? Everyone will be obliged to apply the law but not willingly, and society will as a result turn into a state of cold relations in which people are not satisfied and happy?

In return; Jean-Jacques Rousseau found that man remains good and pure as long as he is far from what happens in society from corruption and bad, the natural condition of man is good, and he corrupts in society.

Away from our discussion about the basic nature of man, we tend to believe what the great philosopher Socrates said, when he linked evil with ignorance, indicating that the ignorant is evil of course, because he does not know good, and he who does not know good does not do it, for virtue is knowledge and vice is ignorance.

In fact, it is not logical to consider that man is born absolutely good or evil, we ourselves sometimes do good and good deeds, and we may find that we are sometimes under the pressure of evil actions, and perhaps this makes us think in a way that is contrary to the opinions of many philosophers and thinkers, and puts us in front of an idea Logical par excellence, namely, that our world is a world of contradictions, and that the thing in life is either characterised by a characteristic or its opposite.

So evil people are people who live with us and among us, and sometimes they are our closest people, they willingly choose actions that harm others, rather than actions in which they participate in the world in a positive way, they lack love, they have not experienced the feeling of being loved, and sometimes they do not care about it.

Come to imagine a world in which there is no evil, a world full of good and good deeds. This life, according to what we think, will be beautiful, with no evil in it, but in fact it loses its meaning. Life since the existence of man on the surface of the earth has been a set of contradictions that give our life value. Beauty stands out and crystallises in contrast to ugliness, and we cannot know the value of truth and justice if there is no injustice and infringement of rights.

This reminds us of the Chinese wisdom that frankly says that the world is made up of contradictions that make yin versus yang, stillness versus movement, darkness versus light, evil and good and other forces that attract and repel each other, and one may dominate the other according to human choices. There are those who choose good and prefer it over evil, and are responsible for their choice. On the other hand, there are those who find their purpose in evil and strive with all their energies to achieve their desires, no matter how harmful the results are to others and sometimes to themselves.

and accordingly; It is not possible to talk about a world without evil, for evil is an essential component of human life, it is a negative moral value, some walk according to it, and others reject it, and this is what makes moral values ​​relative despite their absolutes. In the realm of tangible assets are relative and variable.

On the other hand, the existence of evil appears to be a necessity that justifies the existence of goodness with full power, capable of eradicating evil from its roots, and holding its perpetrator accountable.

How can we deal with the evil that exists in the world?

if; Evil is inevitable, and perhaps we need it badly in our lives, because it is an essential component of the components of our lives that we live, and therefore we have to learn how to deal with all the evil that exists in the world, as long as we cannot change the reality, it may be possible to mitigate its impact on us. Of course, this means choosing what makes us happy and what doesn't hurt others.

We cannot abolish wars in the world, and we cannot make Cinderella's stepmother love her, and it is out of the question to achieve the absolute justice that the Sleeping Princess was able to obtain, but we can make the heroes more powerful in the face of the evil that forms in the world, we can To strengthen moral values ​​and increase the meaning of life in the face of death, for although we cannot abolish wars, for example, we can not be partners in them as much as possible.

However, we cannot lose sight of the fact that we are sometimes evil and sometimes good, and we justify the evil that we may do under many names. For example, when we kill a hateful insect and it causes us to feel disgusted, such as a cockroach or a fly, we seem to be ordinary people. We are lovers of cleanliness, but if we kill a butterfly, our behaviour will be evil, only that the butterfly has a place in our lives, for it is beautiful from our point of view, and a living creature that does not deserve to die.

But how can we justify all of the above, if the fly or the cockroach are not living and weak creatures compared to us, and they do not deserve to die? Do you not have the right not to be killed as living beings, like the butterfly that poets sing?

Perhaps the German philosopher Nietzsche’s point of view has a place within this talk. In his book “Beyond Good and Evil,” he explicitly states that the significance of good and evil changes according to the era and circumstances, and he says in this, “What an era considers evil, is in fact an unfashionable repetition of what was calculated.” in a previous, good age,” and this makes the values ​​variable and altered according to circumstances, eras and times.

Nietzsche's previous speech may make us reconsider our evaluation of the concept of evil, for what we see as evil may be good for others and vice versa. Lying, evading and wearing masks to fail and perhaps destroy his country, while the owners of the country being spied upon see him as an evil agent and a premeditated agent who causes harm.

On the other hand, killing is practised today in our lives under several names, when it is self-defence, it is called good, and when it is an attack on someone, it is called evil, and when wars break out, mutual killing turns into good and evil at the same time, and many people are forced to commit an act Killing against people they don't even know, and for causes created by man for his own interest, whatever that interest, we are the most hated creatures, and we may be the only ones capable of committing and enjoying the act of killing, and perhaps ISIS in our time is a living example of man's strange ability To enjoy doing evil and killing.

in the result; Thought appears to be the main carrier of the values ​​that we must possess, and it is the responsibility of thinkers and philosophers to build a balanced thought capable of accommodating the existing evil, analysing it and dismantling it with the aim of changing it, or limiting its effects. People, to abide by basic rules that make life safer, and less bad, and this makes the law the basis for controlling the reality of evil and its consequences. It primarily means respect and enforcement of the law, in accordance with the social contract that mitigates the evils we see every day.


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Judith Isidore

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