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A True Story

By Babs IversonPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Bekky Bekks on Unsplash

This year was exciting because the medicare advantage plan that I selected included dental and vision. At the beginning of January, called the advantage plan's customer service representative. The customer service confirmed that my dentist of four years isn't in their network. Since that was the case, requested a pdf of dental offices near me. In a matter of minutes, received the email. Quickly, reviewed the lengthy list for general dentists. Found Dr. Kristin C. that was in the network.

Googled the office. After filling out the paperwork online, scheduled an appointment for Thursday afternoon, the 19th of January, and requested Dr. C.

Arriving fifteen minutes before my appointment, reminded the front office personnel that I requested Doctor Kristen C. Immediately was informed that she hasn't been in their office for two years. Not good, but proceeded to inform them that my hearing aids can not be worn while having x-rays done.

Between x-rays and teeth scanning, was in a dental chair which was positioned at a low-level parallel to the floor laying completely horizontal. Before I knew it, I was in a vertical position, like the Statue of Liberty, and was feeling scared and nauseated.

By the way, I am still clueless as to what and why the position movement was all about. It was definitely sickening!

Honestly, all I needed and wanted was a regular maintenance cleaning. However, Doctor was recommending a deep cleaning and crowns on tooth 12 and tooth 28. I reiterated that I wanted a regular cleaning. I have never had a deep cleaning before. In the past, I have seen a periodontal dentist for an implant. However, the cleaning that was done in her office was not a deep cleaning but a regular maintenance cleaning.

Then, the doctor gives me his analogy,  "Patient has a broken arm. The doctor says it needs a cast, and the patient, says he wants a band-aid."

I say, "It's a good analogy." While thinking, there is a big difference between a broken bone and teeth maintenance.

Really, all I wanted was a regular maintenance cleaning.

Really, yes, really, all I wanted was a regular maintenance cleaning.

From the x-ray/dental technician, Miss B., Dr. Him, and Ms. E the hygienist, all three were telling me that I needed a deep cleaning. It was overkill or overselling. I felt like I was being coerced.

My response was, "I do not know whether my dental insurance will cover a deep cleaning!" Which was the truth!

A few minutes later, Mr. J, the receptionist comes towards me with the proposed treatment plan in hand. Here we go again, he is selling it too. Mr. J said, "I had it done half at a time and could tell a big difference."

That's good for him. There are disadvantages to having a deep cleaning, but he never mentioned that.

Mr. J continued the sales pitch, "Your insurance would cover a portion $973.60 leaving you with $470.00 to pay. With the follow-up appointment in a month and two others would be covered, the final one for the year would be out of pocket."

Of course, in small print, the verbiage at the bottom of the treatment plan reads, "Insurance coverage is only an estimate. Guarantor is responsible for all treatment not covered by insurance. Prices good for 60 days."

Before going to the appointment on the 23rd, that's this Monday morning, will reach out to my medicare advantage customer service. Since I do not have good feelings and vibes about the appointment, I think it's a good idea to talk to my medicare advantage person about my concerns.

Never had a phobia about seeing a dentist before. Feeling dizzy thinking about it, did I mention that all I wanted was a regular maintenance cleaning?


About the Creator

Babs Iverson

Barbara J Iversen, also known as Babs Iverson, lives in Texas and loves her grandkids to the moon and back. After writing one story, she found that writing has many benefits especially during a pandemic and a Texas-size Arctic Blast.

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Comments (17)

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  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    Oh my gosh I was getting so frustrated for you!! I absolutely hate insurance and I hate going to the dentist almost as much! 😩

  • Emily Marie Concannonabout a year ago

    Ahhh Babs I relate so deeply!!! I always visit the dentist but get nervous when they start saying stuff like we might need to do work here ... Ahh lol

  • Tiffany Gordon about a year ago

    Sorry 2 hear about the coercion! I'm not feeling their vibe-- I hope everything works out. I'm still on a break but I wanted 2 come show by and show you some love!😊

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    Most, if any plan do not cover Deep cleaning. I had to pay out of pocket every three months. Is it a ruse to make money. A regular clean is almost the same. I have changed plans, hoping for the best, Thanks for bringing that to our attention. Hope all is well with you Babs!

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    I can relate to your experience. I am glad you wrote something about. Now a days everyone wants to see you something extra. ❤️👌

  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    I have had the deep cleaning done I think twice in the past 15 years. But I know that it was very much needed. The first time was 15 years ago when I started getting back to the dentist again after not seeing one for about 7 years. And then the second deep cleaning was my most recent dental appointment I hadn't gone in 2 years due to all the stuff going on at home with caring for my mother and my brother leaving us and all. Did you ask them why they felt you needed a deep cleaning? A lot of times the deep cleanings are done because the gums are inflamed. Now the part about a broken arm is very strange. That I do not get. Why is a dentist telling you that you have a broken arm? Do you have a broken arm? Very very strange. The new dentist does seem very aggressive. My dentist will give me options. Such as if I am not able to afford the deep cleaning he will just give me the regular maintenance cleaning which is paid for by the insurance. I have a very good and understanding dentist. As others have said I would probably start looking for a different dentist.

  • Whoaaa, seems to me like they were just a couple of salesperson trying to sell you their stuff! This is crazy! I hate medical field professionals who don't pay attention to what their patient actually wants or have the concern if their insurance will cover it! Just a bunch of vultures. I feel so sorry for you, Babs!

  • Thavien Yliasterabout a year ago

    I hate it when people try to upsell You in something You don't need. I tried to buy a nice pair of duck boots once, and they tried to upsell me on Yak Leather shoes. Goodness, my mom remembers a story of an orthodontist who couldn't afford college for his kid, so all of his patients suddenly had to get braces. That's some fishy industry practices going on all for one's personal gain even though it comes at another's financial expense. The worst thing I was ever told was "I think we should file down Your canines buddy. They're looking a little sharp there." I responded, "They're canines. They're supposed to be sharp, and I haven't been sharpening them. If I ever see You bringing a file to my teeth just know that Your fancy suit will have a nice sized footprint in it, and that's not a threat. That's a promise." Ugh, reading this story made me feel disgusted for You. I'm sorry that You had to experience such things, Babs.

  • Veronica Coldironabout a year ago

    What a bunch of bullies trying to get as much as they can out of one visit! Thank you for giving a voice to this!

  • Judey Kalchik about a year ago

    So the appointment is today- will you let your readers know what happened in a follow-up post?

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    I would say cancel that appointment. They were not listening to you. Your previous dentist was not trying to sell you the deep cleaning. They should at least try a maintenance cleaning and then see if you need a deep cleaning. I do think when you are a newbie at the office there is a strong push to sell at that first visit for some offices. Listen to your gut about what you are comfortable with. Good luck and also well written piece 🦷

  • Its true in the UK and USA anyone with sickness or just want to look after themselves is seen a cash cow , nothing else by most organisations. We are lucky to have the NHS in the UK but the Tories have been trying to destroy it since it's inception just after the war and are really pushing it. If you are sick or poor then just die. Thant's their attitude. I would be dead if I lived in the USA. This is great write about a terrible situation

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Definitely more interested in selling the product, than taking care of the patient. I recommend finding a different dentist.

  • This was great! :)

  • J. S. Wadeabout a year ago

    You sure you weren’t in a dealership service drive ? Hate you are going through this. 🥰

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    Holy cow, Babs!! I have never even heard of a deep cleaning, and I go every 6 months. That sounds likes an unnecessarily stressful appointment. I hope you get it all straightened out. Great work writing this little snippet of your life. I enjoyed the read :)

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