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Advantages of Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes in Construction

Revolutionizing Infrastructure Development for Speed, Safety, and Precision

By AicranePublished 4 months ago 4 min read

Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes have become a crucial asset in the construction industry, especially in the development of large-scale infrastructure projects such as bridges and viaducts. These specialized cranes offer a range of advantages that contribute to the efficiency, safety, and precision of construction processes. In this article, we will delve into the key benefits of Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes, highlighting their impact on project timelines, cost-effectiveness, and overall construction quality.

Rapid Construction Pace:

One of the most significant advantages of Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes is their ability to facilitate rapid construction. These cranes operate on a specialized system that allows for the simultaneous assembly and launching of segments, enabling the construction of long spans in a relatively short period. This accelerated construction pace is particularly beneficial for projects with tight deadlines, ensuring timely project completion.

Minimized Disruption to Traffic:

In the construction of bridges and viaducts, minimizing disruption to existing traffic flow is crucial. Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes contribute to this goal by allowing for the assembly and launching of segments with minimal impact on the surrounding environment. The precision and controlled movement of these cranes reduce the need for road closures and detours, making them an ideal choice for urban construction projects.

Enhanced Safety Measures:

Safety is paramount in construction projects, and Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes are designed with a focus on ensuring a secure working environment. The controlled and automated processes involved in segmental launching minimize the risks associated with manual handling of heavy construction elements. Additionally, these cranes often come equipped with advanced safety features and monitoring systems, further enhancing overall project safety.

Optimized Material Usage:

Segmental launching systems allow for the efficient use of construction materials. The precast segments are precisely positioned and connected, reducing material waste and ensuring optimal use of resources. This not only contributes to cost-effectiveness but also aligns with sustainable construction practices by minimizing the environmental impact of the project.

Versatility in Bridge Design:

Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes provide architects and engineers with greater flexibility in bridge design. The ability to handle curved or inclined segments allows for the construction of aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound bridges that meet specific project requirements. This versatility opens up possibilities for innovative and challenging designs that may not be achievable with traditional construction methods.


While the initial investment in a Segmental Launching Gantry Crane may be significant, the long-term cost savings often outweigh the upfront expenses. The accelerated construction pace, reduced labor requirements, and optimized material usage contribute to overall project cost-efficiency. Additionally, the ability to meet tight deadlines can result in financial benefits, such as avoiding penalties for project delays.

Precision and Accuracy:

Segmental launching processes are highly controlled and automated, ensuring a high level of precision and accuracy in construction. The crane's ability to position segments with millimeter-level precision contributes to the structural integrity of the finished bridge or viaduct. This precision is particularly crucial in projects where tight tolerances and alignment are essential for the overall functionality and aesthetics of the structure.

Working of Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes

Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes work based on a systematic and controlled process that involves the assembly and launching of precast concrete segments to construct bridge spans. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how these cranes operate:

Segment Fabrication:

The construction process begins with the fabrication of precast concrete segments. These segments are typically precast off-site and brought to the construction site. Each segment is designed to fit precisely into the overall bridge structure.

Gantry Crane Setup:

The Segmental Launching Gantry Crane is assembled and positioned at the construction site. This crane consists of a gantry structure that spans the width of the bridge and moves along tracks on either side.

Segmental Placement:

The crane lifts and positions the precast concrete segments in the correct sequence. These segments are usually brought to the construction area and placed on dedicated platforms or casting beds.

Alignment and Connection:

The crane ensures the precise alignment of each segment. Special care is taken to maintain the required tolerances and alignments for the overall structural integrity of the bridge. Once aligned, the segments are connected to each other using post-tensioning or other connecting methods.

Launching of Segments:

After the alignment and connection of a set of segments, the crane is equipped to launch or move forward along the bridge's length. The gantry crane typically moves on rails or tracks laid on the bridge piers.

Repositioning of the Gantry:

After the launch, the gantry crane is repositioned to the next construction area. This process is repeated, with the crane lifting, placing, aligning, connecting, and launching segments consecutively until the entire bridge span is constructed.

Repeatable Process:

The segmental launching process is highly repeatable, allowing for the systematic construction of the entire bridge structure. This repetitive nature contributes to the efficiency and speed of construction.

Control and Automation:

Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes are equipped with advanced control and automation systems. These systems ensure precise positioning of segments, controlled movements of the crane, and adherence to construction schedules. The automation minimizes the need for manual labor in heavy lifting and positioning tasks, enhancing overall safety.

Adjustability for Bridge Geometry:

These cranes are designed to handle a variety of bridge geometries, including straight spans, curves, and inclines. The adjustability of the gantry crane allows for the construction of bridges with diverse designs.

Monitoring and Quality Control:

Throughout the construction process, monitoring systems are in place to ensure the quality and integrity of the structure. These systems may include sensors to measure alignment, stresses, and other critical parameters.


Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes have emerged as indispensable tools in the construction of bridges and viaducts, offering a myriad of advantages that enhance project efficiency, safety, and quality. From rapid construction and minimized disruption to traffic to cost-efficiency and precision, these cranes play a crucial role in shaping the modern infrastructure landscape. As construction methods continue to evolve, Segmental Launching Gantry Cranes stand as a testament to the industry's commitment to innovation and excellence.


About the Creator


Heavy lifting equipment supplier - overhead cranes, gantry cranes, winches, hoists, etc.


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