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9 Common Laser Eye Surgery Questions

Smile eye surgery

By SMILE FOR EYEPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
Smile eye surgery

We get tired every time we see our glasses get broken, or our contact lenses popped out in the morning. But then also we get confused about how to get rid of these problems. To some extent, the glasses or lenses get lost in places or on past trips, making the rest of the trip a difficult experience.

If these are the common circumstances you have had or have them in regular, then it is wiser to choose something which can give you a permanent solution for your vision problems as well. The procedure for this is called LASIK eye surgery, it is the best known and most commonly preferable eye refractive surgery.

The most common questions you must have before taking on the procedure –

1. Am I the right candidate for LASER eye surgery?

Before going for the procedure, you must meet a doctor for an examination.

The ideal candidate must be –

  • At least the age of 18+
  • Not suffering from an Autoimmune disease, which can’t be healed.
  • Not be pregnant.

2. Is LASER eye surgery painful?

There’s no pain during the surgery! Yes, you’ve read it right. Because doctors will numb your eye before the procedure, you will not be having any pain.

3. How much will LASIK surgery cost?

Laser surgery will depend upon the center you choose, the doctor appointed, and the extent of the refractive error.

4. What results I should expect from the surgery?

For this, you need to get the whole knowledge of the doctor’s background and his success rates. Everyone will have their own experience according to the disease and the treatment.

5. What are the potential risks I can face during the surgery?

Side effects including slightly blurred vision, mild discomfort, and sensitivity will be there for some time after the surgery.

6. How long will the recovery take place?

The recovery period will typically take one week to one month. To see the full benefit, you may wait for 1 year.

7. How long will the surgery take place?

The surgery will not take more than 20-25 minutes. You will need to go to the recovery room to recuperate yourself.

8. Can laser eye treatment remove my glasses?

The simple answer is Yes! The surgery will help remove glasses or contact lenses. The primary goal of the surgery is to treat eyes that have difficulty with near, intermediate, and distant vision problems.

9. How should I prepare for the surgery in advance?

  • You can take your work off for some time.
  • You can remove the contact lenses to make your eyes rest.
  • You can call your doctor and ask for more information in advance.

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About the Creator


SMILE eye surgery is an advanced technique and therefore the latest development in the refractive laser treatments.

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