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8 React Developer Tools You Might Have Missed

Looking to hire a ReactJS developer? Check out these 8 amazing React developer tools that you might have missed. These tools will enhance your development process and boost productivity.

By Erma WinterPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

ReactJS has become the go-to library for building interactive user interfaces and web applications. As a React developer, having the right set of tools can significantly improve your efficiency and help you create top-notch applications. In this article, we'll explore 8 fantastic React developer tools that you might not be aware of but should definitely consider adding to your toolkit.

1. React Developer Tools Browser Extension

The React Developer Tools browser extension is a must-have for any React developer. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchy, view and edit component props and state, and analyze the performance of your React application. This tool is available for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

2. Storybook

Storybook is a powerful tool for developing UI components in isolation. It enables you to create and test components independently, making it easier to build and maintain complex React applications. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly develop and document components, improving collaboration among team members.

3. Bit

Bit is a versatile tool that allows you to share individual React components across multiple projects. It promotes component reusability and collaboration, making it effortless to manage and maintain a library of reusable components. Bit seamlessly integrates with popular repositories like GitHub and GitLab.

4. React-snap

React-snap is a valuable tool for optimizing your React application's performance. It pre-renders your application's pages, making them load faster, especially on slower networks. By improving the initial load time, React-snap enhances the overall user experience.

5. React Cosmos

React Cosmos is a developer tool that assists in building scalable and robust React applications. It offers a sandbox environment for developing and testing components independently. With hot-reloading and advanced debugging features, React Cosmos streamlines the development process.

6. Lighthouse

Lighthouse is an open-source tool by Google for auditing web application performance and accessibility. It provides valuable insights into improving your React application's performance, accessibility, and SEO. With Lighthouse, you can ensure that your application meets modern web standards.

7. Redux DevTools

If you're using Redux with your React application, Redux DevTools is a game-changer. It allows you to monitor and debug the state of your application's Redux store in real-time. Redux DevTools is an essential tool for effectively managing state and tracking down bugs.

8. Reactime

Reactime is a time-travel debugging tool for React applications. It enables you to record, rewind, and replay user interactions to understand and fix bugs. With Reactime, you gain better insights into how your components behave over time, making debugging more efficient.

Why Hiring a ReactJS Developer Is Beneficial

Hiring a skilled ReactJS developer brings numerous benefits to your development process and the overall success of your web application:

Expertise: ReactJS developers are specialized in building efficient and interactive user interfaces using the latest React features and best practices.

Time Efficiency: Hire ReactJS developer who saves time as they can quickly implement complex functionalities and UI components.

Optimization: A professional ReactJS developer ensures that your application is optimized for performance, speed, and responsiveness.

Scalability: With a ReactJS developer, your application is built to handle scalability, accommodating future growth and updates.

Bug-Free Code: Experienced ReactJS developers are proficient in writing clean and bug-free code, reducing the chances of errors and issues.


Q: How do I find a reliable ReactJS developer for my project?

A: To find a reliable ReactJS developer, consider checking online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and LinkedIn. Look for developers with a strong portfolio and positive reviews from previous clients.

Q: What are the key skills to look for when hiring a ReactJS developer?

A: When hiring a ReactJS developer, look for skills such as proficiency in React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and experience in building scalable web applications.

Q: How can I assess a ReactJS developer's expertise?

A: To assess a ReactJS developer's expertise, you can conduct technical interviews, request code samples, and ask about their previous React projects.

Q: Is it better to hire a ReactJS developer on a freelance basis or as a full-time employee?

A: The decision to hire a ReactJS developer on a freelance basis or as a full-time employee depends on your project requirements and budget. Freelancers offer flexibility, while full-time employees from JS Panther provided the full dedicated commitment.

Q: What is the average cost of hiring a ReactJS developer?

A: The average cost of hiring a ReactJS developer varies based on their experience and location. Rates can range from $30 to $100 per hour for freelancers and more for full-time employees.

Q: Can I hire a ReactJS developer from a remote location?

A: Yes, you can hire ReactJS developers from remote locations, allowing you to access a global talent pool and potentially reducing development costs.


Enhance your React development journey with these incredible developer tools. Whether you are an individual developer or hiring a ReactJS developer for your project, these tools will undoubtedly boost productivity and elevate the quality of your web applications. Embrace innovation and efficiency with these hidden gems and create exceptional React-powered experiences for your users.


About the Creator

Erma Winter

I am Erma Winter and I work at Quokka Labs Company, a leading web and mobile app development company, as a senior web developer.

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