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8 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Today

It's one of the best things you can do for your brand

By Abena Talks Published 2 years ago 5 min read
8 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Today
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

8 Compelling Reasons You Should Start Blogging Today

Blogging has become an essential part of modern marketing strategy. It allows businesses to connect with their customers in a way that was never possible before.

There are many reasons why you should start blogging today. Here are eight compelling ones.

#1- Builds Trust

When people read blogs, they understand who you are and what you stand for. They learn more about your company and its values. This information helps them trust you as a business partner or vendor. And this is something that no company can buy through advertising alone.

We cannot stress the importance of building trust enough when it comes to online sales. If someone trusts you enough to buy from you, the new customer will most likely do so again if there's another need. In other words, building trust can lead to repeat purchases. And that's why blogging can be so powerful.

#2- Boosts Your SEO Rankings

Search engine optimization plays a huge role when it comes to ranking high on search engines like Google. If you want to rank higher than your competitors, then you need to have good content online. A blog can help boost your rankings because it provides new information that will keep users coming back again and again.

Every SEO professional out there will tell you that content is essential to get ranked well by search engines. When you start blogging, you may not notice any change in traffic volumes for a while, but eventually, your site will begin to climb up the ranks.

#3- Gives Customers More Information About Products & Services

If you sell products or services, having a blog gives you another avenue to communicate directly with your clients. When potential buyers visit your site, they'll find out all sorts of valuable things such as how long your product lasts, whether it works well, etc. All these details make it easier for them to decide if buying from you would benefit them.

Many people assume (wrongly) that selling involves forcing people to buy your stuff. But that's not true. The most potent form of persuasion involves uncovering your customer's needs and wants and helping him solve his problems with your content. That's what happens when you write a great blog post.

#4- Helps Create Loyalty With Current Clients

Many companies use customer loyalty programs nowadays—these reward loyal customers by giving discounts and other perks. But not everyone knows about these programs. Having a blog makes it easy for current customers to share news about your loyalty program with others. In turn, this creates awareness among new prospects, which leads to increased sales.

Also, writing a regular blog keeps you connected with your existing client base. By sharing interesting articles related to your industry, you create opportunities for both sides to interact. As a result, you build stronger relationships between yourself and your clients.

And finally, blogging helps you create loyalty in the way it sets you apart from your competition. There's a lot of information online today. And the fact is, not all the information out there is factual. However, when you consistently provide valuable and accurate information to your readers, they'll come back time after time. This process builds credibility and trustworthiness within your niche market.

#5- Provides Free Content For Social Media Marketing

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn require constant updates. So if you don't update regularly, you risk losing followers. However, creating quality posts takes time and effort. That's where a blog comes into play. By posting regular articles, you'll always have fresh material ready to go for your social accounts.

In addition, many businesses are now using blogs as part of their overall marketing strategy. They're used to promote brand awareness, generate more leads, increase conversions, improve user experience, etc. Therefore, even though you might be spending money elsewhere, you still get free content through your blog!

#6- Increases Traffic To Website

Having a website isn't enough anymore. People expect websites to provide value beyond just being a place to shop. The best way to do so is by providing valuable content. And one great way to achieve this is by starting a blog. Readers come to your site looking for answers to questions they may have. Once they see relevant content, they're likely to stay longer and even buy from you.

Earlier, we stated that blogging helps with search rankings. Well, another benefit of having a blog on your domain name is the traffic potential. When someone searches for something specific, they will land on your page first. If you've got good SEO practices implemented, then the chances are high that your page ranks higher than those who haven't optimized yet.

#7- Allows Branding

One thing that separates successful brands from those that aren't is branding. Brands create unique identities that set themselves apart from the competition. One way to accomplish this is by using logos, colors, fonts, slogans, etc. Another way is by building an audience around their brand. Creating a blog allows you to build relationships with readers while also promoting your brand in the process.

And branding is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Apart from setting you apart from your competition -- like we just mentioned -- it can help you attract new customers, retain current ones, and grow sales. In other words, it makes people want what you sell.

#8- Improves Customer Service

Customer service has become increasingly important over the years. Many businesses now offer live chat support, email responses within 24 hours, phone calls within 8-10 hours, etc. Providing excellent customer service means making sure every client feels valued and heard. One way to accomplish this is by offering free tutorials via a blog. This way, customers don't need to reach out to support to get help. They can read through your blog content and get an immediate solution!


So there are many compelling reasons to start a blog today. Blogging is no longer reserved only for corporations and big business owners. Anyone who wants to succeed should start blogging today! It doesn't matter what industry you work in; there are ways to experience the benefits discussed above to improve your company's bottom line.


About the Creator

Abena Talks

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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