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6 Benefits of Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Business

Influencer Marketing

By Manoj UpadhyayPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

There’s no doubt that influencer marketing is all the rage these days, even though the pandemic is making a temporary impact on influencer marketing spend. It certainly is one of the most popular marketing strategies and the reason for its popularity stems from the fact that customers today are more informed than ever.

Influencer marketing has been viewed through a lens of scepticism from its inception, even disregarded by some as a fad. But if word of mouth is the most successful marketing strategy, having an extension of that in the social media age seems to fall in line with the natural evolution of marketing, and has proven to be mutually beneficial for influencers and brand’s alike.

When marketers think about the benefits of influencer marketing, most think of the exposure that comes with a social media star or celebrity sharing content about their brand. It’s the publicity and attention that immediately comes to mind. But influencer marketing brings more than just that extra exposure.

Influencer marketing is expected to become a $5-10 billion industry in the next five years as more businesses use it as a strategy to improve their bottom lines. Despite its accessibility, many entrepreneurs are still hesitant to employ influencer marketing. The good news is that knowing how it works and deciding which influencer is spot-on for your activity can drastically change and grow your business. Influencer marketing offers many advantages that can help your business model stabilize and grow.

1. Better Trust and Credibility

Using a vocal influencer is like having someone besides you brag about your abilities or accomplishments. Because when you drive your company’s content, the audience realises it is your job to speak positively on your firm’s behalf. By partnering with someone external to your business that is trusted by the target market, confidence and credibility factors are usually higher. When people believe the genuineness of a message, they pay more attention and are more likely to respond.

2. Improves Brand Awareness

As noted, influencer marketing can greatly expand your reach and positioning online. Social users will begin to know more about your brand, your story, who you are, and the solutions you offer. The key to maximizing influencer strategy is ensuring that you're providing valuable content that adds to their social media presence also, ensuring value on both sides.

3. Highly Focused and Relevant

When you work with an influencer whose niche aligns with your products, you convey your message to a relevant audience. In fact, the primary reason why influencer marketing is able to generate high ROI is due to the relevance. When your message reaches such an audience, the likelihood of conversions is way higher than that of a generic audience. Focus and relevance, therefore, are key benefits of influencer marketing.

4. Influencer Marketing is Not Pushy

One of the main reasons why influencer marketing is more effective in influencing purchases is because it isn’t pushy. The followers of an influencer have willingly chosen to receive content from them. So, when you send across your messaging to them via an influencer, it does not come across as pushy. Social influencer marketing is radically different from traditional marketing strategies.

5. Drives Purchasing Decisions

Among the advantages of online influencers mentioning your brand is that it can actually drive sales. Consumers frequently look to influencers for advice on what products and services to buy. In a study, roughly 40 percent of respondents said they made a purchase after seeing a social media influencer use the product or service.

6. Boosts SEO

One of the most often ignored benefits of influencer marketing is how it helps with SEO. Entrepreneurs should also be aware of the fact that influencer marketing does not simply bring them new, highly targeted traffic, but it also offers them decent backlinks. When the influencer promotes content about the products or services offered by your organization, they will also link to that company’s website from their blog or social media channels. This will count as a backlink for your company’s website.


About the Creator

Manoj Upadhyay

A digital marketer & content creator with an extensive experience of 10 years working as SEO.


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