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5 Ways to Offer Security to Your Employees

And Help Employee Retention

By Angela AshPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

An organization can only meet its long- and short-term goals if employee performance is at its highest. Happy employees are 31% more productive and creative than their unhappy counterparts. Offering a sense of security is key to boosting employee performance. When your staff is not motivated to work, there will be a lag in the company's productivity.

Here are five ways you can offer security to your employees as an employer.

Hire an Integrator

According to Ken Paskins, the Founder of GCE Strategic Consulting, "Integrators work hand-in-hand with your visionaries to achieve the positive results that you're looking for. This leaves your team feeling supported, as with a strong number-two, who is more hands-on, adaptable, and a real catalyst for team cohesion."

An Integrator as defined by GCE Strategic Consultancy is the person who is the tie-breaker for the Leadership Team, is the glue for the organization, holds everything together, beats the drum (provides cadence), is accountable for the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization.

In any organization, the role of an integrator can be over-emphasized. A good integrator uses personal qualities like:

  • Effective conflict management
  • Good at planning and organizing
  • Able to understand and evaluate others
  • A catalyst for team cohesion
  • Possesses strong leadership skills
  • Employee developer or coach

To ensure that team members can work together and bring the company's goals to reality, an Integrator is a mentor, coach and people developer. They understand the need for fully developed people working together.

With an integrator present, employees will find teamwork much more straightforward. When an integrator does their job right, an aura of positivity will always linger in the workplace because each staff member trusts the other and the company's vision. An integrator helps employees to view their jobs as something they enjoy doing rather than a necessary evil.

Be Clear and Open About Financials

A constant flow of information between employers and employees about critical information is essential. There has to be transparency about financial situations that affect your team, so the employees will know what to do in case of emergencies and be more intentional in boosting the company's finances.

"Accurate and timely financial reporting is key. It is an early warning sign for your business' health, but some businesses have late- or low-quality books. My solution: Make it an explicit, non-negotiable part of one internal member of your team's role, and specifically track timeliness as part of their key performance indicators. If you make it a non-negotiable priority, your team will follow suit," says Carrie McKeegan, MBA, CEO, and Co-Founder, Greenback Expat Tax Services.

If employees have more information on the continuing profitability of the company for which they are employed, then it can help them achieve their goals and stay more engaged. It is also important to inform workers of the company's decisions or policy changes and the maintenance of pension funding and retirement benefits. It is best to have these conversations before hiring them. This would help them decide if working with your company is the best option for them in the long run. This way, costs aren’t incurred to onboard an employee who may not be the right fit.

Offer Continued Learning

The availability of training and growth opportunities influence how employees see behave towards their jobs. Training helps individuals improve their careers and collectively impacts the company's productivity.

Investing in training can increase your profit margin by 24% or more because it improves your employees' confidence and encourages their ability to deliver. Training programs help to cut off bad work habits and improve retention. Team members feel supported by continuing to learn skills crucial to their organizational roles.

Third-Party training facilities train employees in marketing and communications training, software simulation, product training, soft skills training, sales enablement, machine and cybersecurity training, brand, technical, diversity and inclusion training, etc. Asides from eLearning platforms, some books provide employees with information on how to do better at their jobs and proper leadership skills.

"As you keep developing yourself, you will discover that leaders are not born, they are made. Any successful person today is a product of continuous and constant learning. Whether you run your business, work in a corporation or you are just starting a business, it’s good to keep upgrading your skills," says Greg Kozera, Senior Enterprise Account Executive at ELM Learning.

Among numerous others, you can opt to use two significant methodologies to carry out training in the workplace: Augmented Reality and Microlearning. Augmented reality places trainees in immersive sessions while creating sequences to test and train individuals. At the same time, Microlearning breaks the learning process into relatively small bits, and units comprise short-term learning activities.

Regularly Check in on Your Team's Well-Being

Understanding that your employees are not machines designed to constantly and tirelessly work for your company will help you build a better relationship between employer and employee. Employees are human beings too, and human beings always need a form of encouragement or reaffirmation to keep them going.

Viola Eva, Founder and SEO consultant at Flow SEO, once said, "Having a successful work environment is not just about your projects and tasks. It's super important to ensure that your team members are always happily engaged and feel supported in their roles. If you see signs of burnout, a few days off is far better than trying to replace an irreplaceable member of your work family."

Make it a habit of asking questions about the well-being of people working under you. It doesn't have to be personal questions or unprofessional. This makes them feel appreciated and cared for by their leaders. When employees feel directly connected to the organization, productivity increases.

Offer Flexible Work Conditions

Hybrid/remote options should be introduced in the workplace to avoid burnout and increase engagement. Create a system that allows employees to work from home or over long distances when the job does not require their physical presence.

"One of my favorite parts of a remote/flexible job is that if I'm not feeling productive, I can simply stop working it and read. When I come back, I'm always 10x more productive and happier," Samuel Claassen, Co-Creator of Building Remotely, mentions.

When flexible work conditions are implemented, employees are likely to be less tired and better rested, reducing the risks of fatigue, burnout and stress. Instead, they have enhanced productivity and job satisfaction.


Customer satisfaction may be the goal of a company, but employee satisfaction is the only way to make this happen. We have narrowed down five ways to provide security for your employees because you cannot achieve productivity without a happy, engaged team.


About the Creator

Angela Ash

Angela Ash is a writer and editor, and is also the Content Manager for Flow SEO.

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