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5 Ways To Keep Your Website Safe

Protecting Your Users Should Be Top Priority

By Finnegan PiersonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

If you run a business, you've probably invested a decent amount of time and money into a website that represents your company. Whether your website functions as a resource for clients or is used to make sales, chances are that sensitive information is being exchanged on a daily basis. As a business owner, the safety of your business and its customers is your top priority. This article will give you a few ways to make your website as safe as it can be.

1. Hire Good Developers

A website is only going to be as good as its creator. It may be tempting to look at cheap website templates, but if you're running a business you want to invest in the best possible quality for your customers. Remember, your website represents your business, so it's important that it gives a great impression. Even hiring one well-reviewed developer or designer from a remote worksite like UpWork will give you better results than if you attempt to make it yourself.

Plus, they'll have knowledge of how to outfit the site with things like API security that will keep your website safer in the long run. If safety is the ultimate goal, good quality done by a professional can't be underestimated. Your website will be more intuitive, better designed, and more aesthetically pleasing, so don't try to pinch pennies on this step.

2. Install Management Software

A content management system is priceless when trying to keep a website secure. It'll defend your website by reducing weaknesses in security, and will stay up to date on the latest methods of hacking so your security is always one step ahead. The right CMS will be easy to use and modify, so even if you don't have a full development team, it should be simple enough for you to stay on top of website management.

3. Stay Up-To-Date

It's crucial that every area of the website stays as fresh as possible, as outdated plug-ins and uninstalled updates can open you up to attacks. Website accessories require their creators to stay ahead of security threats, and that's why new updates are being released all the time. You can easily automate the update process by installing a plugin like Securi Security to do it for you. Your website will run more smoothly and securely with just that easy step.

4. Ensure Password Protection

A lot of security breaches on business websites occur because clients and employees alike neglect to secure their accounts with a good enough password. This is why most websites implement extra security features for logins, such as two-factor authentication. 2FA secures an account by requiring the creator to have a backup identifier, such as an extra email address, security question, or code that will prevent hacking.

Another way to secure an account is by requiring special characters and capitalizations in the password. Complicated passwords can be tough for older clients to keep track of, so you may want to encourage the use of a password manager, rather than risking them writing their passwords down physically. A better login system might be a hassle, but it's the best way to ensure their safety in the long run.

5. Keep On Testing

Once your website is up and running, you may feel like it's time to set it and forget it. But it's essential for proper safety that you continue to touch base on how it's running, performing regular tests to catch smaller issues with forms or broken pages. It's not enough to rely on customer feedback since most visitors to your page will likely click away once they encounter an issue. By dealing with these issues on a consistent, frequent basis, the security of your website will be easy to handle.

Having a secure browsing experience will impress anyone who visits your website and chooses to do business with you. Use these tips to stay on top of security, and avoid the many headaches of poor website maintenance down the road.


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