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5 Tips on How to Escape the Rat Race and Attract Money

Now You can escape the rat race!

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
5 Tips on How to Escape the Rat Race and Attract Money
Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash


It's easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of what matters most. But if you think about it, money isn't all that important; we'll all be dead soon, right? And even if we're not, I bet there are some people who make more money than you do right now.

Or maybe you have a ton of debt that may never go away. In this world, and particularly in today's society—where our lives are shorter than ever before—we must make sure we're taking care of ourselves while learning how to attract more money into our lives. Let's take a look at the ways that you can escape the rat race!

Create value in what you do.

You should create a value proposition. A value proposition is basically the promise of what you do and how it will benefit your customers or clients. For example, if you're an accountant and charge $100 per hour for your services, then your value proposition would be "I can help my clients save money by avoiding overpaying for their taxes.

" You could also say "I am the most qualified accounting firm in my city because I use state-of-the-art technology that makes me faster than anyone else." This way, when someone hires you as an accountant they know exactly what they're getting into: They'll get quality work at a fair price, which should make them feel good about paying for it (and hopefully paying more than other accountants).

If this sounds too complicated or confusing—and let's face it: It probably does—you may want to think about creating a more simple version of this concept: Instead of writing out all these things about yourself and what makes up who we are as individuals (our personalities), why not focus solely on just one thing?

Maybe instead of saying "I love working with people," try saying something like "I love helping people achieve their goals through my expertise in finance." That'll give people some insight into how much knowledge goes into being able to run their household finances efficiently without having any kind of special training whatsoever!

Get clear on your vision.

The first step to attracting money is getting clear on what you want.

Create a vision board and write down all of your goals.

Visualize those goals every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Do the work to achieve your goals!

Feel the feeling of money.

The feeling of money is the most important aspect of attracting money. In fact, it's so powerful that if you don't feel the feeling of money, then there's no way you can attract more wealth into your life.

When I say "feeling" I mean actually experiencing it — not just thinking about how good things would be if only they were different or what people think about us when we're out in public. This requires some self-awareness: knowing where your energy comes from and when it needs to shift (for example, when someone says something negative). Then once you've identified these areas where your energy could use some adjusting and reprogramming, begin working with them regularly until they no longer affect how much joy comes from doing the things that bring joy into our lives!

Create an active money plan.

Creating an active money plan is the first step to attracting more money in your life. To create a realistic and achievable plan, you need to know what you want, where you are now, and where you want to be in the future.People often think about creating an active money plan by setting aside a certain amount of money each month for savings or investing. But there are other ways that can help too!

If we look at some examples from real life:

A person who has been saving five percent of their income since age 25 might have over $120k saved by age 50—and they're still working hard at their job! That's incredible!

A person who has been contributing 10% of his or her paychecks every week since he was 18 may be able to stash away over $1 million before he turns 60—not bad for being in his mid-30s with no children yet!

Let go of attachments to outcome and timing.

The first step on your way to attracting money is to let go of the fear of the result. You don't need that much money, so why should you care? And if you do get more than enough to support yourself, don't worry about it—it will make more sense later on in life when it's time for things like retirement planning or paying off debts.

Letting go of attachment also means letting go of any expectations around when your business will be profitable enough that you can quit working full-time and start spending time with your family again instead. This is another one of those "just do what makes YOU happy" things: if creating value feels good at this moment in time (and not just because other people are watching), then keep doing what makes YOU happy!

If you want to attract money, then create value, get clear, feel good, create a plan, and let go of outcomes and timing.

Let's take a look at how to attract money.

If you want to attract money, then create value in what you do and get clear on your vision. Feel the feeling of money flowing through your body when someone else perceives that value is being created for them by what you do. Create an active money plan where all steps are taken to move toward achieving this goal, but let go of attachment to outcome and timing.


Life is a big opportunity to create the life you want, but it can be hard when we get caught up in the rat race. If we keep our focus on what’s important and stay grounded—attracting money and happiness into our lives along with that elusive promotion—we'll both feel like winners! Good luck!

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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