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5 Key Features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

An unhappy customer can take away your ten other customers by leaving bad reviews online. That’s the power of customers in today’s business landscape, and that’s why you need intelligent solutions to stay on top of your customer service game. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is becoming a go-to solution for businesses who don’t want to live in silos, far away from their customers.

By Jack DenialPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Key Features of MS-365 |

Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) business solutions to help businesses survive by bridging the gap between their business, management, and customers. Among many other Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications, Customer Service is one of the most powerful solutions, bringing businesses and their customers together by improving core customer service values. Customer Service solution offers features that make customer service less like grinding sand to determine its mineral composition. Customer service steps forward to improve customer satisfaction and reduce time spent on managing customer complaints.

To further dig out, here are a few Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service features that a Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner can provide to get a competitive edge over your competitors:

1. Customer Service Hub

Previously called Interactive Service Hub, Customer Service Hub is an important feature of the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Plan. This is a built-in feature dating back to the inception of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in 2016. It offers a unified preview of cases updates and service issues. An interactive interface helps you ditch awful moments of sitting back and blankly gazing at charts and data. Click anywhere on the dashboard to see the magic happen; you will be able to interact with the data. With Customer Service Hub, get access to important site management features, like queues, service terms, routing rules, case management, service scheduling, insights, and much more.

2. Knowledge Base

Considered one of the most underrated features, Knowledge Base is an important solution as it helps answer customers’ frequently asked questions without dragging them through the hassle of having hour-long calls. With this Knowledge Base feature, a Customer Service Representative can forward knowledge articles such as product briefs, solutions to common problems, and how-to documentation during a customer support call. The perks of this feature don’t end here. It also gives you translation capabilities to cater to a global customer base without facing any language barrier.

Customer Service Hub |

3. Voice of the Customer

We have witnessed many examples where bad customer reviews damaged the reputation of the brand. No matter what you say about your brand, the actual voice of your brand is your customers’ reviews and feedback. Customers are king, and what they say about your brand becomes the prevalent opinion. So, keeping an eye on the customer’s feedback and reviews is essential to customer service. The ‘Voice of the Customer’ has important tools to gather customers' feedbacks and identify highlighted issues. It helps you take a proactive approach to improve your product and give your customers a better experience.

4. Automatic Case Creation

It is hard to understand the significance of this feature if you haven’t entered data from an email into a case system manually. But what if someone tells you there is a solution to automate this time-taking (and maybe annoying!) process? Sounds encouraging? Well, automatic case creation is the solution you need.

You can simply set up automatic case creation and routing in Dynamics 365, which will create all emails sent to customer support email addresses as a case record, sending them to the relevant queue. Moreover, you can also set up auto-responses to reduce customer response time.

5. Customer Service Insights

To serve your customers according to their expectations needs a detailed analysis of their needs, expectations, problems, complaints, and everything in between. That’s why the customer service insights feature is very important for your company. It analyses support cases and groups similar report cases as topics. It helps you drill into each topic, find relevant data and KPIs, and make future decisions based on meaningful insights received. The KPI Summary Dashboard further facilitates gaining insights to ensure a data-driven decision-making process.


If you want to take your business to a place where customer satisfaction is your speciality, customer loyalty your strength, providing the best customer support your competitive edge, and grabbing sales opportunities not a far-fetched dream, then Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is the solution you need for your business. It has multiple features to alleviate your various business pain points and make your customer service program easier to achieve. If the Customer Service feature is not part of your business plan, make it one. You will not regret your decision!


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