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12 Ideas To Refresh Yourself This Spring

Enjoy the fresh wonder of spring to refresh

By Sally From The Shine ProjectPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
12 Ideas To Refresh Yourself This Spring
Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

Spring is quickly passing by, but as it is the season for rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings, it's the perfect time for you to practice some self-care, refresh yourself and build up some clean and positive energy for the summer.

Self-care, at any time of the year, has many benefits

It improves your mental and emotional health

It changes your mindset to a positive one

Boosts your self-love which impacts also your self-esteem

Helps you learn and discover yourself

By embracing self-care you also embrace yourself.

Now that we covered the few benefits you can reap from self-care, here are some spring self-care ideas to refresh and renew yourself!

1- Start a gratitude journal

Adopting a gratitude mindset is truly one of the best things you can do for yourself and cultivating it can transform your entire life in a way you may find it hard to imagine. Why? Because it makes focus on the fullness of your life instead of the lack and emptiness, which we tend to focus on generally. And that feeling of having a full life already only brings back more abundance and prosperity.

So start a gratitude journal, or if you're not into writing, then just try to take a moment every morning or night, as you go through your daily routines to say a few thanks. Try to do this for at least 21 days, I can safely promise that you will not want to drop it.

2- Take a deep breath of fresh air

For me, there is nothing as special as the air of spring. I don't know how to describe it, but the air itself smells of rebirth and renewal.

Make sure you enjoy the freshness that spring air provides to the max, go outside, and simply take a deep breath every morning. It works like a charm every time and refreshes you too on the spot to the point where you feel like you can move mountains!!

3- Take more walks

In winter, it rains. In summer it is too hot. We can always count on these kinds of excuses to not take the time to practice some self-care.

Well, you don't get that luxury in spring!! Quite the opposite, the weather itself is working in your favor and it should be considered a sin not to enjoy it go for a walk.

Spring walks can have a very meditative effect so it's a double win! (make it a triple with the added fresh air!)

4-Go for a picnic

Pack up your favorite food, drinks, and people, and treat yourself to a languorous picnic day.

You can go to a park, the beach, or even your backyard, to each its own. The important thing is to make sure you surround yourself with your favorite things and people along with nature and that you take the time to just appreciate and enjoy the moment, life, and mother nature.

5-A digital detox

When we speak of freshness, it's only normal to think of simplicity and natural things. So make sure you unplug from your phone for a few hours a few times during the week as well as do some social media and digital detox.

Instead of spending all your time in front of the tv or chatting or surfing the net, make sure to enjoy the outside and the beautiful weather as much as you can. Your phone will always be there, on the other hand, you'll have to wait another year for spring if you want to enjoy it again.


For renewal, it is essential to do some introspection. If you want to have a beautiful garden for example and for your blooms to be healthy, you'll have to clean up all the weeds and deal with any insect issues.

The same is true for you, if you want to start fresh, connecting with yourself and letting go of some things that may be hindering you down is primordial.

Journal truly helps with that. The simple fact of pouring our heart on paper helps up connect the dots and see things more clearly. It ultimately helps us with making better decisions and choices.

7-Visit the local farmers market

A wonderful self-care idea that can double up as a family or couple activity.

Enjoy going to your local farmers market and see all the local, fresh and colorful stuff they have to offer in this beautiful season.

I find this to be a great activity that sparks childish wonder and joy at discovering new things. Something many of us lose as we grow old and become more blasé.

For this, it's a great self-idea practice to do at any time, but spring makes it even more special because everything is ten times more colorful, bright, and vibrant.

8-Buy yourself flowers

If you're not one of the lucky ones to have a garden, or you just don't have a green thumb, do yourself a big favor and treat yourself to some flowers.

Fresh flowers can change your mood and make you feel happier. So buy them, put them somewhere you can see them every day, and enjoy your simple and inexpensive dose of happiness!

9-Go for a bike ride

A great "multi-beneficial" self-care idea. Going for a bike ride is both great because it allows you to enjoy the spring fresh air but it also doubles up as an enjoyable type of exercise. Add to that the fact that you can spend some time away from your phone and you're doing a 3 in 1 self-care practice!!


Seeing clutter everywhere can actually be stressful. It makes us very difficult to focus and organize our minds (especially in the workplace).

So one of the best things you can do for yourself is to give yourself room for clear thinking by decluttering your space.

Hopefully, these simple spring self-care ideas will help you make the best of the last days of spring and welcome summer with a healthy mindset and balanced emotional state.

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About the Creator

Sally From The Shine Project

A self-made entrepreneur/writer.

From entrepreneurship, wellbeing, self-help to personal growth.

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