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What are some interview tips?

Interview difficulties and methods, a resume is enough.

By Mina(Life knowledge)Published 2 years ago 5 min read

A resume is worth every penny

Business needs + different industries, each company has different requirements for operation (fan growth, content, customer conversion, etc.), which requires that the resume needs to be matched with the position JD. The best way is to write the core part of the internship experience, and then adjust the proportion and emphasis according to JD, so that the interviewer feel that your ability and job matching degree is high. In addition, the following problems must be avoided:

Simplified clubs, class sports meetings, dormitory won a variety of awards, and the matching of the job needs of the correlation is not much, the resume is not the longer the better, can not add points will be reduced points;

Resume is your facade, do not appear typos, format is not unified and other details, will be very reduced impression points;

Template with simple generous is good, highlight the key information, such as the company is recruiting new media operation, the resume must have these keywords, such as: new media, wechat, copywriting, operation and so on, if not, try to keyword close;

Email your resume, preferably as a PDF. Because of the Word version, there may be typographical errors, but the general PDF does not.

Lack of preparation, this kind of situation often occurs in temporarily give up the postgraduate entrance examination or overseas study, etc., without internship experience, do not know the time line and process of school recruitment, naturally when looking for a job, it seems very passive.

In fact, as a student just out of the society, the interviewer will have a general understanding of your level + expectations generally will not hold too high. So one is don't treat the interviewer like a fool, don't overdo it. Just say in plain English what you have done, what you have gained and skills related to the post, but when you ask, you can't answer it. Second, when you encounter unfamiliar problems, you can first make it clear that you have little contact in this respect, lower each other's expectations, and then combine what you have learned to say it is good, and finally stress that this is what you have learned, if there is a mistake, please correct the interviewer.

In fact, here to find a famous enterprise on-the-job personage or professional HR to guide the best, they know the interview is more important, what are the "hidden rules", their company school recruitment market and so on, will be more useful than their anxiety tangle!

The first step is to analyze the portrait of target users based on background data, third-party tools and previous user research (you can briefly say how to do this, here you can first understand the company's main business and reverse possible resources, such as community APP, which also shows that you are very interested in the company).

The second step is to analyze the current content situation, disassemble popular elements and reuse them into content production according to the data of topic selection, reading amount and forwarding amount, so as to improve the popularity rate.

The third step is to consider whether to choose other channels to promote content on multiple platforms according to the current situation of active platforms and platforms.

Step 4: Plan some online and offline activities suitable for platform users to participate in, activate existing users and bring new users;

Fifth step, continue to optimize content, channels, activities and other aspects according to the data feedback.

Improve your match, so before the interview, check your resume with the hiring JD to see what matches you have and what doesn't. For matching points, you need to be familiar with them thoroughly, and they may be dug deep. Did not match the point, roughly understand, do have the bottom of the heart, even if not done before, but also generally know what is the matter, to avoid asking three do not know.

Find out what the company does, how it makes money, and who the boss is before the interview. Analyze what the company's strengths are and what sets it apart from others. Why did you choose our company? And so on. At the same time, you can put forward your own ideas based on your own experience and show the interviewer that you really want to use your skills to make the company grow. Don't just set big goals, but fill them in with details. Simply state the timeline and how you will achieve them.

I have participated in two group interviews, mainly in the form of a group of 5-8 people discussing a given problem and making a decision, also known as a "leaderless group discussion", where the interviewer looks on and scores based on performance.

First of all, the group of surface basically won't be on business, is more of a personal qualities, such as organization and coordination ability, oral expression ability, debate persuade ability and so on various aspects ability and quality of whether reach the designated position requirements, as well as the degree of confidence, motivation, emotional stability, reaction flexibility personality characteristics such as whether to conform to the designated position group atmosphere.

Second, groups don't treat each person differently just because of the role they play. But it depends on whether the person holding the relevant position can do a good job in the corresponding job. For example, the leader should control the direction of group discussion and coordinate opinions among members. The recorder should take notes of valuable discussions and summarize them, etc. Therefore, it is not recommended to be too aggressive, which will make the interviewer feel that being too strong is not conducive to teamwork, nor can it be afraid that the whole process is dull and silent, which is sure to be brushed off.

Judge whether you passed the interview

A lot of people have teased interviewers for not giving them timely feedback, putting it off for a few days or not giving them feedback at all. This is actually basic, from my personal experience can be judged from the following points to determine whether the interview is passed, save time:

Short interview time: The average interview time is 30-60 minutes, but if your interview time is less than 20 minutes, there's little you can do about it. Move on.

Did not give a clear reply time: to you have intentions, will be in the end of 1 day after the appointment of the second or final time, if there is no estimate or is the spare tire, or is not. Of course, if you are in a hurry to let you join the company is not recommended, most likely no one to take over the project in a hurry to hire, such a large probability of the project will let you leave after the end of the project.


About the Creator

Mina(Life knowledge)

Thank you for your attention, my name is Mina, here you will see a lot of interesting and useful knowledge, I believe my article will help you, let you solve some small troubles in life, I am very glad to become friends with you, thank you!

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