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job relations

By CarmenJimersonCross-SafieddinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

IT WAS AGREED AFTER FOUR MONTHS of physical therapy in a wading pool and injections and brace for immobilization ordered by occupational therapists that were sure to "allow for strengthening broken and fractured bone and prevent further damage." FMLA... family medical leave act options worn to an end brought a decisive crew of job relations, ADA and AFSCME representatives together with recommendations from CMS and DHS for a round table discussion on a potential positive direction to prevent forced retirement and allow continuance of work for a willing employee. The decision to opt for a transfer to an alternate government department in an available open position with comparable pay while avoiding excess strain beyond doctor's recommended lifting was finally at end. The injured employee mandated to attend the meeting was sent through the loops to collect the most up to date documentation for a lateral transfer of her job title and employee number. The state personnel records office provided copies of the open job posting from among it's many flyers and the results of mandatory application, stamped and filed with the signed acceptance of her application for the position by the new department. Her interview had been successful. There was only the need to finalize the determination to make the trade... transition an employee from office assistant to office clerk with her signed approval for an annual pay cut of $1000. Trading off from working secure spaces at a tax recording office to deep files maintained on the state's incarcerated population are each critical in their own accord, both demanding a qualified level of confidentiality. Despite a record of qualifying confidential background examinations by FBI, BOI and military agencis, she was blacklisted for the position; recalled from working. The first day of working the position had gone smoothly, she got along well with the staff in the new office but was recalled by co workers at the old office with no explanation.

==>While this varies by state, injured workers typically receive two-thirds of their average wages for the period of time that they are unable to work. The amount of lost wage compensation that an employee will receive varies depending on the nature and extent of the injury. A back injury and fractured forearm both requires time to heal leading up to an additional occupational injury detail. The value of "loss"... in the case of a back injury, temporary or permanent, the term is LOSS OF A PERSON by ruling of worker's compensation. A back injury freezes the bulk of free movement preventing one to function. The same value is placed upon suffereage of a head injury. Loss of a person due to inability to perform at a normal level.

The new girl, one week into replacing the prior worker in her position, was eager to earn brownie points and be seen by the manager of her department. She cancelled the incoming documentation and recommendation on the disability officer's computer and visited on a new report of doctor referral for weight retraints showing potential for excess of 10lbs. The transfer to the office of the Prisoner Review Board was voided as "ineligible" due to an unexplained deficit of paperwork. The offer of options to "go back to the work area and perform your assigned job description as hired to perform... or leave" was all it took. The employee opted to retire on the edge of the disbility representative's suggestion, "that you're old enough to retire." It had already taken months of running the gambit to reach the appreciable option offered to work the lesser position for lesser pay on recommendation of the department administration. She signed the retirement document and left the building hired an attorney with an advertiesd and well known attorney group, Atty Jones and filed for workers compensation for the fractured arm and sacrum injury to her back at work while working. She would have to find at least three years of income before the government's minimum age of early retirement.

The attorney lost the worker's comp case and she was denied rehire to any state position over the following years.


About the Creator


A widow, sharing experiences. SHARING LIFE LIVED, things seen, lessons learned & spreading peace where I can.

Call me "Gina" ( pronounced "jeena" ) short for REGINA

more at my original page

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