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"The Hustle and Heart Behind the Business"


By Kari RappoldPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo Credit: Kari Rappold

Welcome to "The Hustle and Heart Behind the Business," a series dedicated to showcasing the inspiring stories of small business owners who pour their heart and soul into their work every day. We'll be diving deep into the grit and determination it takes to make a business successful, exploring the hustle behind the scenes and the heart that fuels it all. Join us as we learn from these amazing entrepreneurs and discover what drives them to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles.

"Being a small business owner requires both courage and creativity - the courage to take risks and the creativity to turn challenges into opportunities. It's a journey that demands hustle, heart, and an unwavering belief in your vision. But with passion, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, every step you take moves you closer to your dreams." -Kari Rappold

Welcome to "The Hustle and Heart Behind the Business"! Today, we are joined by a small business owner who has demonstrated incredible passion and dedication to their craft. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down and learn more about their journey, the challenges they have faced, and the successes they have achieved along the way. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Me: "Hey Katherine, it's been a while since we've spoken. How have things been?"

Katherine: Hey Kari! Things have been great! Just staying busy with work and juggling mom life. How about for you?

Me: "I'm doing great, thanks for asking! I'm a mom too as you know and I'm also chasing my dream of writing stories. It's a lot of work, especially when you're just starting out, but I'm loving it!"

Katherine: It absolutely is a lot of work, but it's very rewarding as well!

Me: It certainly is! Can you tell us what inspired you to start your own business?

Katherine: As you know, we did IVF to have our son. My current job pays for IVF, so I am sitting tight until our next embryo transfer. After that I plan to be a stay at home mom. I can never sit still and wanted to have something going to have a steady income to fall back on if need be, have some extra shopping money, be able to work when I want and most importantly show my children how hard work pays off!

Me: That's amazing. Having a job pay for ivf is wonderful! I know all too well how expensive it is. Can you tell us what your business is and how it's evolved over time?

Katherine: I make freshies, and you may be asking what is a freshie? A freshie is a hand decorated air freshener meant for small spaces. Most put them in their cars but I've heard bathrooms, closets and honestly I use the ones that don't turn out in the diaper pail! It started as just freshies but I've slowly expanded into carpet freshener, pens, car coasters, tumblers, digital art, earrings and other season items. I love crafting and making things so I just find new things I can do, if I enjoy it, I add it to my shop! I also started a subscription with a new exclusive freshie each month and usually a product from another small business inside. We are adding 3D printed items in the near future.

Me: Those are amazing. I don't use scene stuff anymore, but may have to get more detail on some of the other things you do!

Katherine: Well guess what?! I also offer unscented freshies! Now you may be asking WHY, isn't the purpose for the scent? Well yes and no. Some like the cute decoration in their car but are sensitive to certain scents, allergies or just don't like fragranced things. An unscented freshie allows you to enjoy the cute decoration without the scent! The car coasters are also customizable like the freshies. Many like to put their kids pictures on them. Recently though I've really been enjoying the digital art side of the business! I've always liked drawing and love crafting so once I figured out how to draw on my iPad I've been obsessed!

Me: I will definitely be having to check that out then ! I also enjoy digital art using procreate. I don’t know if that’s what you use but it’s really awesome since we’re both business minded. Maybe we can collaborate on something outside of the interview.

Katherine: I love procreate! It took a bit to figure out, especially since my iPad is my only Apple product but I would love that!

Me: So, Katherine. If you don't mind telling the readers what are your goals for your business in the next 5 years? I think it's important to have goals and a decent timeline to achieve them.

Katherine: In the next 5 years I would love to have business be steady enough to consider it a part time income or even full time but still be able to be flexible enough to have a random play date with my son. I'd like to be able to build a little shop as well to operate out of!

Me: What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own business?

Katherine: My biggest tip on managing both is while it seems like you don't have time, make the time. Customers can wait a day. Your child is only this age once. I tend to make days that are "work" days and days that are just for focusing on family. Sometimes a child gets sick or just wants mom that day so you adjust. Others can wait an extra day.

Me: Wow! That’s such an inspiration to someone like me who is trying to build a business. Do you have any business information you wanna share so people can know how to reach out to you?

Katherine: I'm so glad! It really just takes patience and hard work. Slow and steady even when we want to rush it. If someone would like to learn more they can visit my website or search "Smelly Kat's Freshies VIP" on Facebook! I can also be reached by email at [email protected].

Me: Thank you Katherine for taking the time to do this interview. It was great to hear about your business and I hope that you continue to do well and get that store open that you are dreaming of!

If Katherine's small business adventure resonated with you and you have a similar venture, I encourage you to connect with her and share your experiences in the comments below. Let's build a community of like-minded entrepreneurs! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more updates and inspiration. Let's stay connected!


About the Creator

Kari Rappold

I’m not perfect at what I do. I’m always learning. You can always learn. If you say you know everything there is to know, learn some more. Because the adventure to knowledge is just a step away.

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