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Temple: The meta-voice

Interview with Nigerian-Pseudo British-American Musical Artist, “Temple”

By MVibnPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Temple, 2023

My name is Temple and I was born and raised in Nigeria, but am currently based in Towson, Maryland USA.

My love for music began with poetry. Since I was young enough to recite nursery rhymes, my fascination with the subject only grew, and when I turned 8, it had grown to an extent that I myself became a self-proclaimed poet. Between hearing my first-ever rap song (Rap god by Eminem) when I was 9, adding rhythm to my earliest poems when I turned 10, and writing my own music now, I can conveniently confirm the fact that my love for this art stems from the wordplay I have had the pleasure of experiencing over my lifetime. Creativity from artists like Eminem and Lil Wayne in my earlier stages, and more recently J. Cole, Santan Dave, Dutchavelli, and Bugzy Malone have been great influences on my pen game.

To me, music is a form of expression. I think the story I have to tell, and the style I deliver them in is what separates me from other music artists. Having Nigerian roots, sounding British in an attempt to override my lisp, and living in the United States are the main factors that have affected my style of music. With a balaclava on, I'm welding words on a drill beat. With my balaclava off, I'm skillfully dispensing truth to my listeners. Another important part of who I am as a music artist is my Christian faith. You can see this evident in every song I write, finding any and every opportunity to express this part of myself in ways that break the public stereotype of what it means to believe in Jesus Christ.

In 5 years time, I see myself traveling the world, doing what I am destined to do. I will have worked with the likes of Dave, Bugzy Malone, Dutchavelli, Drake, Kanye, and many others I can't think of to mention right now. I should have also created a platform to connect creatives, and constructed a space where aspiring creators can learn from the legends they idolize. Winning a couple of awards too would be great accomplishments to add to my tally, but my priority is the well-being of as many people as I can reach. In 5 years time, I should have been able to heal countless souls and reach out with help to as many people as I can. I've been around Nigeria and I've lived in the USA. These places differ in too many aspects to mention, but the one similarity I have witnessed in my short time around this world is people crying for help, from no matter what. It is my dream then to serve God and His people (everyone in the world) in whatever way I can. There is a lot I want to accomplish during my lifetime. To work in the surgery medical field, become a pro footballer (soccer), grow as a philanthropist, have my music listened to in every corner of the world, but the most important of these to me is to fulfill the will of my Father in Heaven.

In this world where every sound has been found, a world dominated by vices, and full of countless stories, I bring yet a new style of music, an addictive sound, balance, and a new story. I don't plan to be some background noise on the radio or filler on your playlist. Whenever I decide to leave the spotlights, I want to have accomplished feats no one else has, but most importantly, I want to be remembered for my service to humanity.


About the Creator


On behalf of the “MVibn”, and it’s subsidiary “MVibn Records”. To publish material on behalf of the subject in review.

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