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When the Other Side Came Knocking

The Invasion of the Shadows and Reflections

By MorganPublished about a year ago 6 min read
When the Other Side Came Knocking
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of what I was seeing. I stared in disbelief as the figure staring back at me from the mirror was not my own. It had the same brown hair and green eyes, but the features were different. The nose was slightly longer, the jaw more defined, and the expression on its face was one of confusion, just like mine. There was an air of soullessness about her look. I moved, I blinked, but the reflection stared at me, static, not moving. not blinking.

I stared at the image for what felt like an eternity, mesmerized by the stranger in the mirror.

The longer I looked, the more my confusion turned to terror. My shadow seemed frozen, as if held captive by the mirror. The colors of the reflection started to shift. It was as if a dark storm, a black hole, was gathering strength. The colors in the reflection started dissipating, turning the image black and white. My imagination was certainly playing games at me. I tried to shake it off, convinced that I must be drunk and imagining things. But deep down, I knew that something was terribly wrong.

As my friends and I left the dimly lit bar, a sense of unease settled deep within me. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. And then, as if on cue, a cold breeze swept through the deserted street, sending a shiver down my spine. The street was quieter than usual, darker than usual. I tried to brush it off, but the memory of what had just happened refused to leave me.

I didn't want to be alone, not after what I had just experienced. I couldn't bring myself to share it with my friends. It would make them think I was insane. It was something too bizarre, too otherworldly for them to comprehend. So instead, I mustered the courage to tell them that I wasn't feeling well and asked Anna, my best friend, If could crash at her place. Anna agreed. I hoped that whatever had happened back at the bar didn’t repeat itself. Little did I know, it was only the beginning.

Days turned into weeks, and the memory of my earlier experience had started to fade. I was beginning to feel more like my usual self, and the sense of anxiety began to disappear. I was finally starting to relax, thinking that perhaps it was all just my imagination.

But one night, I was awakened by a nightmare that felt all too real. My heart was racing. I entered the bathroom, desperately trying to shake off my terrorized feelings. But as soon as I looked in the mirror, I saw it again. The fake reflection was back. It kept staring back at me and had the same soulless look as before - it was as if the mirror was a portal to a world beyond my understanding. I wasn’t afraid of the

As I left the bathroom, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I noticed that parts of the house looked different. It was as if the twisted reality of the mirror had bled into my world, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister was lurking just out of sight.

A looming figure caught my attention, and my heart pounded against my chest. Its elongated figure was definitely not my own shadow, and I immediately spun around, racing towards my room with my heart in my throat.

The door slammed shut behind me. The adrenaline coursing through my veins made it feel like the pounding echoed throughout the entire house. Petrified, I collapsed onto my bed, struggling to steady my breathing as I contemplated what had just happened.

As I finally regained some semblance of composure, I glanced towards the door. To my horror, another shadow now crept up the walls, its elongated fingers reaching out towards me with menacing intent. I rapidly scanned my room, horrified, and my heart sank as I realized that objects around me seemed to be turning gray, devoid of any semblance of life. I shut my eyes tight, hoping and praying that this was my imagination, but when I opened them, the world had indeed changed. The gray objects now stared back at me, as if they had been lifeless and colorless all along.

Day by day, the changes to my home became more apparent. The color slowly drained away, leaving behind an eerie stillness. Shadows continued to stalk me every night, their sinister presence a constant reminder of my own vulnerability. I was afraid to look in the mirror. My reflection seemed to have a life of its own, watching me with an immovable stare that sent shivers down my spine. As the weeks passed, the house transformed into something completely unfamiliar, devoid of life and warmth. It was as if I was stuck in another reality.

One night, I decided to confront my reflection. Heart racing, I tiptoed to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror, and that's when I saw it - the fake reflection staring back at me. But this time, it was different. It appeared to be in my own old reality, the world I once knew that was full of vibrant colors and bustling life. As if we had swapped realities, and I was now trapped in a bleak, colorless world.

I stared at the reflection for what felt like hours, but it remained unresponsive. "What do you want from me?" I yelled. The reflection smiled, but it wasn't a happy one - it was twisted, creepy, and sinister. My heart leaped into my throat as I screamed, "Leave me alone!" But the reflection only laughed, a sound that reverberated through the silent bathroom.

As the shadows loomed and my reflection stared back with a malevolent glint in its eye, it dawned on me - they were sinister, and their goal was to drain the color and joy from my world. They thrived on fear, hate, and resentment, feeding off the negativity they provoked in me. But what if I could trick them? If they believed I was content and happy, they wouldn't have achieved their goal. Maybe they would even leave me alone. So I stood tall and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm happy here. The possibilities are endless, and I'm happier now than I ever was before. This is a whole new world for me, and I refuse to let you ruin it with your negativity." As the words left my lips, a glimmer of hope sparked inside me, and for the first time since this nightmare began, I felt a sense of control.

As soon as the words left my lips, the fake reflection vanished before my very eyes. For the first time in months, it was gone. Could it be that my trick had actually worked? I dared to hope that this was the end of my nightmare. The shadows, too, disappeared, and the world around me returned to its original vibrant colors. A sense of joy and relief washed over me, and I was happy once again.

Weeks passed, and everything seemed to have returned to normal. But deep inside, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease and anxiety.

I had learned my lesson not to stare at my reflection for too long, but that didn't mean the fear was gone. And then, one night, as I entered the bathroom, I noticed that some objects had lost their color once again. My heart pounded in my chest as I turned around to see the shadows looming behind me. I glanced at my reflection, and there it was - the fake reflection, with a sinister smile on its face. It started laughing, and I knew that I was back in the colorless, lifeless reality. Maybe I had never left it after all.


About the Creator


Hi, I'm Morgan, a writer by heart with a passion for crafting innovative stories. Follow me for updates on my latest projects and achievements!

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