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Ventriloquist Doll Haunted

Based on real story

By Karthikeyan A SPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Ventriloquist Doll

Marty admits to "Monsters Among Us" that she used to be a big admirer of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his dummy sidekick, Charlie McCarthy, back in the 1990s.

She claims that her father chose to get her a ventriloquist doll for her birthday after stumbling into one while perusing a little magic store outside of Santa Rosa, California.

When the cashier rang up the sale, Marty claims she gave her father "weird vibes" and told him, "You know when you put your hand inside the doll, he's going to come alive."

He laughed off the remark and gave the dummy to his daughter when he got home.

Marty claims that when her father gave her the doll, she was ecstatic and exclaimed, "I was so happy when I got that doll, I was obsessed."

However, odd things soon started to occur. She claims that the doll's expression, especially his smile, would alter, even though it is impossible because the doll's head is composed of hard plastic.

Marty's family kept her cherished dummy hidden in a cupboard most nights, fearing something would happen to it. She heard the "pitter patter" of footsteps in their living room one night, waking her and her family. They went to see, supposing it was the dog or another member of the household.

There was nobody present. With the exception of the doll, who was seated on the sofa.

"We remember specifically we always put it away because I loved that doll so much that I took care of it," Marty states in the audio.

Other odd things started to happen. Her uncle was alone himself in the house while Marty and her father were out. Even though Marty wasn't home, the uncle claims to have heard his father yelling his name from the living room.

As he proceeded to search? Once more, he discovered the doll perched on the couch. and nobody else.

"All of our family was pretty much scared of the doll," Marty recalls. "People would begin to hear their names spoken, and at night, we would hear people walking. We therefore just concluded that it had to be removed."

Marty, whose parents are Mexican and devout, says they wanted to destroy the doll because they thought it might be evil. Marty said that when they put it on the grill, it didn't burn. "This doll would not go up in flames, at all, whatsoever."

They attempted, but failed, to chop it up with a knife. They finally disposed of it in the garbage pail. Marty's father went to get the trash can once it had been gathered.

Within it? The doll.

They excavated a hole in the backyard and filled it with cement in order to get rid of the dummy.

Even though Marty and her family have been gone for a while, she claims that they still consider the doll and the chance that "it finds one of us."

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About the Creator

Karthikeyan A S

Great Welcome To You All. Very Interesting Stories For You Viewers.

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  • Test4 months ago

    This is one of the most well-written horror stories I've ever read.

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