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Spiritual is deep

By Marcel lynda Published 12 months ago 4 min read

Far from the oppressive heat of the savannah and the terrors of its lions and buffalo, the small village huddled under the shade of the trees, as if wanting to distance itself from the unbearable sun.

It was a day like any other in the village, with the only differences being the increased flow of sweat, the languid calm that inhabited the people and the sense of expectation that could be felt as a kind of oppressive energy.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for something. There were no sounds except for the chirping of the cicadas and the breeze that barely stirred the leaves of the trees. You could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from the east, but no one moved to greet them. As they came closer, it was clear that it was a group of travelers guided by a brave and determined leader.

The leader came forward with a clear voice,"Good afternoon everyone. I am looking for someone who can tell me about the venom of ghosts, and maybe help me to find a way to protect myself from its effects."

The villagers gathered around the leader, curious and wary at the same time.

"The venom of ghosts? What do you want with that?" asked the village chief.

"I'm on a quest, a journey," answered the leader. "And in the place where I'm headed, the venom of ghosts is all around. It's said to cause madness and delirium, and I want to be prepared for whatever I might encounter."

The chief listened carefully, his expression unreadable. Then he looked around and nodded to someone in the shadows.

A woman approached the group, elderly and bent over. She wore traditional clothes, and her face was weathered by years of hard work and suffering.

"I know about the venom of ghosts," she said in a thin voice. "I have seen its effects firsthand."

"Can you help me?" asked the leader, a hint of desperation in his voice.

The woman nodded,"I can, but you must be careful. The venom can take many forms. It can be a whisper in your ear, an apparition that follows you, or a sense of overwhelming dread that suffocates you. It can make you see things that aren't there, and make you forget things that are. But most of all, it can cloud your mind, so that you can't distinguish reality from illusion."

The leader listened carefully, his expression grave.

"What can I do to protect myself?" he asked.

The woman thought for a moment before answering. "The only way to protect yourself from the venom of ghosts is to have a pure heart and intentions. If you are on a noble quest, and your heart is true, the venom will have no power over you. But if you are deceitful or wicked, it will destroy you."

The leader nodded slowly, taking in her words. "Thank you," he said. "I'll keep that in mind."

The village chief stepped forward then, his expression serious. "You still haven't told us why you need to know about the venom of ghosts," he said.

The leader hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "I'm searching for a treasure, a powerful artifact," he said. "It's hidden in a place where the venom of ghosts is known to be strong. I must be prepared for whatever I may encounter."

The chief's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.

The leader turned to the woman. "Can you help me find this place?" he asked.

The woman thought for a moment before answering. "I can guide you to the place, but I cannot go with you. Once you reach the place, you will be on your own."

The leader nodded once more, his resolve firm. He thanked the woman and the villagers, and set off into the wilderness with his group of travelers, his heart set on his quest.

The journey was long and treacherous. They found themselves in desolate valleys, across barren plains, and through dense forests. Every step they took was a battle against the venom of ghosts. At times, the group was on the verge of madness, their grip on reality slipping away.

But the leader remained steadfast in his mission, his heart pure and his intentions true. He pushed himself harder, relying on his inner strength and conviction to keep him going.

Finally, after many days, they reached the place where the treasure was hidden. It was a dark and foreboding cave, suffused with the eerie glow of the venom of ghosts.

The leader entered the cave alone, his heart pounding. He passed through the twisted corridors, encountering apparitions and illusions at every step. But he remained focused on his goal, driven towards the treasure that lay at the heart of the cave.

At last, he reached his prize, and held it aloft with a sense of awe and wonder. It was a powerful relic, one that would change the course of history.

As he left the cave, he turned to look back one last time. The venom of ghosts was still strong, but he had overcome it, and emerged victorious.

Years later, stories would be told of the brave leader who confronted the venom of ghosts, and emerged triumphant. His name would go down in history as a hero of legend, a true warrior who faced down his fears and emerged victorious.


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