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Unfulfilled Desires

By Don

By Ahamed BilalPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The small town of Millfield was known for its peaceful and serene atmosphere, but there was one place in the town that seemed to be shrouded in mystery and darkness - the Don Bosco Manor. The Manor was an old and decrepit mansion that had been abandoned for many years, and the locals avoided it like the plague. It was said to be haunted by the spirits of the previous owners, the Bosco family, who had lived there for generations.

The Manor had a tragic history. Mr. Don Bosco, the patriarch of the family, had lost his wife and child in a tragic accident. He was left alone in the Manor, consumed by grief and depression. He had become a recluse and would rarely be seen outside of the Manor. He had always been a kind and generous man, but after the accident, he had become bitter and resentful. He had always wanted a large family, but fate had cruelly taken that away from him.

Years went by, and the Manor fell into disrepair. Mr. Don Bosco had passed away, and the Manor was left to his distant relatives. They had no interest in the Manor and had abandoned it, leaving it to the mercy of nature. The locals avoided the Manor as they believed it to be cursed and haunted by the spirits of the Bosco family.

It was in the year 2022, when a new family moved into the town, the Jones. Mrs. Lily Jones, her husband Mr. Darwin Jones, and their children Franklin and Benjamin. They had heard about the Manor and decided to renovate it and turn it into a bed and breakfast. They had no idea about the Manor's dark history, and the locals had warned them not to go there. But Mrs. Jones was determined to make the Manor a success.

They began the renovation work, and soon the Manor was back to its former glory. But strange things began to happen. The workers would hear strange noises and see ghostly figures. They would feel a cold breeze and an eerie presence. They would see Mr. Don Bosco's ghost wandering around the Manor, looking for something or someone. The workers were terrified, and many of them quit.

Mrs. Jones and her family were unaware of the strange occurrences, and they continued to live in the Manor. But one night, things took a turn for the worse. Mrs. Jones was awakened by the cries of her baby daughter, Juliana. She found the baby's crib empty, and the room was freezing. She searched the Manor, but the baby was nowhere to be found. She was terrified and called her husband for help. They searched the Manor, but the baby was nowhere to be found.

The next morning, the police were called, and they searched the Manor, but they found no trace of the baby. The Jones family was devastated, and they moved out of the Manor. The locals believed that the spirits of the Bosco family had taken the baby, as they had always wanted a child.

The Manor was once again abandoned, and it fell into disrepair. The locals avoided it, and it became known as the "haunted Manor." The Jones family never found out what had happened to their baby daughter, and they moved away from the town, never to return.

The Manor still stands to this day, and it is said that the spirits of the Bosco family still roam the halls, looking for their lost child. Some say that if you listen carefully, you can hear the cries of a baby in the dead of night, and if you're brave enough to enter the Manor.

You can see the ghost of Mr. Don Bosco, still wandering the halls, searching for his lost family. Some say that if you are lucky, you can even see the ghost of a small baby, holding out its arms, as if looking for its parents.

Many people have tried to renovate the Manor and turn it into a bed and breakfast, but none have succeeded. They all say that the Manor is cursed, and the spirits of the Bosco family will not rest until they find their lost child.

The Manor remains a mystery to this day, and many people visit it, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghostly figures that are said to haunt it. Some say that if you offer a prayer or a kind word to the spirits of the Bosco family, they will leave you alone, but others say that the spirits are too consumed by their grief and will never rest until they find their lost child.

The Haunting of Don Bosco Manor is a reminder of the power of grief and unfulfilled desires. It is a warning to those who think they can change the past and make things right. The spirits of the Bosco family will always haunt the Manor, searching for their lost family, and reminding us that some things are beyond our control.


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