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Top 7 horror kids topic


By Praveen KumarPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Top 7 horror kids topic
Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

The Babysitter and the Boogeyman:

It was a typical Friday night and 17-year-old Lisa was excited to be babysitting the Johnson's two children, Timmy and Susie. She had been babysitting for them for over a year and had grown to love the kids as if they were her own siblings. As she settled in for the night, she prepared a snack for the kids and read them a bedtime story before tucking them into bed.

As she sat down to watch a movie, she heard a strange noise coming from Timmy's room. She assumed it was just the wind blowing outside and shrugged it off. However, the noise persisted and Lisa couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

She decided to check on the kids and as she entered Timmy's room, she saw a dark figure standing at the foot of his bed. She froze in fear as the figure slowly turned to face her. It was the Boogeyman.

Lisa quickly realized that she had to protect the children and fought back with all her strength. She managed to lock the Boogeyman in Timmy's room and called the police for help. When the police arrived, they found no trace of the Boogeyman.

After the incident, Lisa was praised for her bravery and the Johnson's were grateful for her quick thinking. From that night on, the kids slept soundly knowing that they were protected by their fearless babysitter.

The Haunted Doll:

Samantha was a young girl who loved dolls. Her favorite was a beautiful porcelain doll that her grandmother had given her. The doll had long curly hair, blue eyes, and a delicate lace dress. Samantha named her doll "Lily" and would play with her every day.

One night, while Samantha was asleep, she heard strange noises coming from her room. She woke up to find Lily sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at her with a blank expression. Samantha was startled but shrugged it off thinking it was just her imagination.

However, the strange occurrences continued. Every night, Lily would move around the room and even spoke in a low whisper. Samantha was too scared to tell her parents, so she kept it to herself.

As the days passed, the haunting became more intense. Lily would move on her own, and her eyes would change color from blue to red. She would also make growling sounds and would even appear in Samantha's dreams.

Samantha's parents noticed her strange behavior and asked her what was wrong. She finally confided in them about the haunted doll. Her parents didn't believe her at first but soon saw the truth for themselves. They contacted a paranormal investigator who confirmed that the doll was indeed haunted by the spirit of a young girl who had died.

Samantha's parents decided to get rid of the doll, and the haunting stopped. Samantha was sad to see Lily go, but she knew it was for the best. She learned that sometimes, the things we love can also be the things that scare us.

The Monster Under the Bed:

Billy was a young boy who had always been afraid of the dark. He was terrified of the monster he believed lived under his bed. His parents always reassured him that there was no such thing as monsters, but Billy could never shake the feeling that something was lurking under his bed.

One night, as Billy lay in bed, he heard a strange noise coming from under his bed. He tried to ignore it, but it persisted. He mustered up the courage to peek under his bed and what he saw made his heart race. There was a monster with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes staring back at him.

Billy was paralyzed with fear and couldn't move. The monster reached out its clawed hand, and Billy thought it was the end for him. But just as the monster was about to grab him, Billy remembered something his parents had told him. He closed his eyes and imagined a bright light surrounding him, and the monster disappeared.

He opened his eyes and saw that the monster was gone. He realized that the monster was not real, it was just his fear manifesting itself. He got out of bed and went to his parents' room, and they comforted him.

From that night on, Billy was no longer afraid of the monster under his bed. He learned that sometimes, our fears can be conquered by facing them head-on.

The Ghost in the Closet:

It was a typical sleepover night, and a group of friends, including Emily, decided to spend the night at their friend's house. They were excited to tell each other ghost stories and watch horror movies. As they settled in for the night, Emily suggested they play a game called "Ghost in the Closet". The game was simple, one person would go into the closet and the others would ask the ghost questions.

Their friend, Jake, volunteered to go first and entered the closet. The others asked him questions, and he answered in a spooky voice. They all laughed, thinking it was just part of the game. But then, strange things started to happen. The closet door would open and close on its own, and they could hear whispering coming from inside.

Emily suggested they stop the game, but Jake was determined to find out who or what was in the closet. He opened the door, and a ghostly figure appeared before them. It was the ghost of a young girl who had died in the house many years ago.

The friends were frightened and didn't know what to do. Emily remembered a story her grandmother had told her about how to get rid of a ghost. She told the ghost that it was time for her to move on and find peace. The ghost disappeared, and the strange occurrences stopped.

The friends were relieved and grateful for Emily's quick thinking. They learned that sometimes, ghosts just need a little help to move on.

The Scarecrow's Revenge:

A group of teens, including Michael and his friends, decided to take a shortcut through a cornfield on their way home from a party one night. As they walked through the field, they came across an old, raggedy scarecrow. Michael and his friends found it funny and started taking pictures with it and making jokes.

As they continued on their way, they heard strange noises coming from behind them. They turned around and saw the scarecrow moving on its own, chasing after them. They started to run, but the scarecrow was faster. It caught up to them and revealed its true nature, it was a vengeful spirit possessing the scarecrow.

The spirit was furious that the teens had disturbed its resting place and was determined to get its revenge. It chased them through the cornfield, and they couldn't shake it off. They were terrified and didn't know what to do.

Just as the scarecrow was about to catch them, Michael remembered a story his grandfather had told him about how to stop a vengeful spirit. He remembered that the spirit was once a farmer who had died in the field, and he had to apologize and show respect to the spirit. Michael stopped and turned to the scarecrow and apologized for disturbing its rest and asked for forgiveness.

The spirit stopped chasing them and disappeared. The group was relieved and grateful for Michael's quick thinking. They learned that sometimes, showing respect and understanding can be the key to stopping something that seems terrifying.

The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb:

A group of children, including Alex and his friends, were on a field trip to a museum. They were excited to see the ancient Egyptian artifacts, including a real mummy's tomb. As they were exploring the exhibit, they decided to take a closer look at the tomb.

As they approached the tomb, they noticed that something was off. The air around the tomb felt colder and the hieroglyphs on the walls seemed to glow. They ignored it and opened the tomb. Inside, they found the mummy and the artifacts.

As they were admiring the mummy, they heard strange noises coming from inside the tomb. Suddenly, the mummy began to move on its own. The children were terrified and didn't know what to do. They quickly realized that they had awakened the curse of the mummy's tomb.

The curse was an ancient Egyptian magic that was meant to protect the tomb and its inhabitants from grave robbers. The mummy had been awakened and was now seeking revenge on the children for disturbing its rest.

The children were trapped inside the tomb and didn't know how to escape. Alex remembered a story his father had told him about the curse of the mummy's tomb and how to stop it. He knew that they had to return the artifacts to the tomb and apologize to the mummy for disturbing its rest.

The children quickly returned the artifacts to the tomb and apologized to the mummy. The curse was lifted, and the mummy stopped moving. The children were relieved and grateful for Alex's quick thinking. They learned that sometimes, ancient artifacts and historical places should be respected and treated with care.

The Possession:

A young girl named Sarah was the happiest and most cheerful child, but one day, her behavior suddenly changed. She became distant, aggressive and often talked in a different voice. Her parents were concerned and took her to see a doctor, but they couldn't find anything physically wrong with her.

As the days went by, Sarah's behavior became more erratic. She would speak in tongues, and her eyes would change color. Her parents were terrified and didn't know what to do. They decided to seek help from a priest, who immediately recognized the signs of possession.

The priest performed an exorcism, but it was unsuccessful. The demon inside Sarah was too strong. It was revealed that the demon had entered Sarah's body through a Ouija board game that her friends had played with her.

Sarah's parents were desperate to save their daughter and sought help from a powerful spiritual leader. With the help of the leader and his team, they were able to perform a successful exorcism and the demon was expelled from Sarah's body.

Sarah returned to her normal self, and her parents were relieved. They were grateful for the help they received and learned that playing with supernatural forces should not be taken lightly.

Note: These are just a fictional story and should not be taken as real life examples or events. Also please be aware that horror stories might not be suitable for all kids. Also exorcism is a complex and delicate matter and should not be attempted by anyone without the proper expertise and qualifications.


About the Creator

Praveen Kumar

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