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The Walkers Chp.5

Chapter 5

By Josephine MasonPublished 3 years ago 21 min read
The Walkers Chp.5
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

If you haven't read this series before then click and hold on the link below for chapter one. After a couple of seconds it will give you the option to open the link. If you are on mobile press and hold the link and the same thing will happen https://vocal.media/horror/the-walkers-rl6olk0ii2 Please enjoy

The first day of riding ends with an abandoned small roadside diner. After leading the horses around to the back of the building to graze, we carefully search the area for insomniac bodies. Finding none, we relax and begin to prepare for the night. A search of the building yields an old pot to pour our remaining water in for the horses as well as some old bottled water for ourselves. Tying the horses to a chain link fence that bars the back entrance we use old pieces of furniture to build a fire inside. Another pot allows us to dump the bottled water in and hang over the fire to boil with Bob’s magic pills. He tells me that while the pills kill off most bacteria he wants to be safe with bottled water that's been sitting around for years. I shrug knowing little of bacteria, just thankful for water and food as well as a place to sleep for the night.

After eating some of the jerky, Bob pulls out the map using the light of the fire to look at it, "I think we've made it around sixty to seventy miles. We should be halfway there, maybe a little more or less. Another good day of riding like that and we'll make it to the capital tomorrow."

I nod, "Alright then. I guess we need to get ourselves some sleep and take off as soon as we can come morning. You go ahead and get some sleep. I'll come get you in about four hours."

He yawns and nods, putting away the map before pushing some debris around settling against a wall, "Alright Steven. No nodding off this time alright?"

I groan and avert my eyes from embarrassment, "Yeah trust me. That won't happen again." Soon Bob’s snores tell me he is fast asleep. I sit by the fire and watch the road thinking about our journey and how close we were to completing it. I'd been wandering through this country for eight years barely surviving. This guy comes along and in all of a week's time we're now less than sixty miles away from the capital.

When we had looked at the map we had more there were two more large towns to go through between here and the capital. I think it will probably be best for us to skirt around them just in case they're actually populated. I figure I'll have to talk that over with Bob later. I think back on our day and how while Bob was still having to dodge the walkers they had seemed to ignore him for the most part.

I try to think of any possible reason that the walkers would ignore him. About the only answer I can come up with is that maybe whatever created the walkers specifically targets only youth in my country. I have to wonder if maybe Bob has actually been safe this whole time and we just haven't known. If so, that could completely change everything. Bob would be able to go to places I couldn't if they were overrun by walkers. I would have to bring my theory up to him when I wake him up and see what he thinks and if he would even be willing to test it with me.

The night drags on but soon enough I can see the moon high in the sky so I go and shake Bob. Bob comes up slow and sluggish but soon he is at least coherent. Once he's woken up some by the fire and had some jerky to chew on I present my theory to him. He listens carefully and once I finish he asks the obvious question, "How do we test it? Try and find a singular walker and have me walk up to it?"

I sigh nodding, "That is the problem, but let’s assume we can find one. Would you be willing to try it?"

Bob stares into the fire for a few moments before answering, "Yeah I would. I mean assume you're right. It would change everything about how we approach this. Just make sure I've got your machete in case you're wrong."

I nod as I make my way to where Bob has been sleeping, "Definitely. Just make sure you're ready to kill it if things don't work out."

Bob nods, "Oh yeah. If nothing else I'll cut it's leg and run back to you so you can save the day." I laugh and drift off to sleep to the sound of Bob singing to himself.

I wake up to the soft gentle light of the sun and Bob exclaiming, "I found one Steven! I found one!"

I groan, forcing my eyes open, "You found one what Bob? Why are you so excited?"

Bob takes a deep breath forcibly showing himself down for me, "I found a lone walker. Right here in the diner! He's in the freezer. I can hear him banging around in there."

My eyes widen, "Wait what? Are you kidding me? How did we not hear it last night I wonder? Whatever, are you still alright with testing my theory?"

Bob nods vigorously, "Yes! That's why I'm so excited. I mean what good fortune for us right? So yeah let's test it out."

I get up and unsheathe my machete, carefully handing it to Bob, "Alright, I'm going to go outside and check on the horses. You go ahead and open the freezer door. Remember you can easily outrun it so if you can't bring yourself to kill him then come to me. However if he doesn't attack, don't kill him. We might be able to save him eventually. So just close the freezer back up and come out to me."

As I start to go for our bags Bob stops me, "Wait you're just going to leave me alone in here? Doesn't that seem a bit dangerous?"

I nod, "Typically I would agree with you. However, since we have no idea about what actually sets walkers off I'm going to step out. I think it may be something to do with a particular smell or chemical that young people have. So I'm going to step outside. Don't worry though I'll be listening through the back wall. So just yell and I'll come running around.

I gather up our bags and head outside to check on the horses. Thankfully they're both still tied to the fence. As soon as I untie them they both go to start grazing. I sit down against the side of the building trying to see if I can hear the interaction between Bob and the walker. I hear the freezer door opening and the sound of the walker groaning.

I can hear Bob muttering to the walker though I can't make out what he's saying. The walker continues to groan and eventually I hear the freezer door closing. Bob walks out a couple of minutes later than handing me the machete, "It worked. It actually worked. It had absolutely no interest in me. It's like it didn't even see me. Steven this is incredible. I mean this changes everything down to the core. So much is possible now."

I nod standing up, "I know. This just made things much easier. However if we encounter any people don't tell them about this. They'll try to recruit you and if that doesn't work they'll just kidnap you. Alright let's get on the horses and get going. We should be able to reach the capital long before nightfall as long as nothing gets in our way." We both mount our horses and take off down the road.

When we spot our first horde of walkers for the day I stop, "I want to see it with my own eyes. They haven't noticed us yet so you go on ahead." Bob looks at me for a moment then shrugs before casually riding through the horde. Just like he said they show him no interest the entire time. I take my horse off the road and quickly catch up to Bob. We continue riding down the road before I finally speak, "That's honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I trust you and what you said but seeing it with my own eyes really puts it in perspective. Just wow…"

Bob laughs a little, "Not going to lie you had me scared back there. That suddenly they would notice me because you were looking." We continue on for another hour. Now the sun is fully up in the sky though it's not even noon yet.

We finally come up on the first of the two towns we still have to go past. As we ride into town it's obvious that no one has been here in ages. Half the houses have fallen or are in the process of falling down. Nature has taken over most of it by this point. If there weren't all the buildings to remind you that people used to be here it would be quite beautiful. Bob looks over at me, "Are we going to bother with trying to scavenge anything or are we just riding through as fast as possible?"

My face scrunches up some as I think, trying to weigh the pros and cons of each plan before finally throwing my hands up, "We're riding through. We've still got food and we should be able to find some source of water before we reach the capital. No need to waste time here." With that I give my horse a nudge in the ribs to encourage him to pick up the pace. We quickly cover ground through the town and back on to the open road.

Bob looks over at me as we ride, "One more town in about thirty minutes and then not even an hour and we should be there. I hope you're ready because this trip might finally be coming to an end.

I grin over at him, "That's where you are wrong Bob. This is just the beginning. Now we can finally save this country. I really believe we're going to find something wonderful there. I have to or I might break down. So come on, let's get there."

We ride in silence after that, dodging more and more walkers. Bob rides right through the hordes while I skirt off to the sides keeping my horse moving at a steady trot. Soon we can see the next town on the horizon. I bring my horse to a halt and Bob quickly follows suit looking at me, "Steven what's wrong? Do you see something that I don't? Talk to me buddy."

I stare up ahead for a moment before finally answering, "We're going to go the long way around. I don't know why but I've got a bad feeling about that place up there. Let's go ahead and get off the road. When we get closer hopefully we can get a better look."

Bob starts to protest then decides against it, moving off the road with me into the forest. We stay close to the tree line where things are thin enough that the horses can move at a decent pace. After another ten minutes we get an actual look at the city and it turns out I was right. The front of the city has a barricade in front of it with a group of men all well armed from the looks of it. I look over at Bob, "We're going further into the forest. We'll skip this place entirely. I know it will slow us down considerably but getting caught up over there will do much worse for us."

Bob nods in agreement, "Yeah that's a good idea. You've got some keen insight Steven. No wonder you've made it this far. It's like you have a sixth sense for danger or something." With that we ride deeper into the forest far enough that we can't see the town anymore. We orient ourselves and start moving forward again.

The going is slow but there are no people patrolling out this far. Soon we come across a small stream where we take a break to eat, let the horses drink, and refill our own can canteens. After fifteen minutes we start riding again, the forest getting thicker as we go. I sigh, "We may have to go back towards the city at least some or we'll still be out here come nightfall."

After I speak an arrow sinks into a tree next to me and a voice calls out from the trees, "Or you could come all the way to the city. Pay your proper respects instead of skirting around us like we're walkers."

With that I look at Bob, "Ride!" We take off as fast as we can into the forest. Now arrows are falling all around us though never hitting us or the horses. I realize too late that we're being sent down a specific path as we break into a clearing with ten men. A couple have guns and the rest have swords or makeshift spears. Bob and I pull up in front of them and I immediately put my hands up with Bob quickly following.

A young man maybe in his late teens walks out of the trees behind us. I crane my head slightly to get a look at him. He's handsome for someone living in an apocalypse, almost too much so. He's wearing a full forest green outfit and carrying a bow. "So who might you two be? Weary travelers who are just too shy to say hi? Or perhaps spies looking to see if you could find some crack in our defenses? Though you rode a bit far into the forest for that. Well whoever you are you get to come with us so you can say hi. Decide to be rude and I'll go ahead and put my next arrow in the back of your neck." The young man looks to the people in front of us, "Alright you idiots that was your cue. Let's take them in."

With that the men all turn around and start walking back into the forest towards the city. The young man jumps on to the back of my horse, almost pushing me off in the process, "I hope you don't mind giving me a ride. I had to do a lot of running to catch up to you two and my legs are hurting now. You two almost got away from me. But you didn't and now Joann will be happy with me. Maybe I'll even be able to sleep in a real bed tonight. God, that would be exciting."

I continue to look forward, not bothering to look at the man, "So weird question. How are you so clean? It's almost like you have access to running water and can take actual baths. But that would be impossible. I mean our country didn't have the best plumbing before everything fell apart, so how could you now?

The man chuckles, "You'll see in a little while now. We've carved out a pretty little piece of paradise in the middle of hell." We break through the tree line eventually, coming out towards the side of the town. There was a small contingent of men standing around chattering when we came into view. They all fell over each other trying to get into some form that would seem professional. The man riding with me calls out, "Out of the way! We're on our way to Joann. I caught some rats and now I'm going to show them off." The men scramble around again getting out of the way.

As we ride into the town the first thing I notice is most of the buildings are still intact. Some of them look to be in various states of repair but none of them are broken down. The people we ride past all look clean and well fed though I realize they're all staring at us. I softly speak to the man behind me, "So any particular reason these people are looking at us like we're aliens or something? I get that I look pretty rough but still seems a little excessive."

The man lets out a short bark of a laugh, "You'll have to forgive them. It's been a while since anyone has come to our home. They're just entranced by your appearance. Pay them no mind."

I sigh, resigning myself to it for now, "So who is this Joann we're going to see? Your leader I'm assuming?"

The man laughs, jumping off my horse, "Has anyone told you that you talk too much? Honestly man, you've been captured by people who you have no idea how they're going to treat you and here you are just chattering. I'm sure you think you're clever or something. Scheming up some way you'll get you and your friend out of this. But I'm going to tell you, more than likely you two are just going to die. Unless you can prove to be of some worth to us. Now shut up and let's just get to Joann."

Soon we are in front of a large building that appears more ornate than the others. At the urgine of our host, we dismount from our horses and they are led off, along with our bag and weapons. The man cracks his neck grinning, "Finally got something to show for myself. It's going to be a great day. Now come on you two." With that we are led inside of the building. The inside makes the outside seem drab in comparison. Everything looks like it's made of gold though a closer inspection shows it's only gold paint. There are two large paintings depicting a woman with a battle hardened face staring bravely off at something in the distance.

I look around as we walk and whistle softly, "Man, Joann thinks really highly of herself. I wonder how many times she's actually led anyone into battle."

The man turns around and connects a quick left hook directly across my jaw. My head lights up in a flurry of colors and stars as the man growls, "I told you to shut up didn't I? You want to keep running your mouth, only your friend will make it to Joann." I open and close my mouth a few times praying nothing is broken. I nod quietly deciding it might be best to actually be quiet. A quick glance at Bob reveals he is horrified and I wink in reassurance, trying not to wince from the pain in my jaw.

After being led down a dozen different hallways, each one just as over the top ornate as the last we come to a nondescript door. The man who has been leading us begins giggling like a small boy and bounces on his heels several times before slapping his cheeks. "Alright. Now that I've got that out of my system let's go on in."

He opens the door and we step into a large office-like room. At the back of the room is a large beautiful wooden desk and behind that desk is a woman who resembles the woman I saw in the portraits. She stands up as we enter. She is tall, almost statuesque in her beauty. I was finding it harder to believe this woman had ever been in a fight in her life. She speaks with a quiet but sharp tone, "Is there any particular reason you've come here today? Because the last I remember I told you to go patrol the woods till you could bring me back something interesting."

The man grins wide and does a mock bow, "Hello to you too Joann. You're absolutely right, that is what you told me. So then, you might be able to guess from the two individuals behind me that I have indeed brought you something interesting. These two were spotted coming down the road and then diverting into the forest. Where I then proceeded to capture them utilizing my excellent hunting skills. So I think I've got every right to be here today."

The woman steps out from behind the desk and by her walk I can tell that I was mistaken about her abilities as a fighter. She moves with the careful but purposeful stride of someone who brings strength with her wherever she goes. Reaching the man, she tenderly runs her hand across his cheek with a soft smile on her face before slapping him with enough force to send him reeling. Her voice still soft but sharp, "I see the prize you've brought, however do not think that gives you any right to speak to me that way. Remember your place my dog and remember it well."

She now walks past the man who is still recovering from the slap so she can examine us. Now that she's closer I can see that her face is indeed hardened but her eyes are still sharp as she takes in both of us. She turns to Bob, "Where are you from? It's not here. Your clothes are passable but you yourself are not."

Bob gulps, choosing to look at his feet, "I'm from outside the country. I came here for a vacation not knowing your situation because well no one in the rest of the world knows. I was attacked by walkers and ended up finding this man. We've been traveling together ever since."

The woman nods looking over at me now before turning back to Bob, "No one outside of this country knows of our story? That's interesting. More so than you know." She turns back to me now, "You however are from here. You've been fighting for your life from the beginning. What made you bother with dead weight like your companion? As a true survivor I would assume better of you."

I smile politely at the woman, "I was lonely and well, if I need to throw someone to the walkers so I can get away, what better than someone who can't take care of themselves. Why are we here though? I feel like we're a waste of your time. We've been surviving on jerky and bad water for a while and we own nothing. So what's the point?"

Joann looks at me thoughtfully before turning back to the man who has fully recovered and has been standing off to the side, "He's right you know. A foreigner and someone who has survived more on luck than wit. What indeed was the point of capturing them?"

The man grins again, though now it seems more like he's just trying to put on a brave face, "Well when they refused to ride through town I thought they might be spies. So that was why I captured them."

Joann now turns and walks back to her desk humming to herself, "You know maybe you're right. Let our new guests go and clean themselves up and they can have dinner with me tonight. If at any point in our conversation I feel like either of you is lying I'll kill you where you stand. However, answer me truthfully and I'll decide what to do with you." With that she waves her hand dismissing us all as she tends to paperwork on her desk.

The man sighs, obviously unhappy with this outcome but knowing well enough not to argue, "Alright you two come with me." He takes us out of the room and leads us down more hallways before arriving at two doors next to one another. "Alright, pick your room. After that go in and take a bath. Shave if you want. Someone will be by in a bit with some clothing for you." He looks at Bob, "We'll clean yours." He looks at me with disgust, "And we'll burn yours."

With that he walks off. Once he is out of earshot I look at Bob, "I'll take the room on the right. Also sorry for what I said. I hope you understand what I was doing."

Bob nods with a grin, "I know. No need to worry." With that we step into our separate rooms.

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About the Creator

Josephine Mason

I write because I'm always drifting off to other lands in my mind. Please subscribe, like, and if I'm doing well please tip. You can buy my first book now at the link below. Available on many ebook platforms. https://books2read.com/u/bQygdE

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