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The Vengeful Ghost!

The small town was known for its picturesque views and peaceful surroundings..

By IvanPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The Vengeful Ghost!
Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

It was a warm summer evening when Jack and his girlfriend, Lily, decided to take a stroll through the quiet streets of Hillside Manor. The small town was known for its picturesque views and peaceful surroundings. But as they walked past an old abandoned mansion, Jack couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

As they approached the mansion, Jack noticed that the front door was slightly ajar. He turned to Lily and asked if she wanted to take a look inside. Lily was hesitant, but Jack convinced her that it would be an adventure. They cautiously pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The mansion was old and decrepit, with cobwebs and dust covering everything in sight. As they explored the first floor, they heard strange noises coming from upstairs. Jack suggested they investigate, and they made their way up the creaky staircase.

At the top of the stairs, they found a small room with a single bed and a dresser. On the dresser, they found an old photograph of a man and a woman standing in front of the mansion. Jack felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that the man in the photograph looked eerily like him.

Suddenly, the room grew cold, and they heard a faint whispering sound. Jack and Lily turned around to see a figure standing in the doorway. It was the ghostly figure of a man, staring at them with glowing red eyes.

They tried to run, but the ghostly figure blocked their way. The room grew colder and colder, and Jack felt his breath become visible in the air. The ghostly figure began to speak in a low, menacing voice.

"Welcome to Hillside Manor," the figure said. "I have been waiting for someone to come and release me from this eternal torment."

Jack and Lily tried to run, but the ghostly figure was too fast. They found themselves trapped in the room with no way out. The ghostly figure began to tell them the story of his life and his tragic death.

"My name is Edward," the ghostly figure said. "I was the owner of this mansion, and I lived here with my wife, Elizabeth. But one day, she betrayed me and had an affair with my best friend. I was so consumed with rage that I killed them both in a fit of madness."

Jack and Lily listened in horror as the ghostly figure continued his tale. He told them how his soul was trapped in the mansion, unable to leave until someone came and released him.

"And now, I have found you," the ghostly figure said. "You look so much like me, Jack. Perhaps you can take my place and set me free."

Jack and Lily tried to plead with the ghostly figure, but he was relentless. He continued to torment them with his tales of murder and betrayal, and they began to feel like they were losing their minds.

As the night wore on, Jack and Lily realized that they were running out of time. They needed to find a way to escape the mansion and the vengeful ghost of Edward. They searched the room for any clues or objects that could help them, and eventually found an old key hidden in a drawer.

With the key in hand, they made their way back down the staircase, with the ghostly figure in hot pursuit. They reached the front door and unlocked it, finally escaping the mansion.

As they stumbled out into the warm summer air, they heard the ghostly figure's voice behind them.

"Remember, Jack," he said. "You look so much like me. Perhaps one day, you too will be consumed by rage and madness."

Jack and Lily ran as fast as they could, not daring to look back. As Jack and Lily ran down the street, they could feel the ghostly figure's presence behind them. They knew that he was still there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for his next victim.

Suddenly, they heard a piercing scream coming from a nearby alleyway. They cautiously approached the alley, and what they saw made their blood run cold.

It was the ghostly figure of Elizabeth, Edward's wife, her eyes glowing red like his. She was floating above the ground, her long hair flowing behind her like black tendrils. She reached out to grab them, her fingers like ice, and they barely managed to escape.

They ran through the streets of Hillside Manor, the ghostly figures of Edward and Elizabeth following close behind. They could feel the cold, clammy breath of the ghosts on their necks, and they knew that they had to find a way to stop them.

Jack remembered the old legend of Hillside Manor, that the only way to release the trapped souls was to find the objects that they held dear in life and return them to their rightful place. He suggested to Lily that they should search the mansion again, this time with a more focused objective.

They found themselves back in the small room where they had first encountered Edward's ghost. This time, they noticed a small locket lying on the dresser. They picked it up, and as they did, they could feel the energy in the room shift.

The ghostly figures of Edward and Elizabeth appeared before them, but this time, they looked different. They were no longer angry and vengeful, but peaceful and serene. They thanked Jack and Lily for freeing them from their eternal torment and disappeared into the ether.

As Jack and Lily left Hillside Manor, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was still not quite right. They knew that the ghosts had been released, but they couldn't help but feel like they had made a terrible mistake.

As they walked down the street, they noticed that the people around them looked different somehow. Their faces seemed distorted, and their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. They realized with horror that the ghosts of Hillside Manor had possessed the bodies of the town's inhabitants.

Jack and Lily tried to flee, but they were surrounded by the ghostly figures of the townspeople. They had no choice but to fight for their lives. They battled the possessed townspeople, their bodies moving in ways that were not humanly possible.

In the end, they managed to defeat the ghosts and break the curse that had been cast upon Hillside Manor. But they knew that they would never forget the terror they had experienced that night, and they could never be sure that the ghosts were truly gone for good.


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    IWritten by Ivan

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