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The Trip

A group of 6 people take a trip. It's seems cool at first but, something bad happens to all of them....

By *Unknown Writer*Published 3 years ago 5 min read
By Evelyn

One day a 15 year old girl named Skylar also known as Sky, was taken on a 5- day trip with her Best Friends Jake, Emma, Kai, Alex, Brooklyn and Jordan. She knew all of them since she was 3 years old. But, Sky did not want to go on the trip because she was trying to watch her Favorite movie that was coming out on Netflix in 2 days!! Too bad she couldn’t watch it the first day it came out… Sky decided to go on a walk that afternoon and ran into a stranger and the stranger gave her a special watch that he claimed to be “Magical” but Skylar thought it was just a joke so she thanked the man and walked away leaving the old man behind in happily… then a few minutes later she bumped into another man but he looked just like the other man that gave her the watch, she ask the man “ Who are you and why do you look like the same man who tried to give me a watch???” the old man replied “ I’m so sorry young lady, that is My twin brother! He is just trying to get rid of some very old stuff. Um… do you have the watch right now?” Skylar answered the man, “yes, why?” the man said “OH GOOD!” In shock, Sky asked the man “What’s wrong?” “Oh, nothing...sorry for shouting like that and shouldn’t you be headed back to wherever you just came from?” Skylar looked at the man confused and asked “what time is it?” “6:15” the man replied, “Oh god...I’ve been out here for 3 hours??” “I guess so” the man said, scratching his back, looking confused. “ Look I’m sorry sir, but I really should be going I’m supposed to be with my friends back at our camper, sorry” “oh, it’s fine! But yeah you really should get back I mean you don’t want to get eaten by the mysterious cannibal” the man replied. “Mysterious cannibal? You mean whoever it is...may eat me?” Skylar said in fear

“Yes! So go and tell your friends to not go outside.” the man said “ok, um...Bye!” Skylar replied, running in fear, 2 hours later. “Shoot, it’s probably like 8:00 already, I need to run faster or else I’ll be eaten alive” Skylar said panting, running as fast as she can “Omg, I can see the camper! I’m almost there!” Skylar said. looking behind her to see if she was going to make it alive she saw a 6 foot man that looked like a homeless guy appeared. Skylar looked back in front of her and ran even faster, but a rock betrayed her. Skylar tripped over a rock and screamed to her friends

“ HELP, HE’S GOING TO EAT ME "but her friends didn’t hear her

then the mysterious cannibal said “ Shh, I’m not going to eat you. I was just going to ask you a question. chill out.” Skylar stopped trying to get up and said “ W-wait...y-your not going to eat m-me?” Skylar said, shaking. “ No. Of course not, you have the watch that means you can control me now!” the cannibal said “ Wait, do you mean. If I tell you to do something You’ll do it?” Skylar said, confused. “Yep” said the cannibal that wasn’t mysterious anymore. “ ok, 1. Don’t eat my friends. 2. If you get bored tell me, and 3. We can be friends if you want to and lastly, please, if anything tries to attack me or my friends protect them and me at all cost! Understand?” Skylar said excitedly.

“Yes, I understand and thank you for not trying to kill me!" the cannibal replied.

“ Your welcome, now let me introduce you to my friends and please don’t act scary…” Skylar ended the conversation.

2 minutes later,

“Hey everybody! I have a new friend!” Skylar started

“Omg...HOW ON EARTH DO YOU HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS THAT ARE BOYS” Brooklyn asked “ Because she’s cute, she has a lot of friends and me and her are popular in school and I’m her boyfriend so people want to hang out with us” said Jake and Alex

“Not now guys. Anyways. His name is...um…” Skylar said looking at the cannibal man

“Max, my name is max!” “his name is max.” “yup max is his name” Skylar said awkwardly.

“ ok then, sky guess what!” Jake asked.

Skylar was zoning out into space so she did not reply, so Jake asked 2 more times waiting for an answer then he finally said “Skylar babe? Answer me, your zoning out again and we all know what happens when you do that”

Skylar finally answered “ S-sorry I just saw- SOMETHING IS BEHIND YOU JORDAN!” Skylar shouted in fear. Everybody including Jordan looked behind him saying “nothing is there though.” everybody said except for Alex. “Guys chill, She’s having another one of those moments” said Alex. “Shoot, they don’t know…” Alex said, looking at Jake.

“ What do you mean” Jake replied, “sorry guys, let's go in the camper, I’ll tell you” Jake said to all of them “ Ok, everybody replied. 5 minutes later. The camper lights turned off and everybody was scared. The lights flickered and 1 by 1 they all disappeared. Brooklyn was first. Kai was second. Emma was third. Jordan was fourth. Alex was fifth. Max the cannibal was sixth. Skylar and Jake were the only ones left Skylar got really scared and dug her nails into jakes arm. “Ouch, Sky...That hurts.” Said Jake. “Sorry, I’m just really scared.” Said Skylar. "It's fine, just...Just calm down...." Said Jake rubbing Skylar's back. "O-ok..." Skylar says, while breathing in and out calmly. "Guess this is where it all ends?" Says Skylar, as the lights stopped flickering. "Yup, I guess this is just the Silence before the storm." Says Jake, nervously. "Well, I just want you to know, I love you!" Skylar says, looking into Jake's eyes, peacefully. "I.... love...you....to..." Jake says, pausing after every word. Skylar leans over to kiss Jake and Jake leans in too. They finally reached each others lips. The kiss grew longer, and longer. Suddenly the lights started to flicker again, and before you can even say "Mississippi" Jake was gone. Skylar was the only one left. She looked around and then lifted her knees to her chest and put her head down. The lights stopped flickering once again. Skylar was scared. She had no where to go, because she was out in the middle of the woods. She has no one to call because there was no service. She couldn't scream for help because no-one would've heard. The lights started flickering again. "This is it" Skylar said, then she disappeared.


About the Creator

*Unknown Writer*

"She turned her can't into can. Her dreams into plans"

"She did what everyone thought was impossible"

"She accomplished many things"

"she burned her bridges so the devil can't follow her"

she just said, she'll do it all over again. =)

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