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The Shining

creepy movie

By KEN RIVERAPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
The Shining
Photo by Jonathan Taylor on Unsplash

"The Shining" is a classic horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1980. It's based on the novel of the same name by renowned author Stephen King, although it's important to note that Kubrick's adaptation takes some creative liberties with the source material. The movie is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential horror films in cinematic history.

Themes and Atmosphere:

"The Shining" is known for its atmospheric and unsettling tone. Kubrick masterfully creates a sense of isolation and dread, using the vast, empty corridors and eerie soundtrack to build tension. The hotel itself, with its maze-like layout and historical horrors, serves as a malevolent character in its own right. The film explores themes of madness, isolation, and the disintegration of the family unit. It delves into the psychological horrors of a man descending into madness, which is heightened by Jack Nicholson's iconic performance.

In the heart of the snow-covered Colorado Rockies, the Overlook Hotel stands as a foreboding sentinel of isolation. Jack Torrance, a struggling writer and recovering alcoholic, arrives with his wife Wendy and their young son Danny. The Torrance family has taken up residence as winter caretakers, a role that requires them to endure months of solitude.

From the moment they arrive, the hotel's eerie and labyrinthine corridors seem to whisper secrets of its dark past. But Danny, with his psychic gift known as "the shining," perceives more than just the hotel's physical strangeness. He communicates telepathically with the hotel's cook, Dick Hallorann, who shares the same gift. Hallorann senses the danger that lurks within the Overlook.

As winter storms envelop the hotel, Jack's mental state begins to unravel. Fueled by his inability to find inspiration for his writing and the isolation of the hotel, he descends into a maelstrom of madness. He becomes obsessed with the hotel's history and starts to see disturbing apparitions of past events.

Danny's psychic abilities intensify, allowing him to witness the malevolent spirits that inhabit the Overlook. The ghostly apparitions, from the sinister Grady twins to the spectral bartender Lloyd, haunt the hallways and rooms. Danny also becomes aware of the hotel's malevolent and manipulative entity, the Overlook itself.

As the snow piles up and the family's isolation becomes more profound, the Overlook's grip on Jack tightens. His descent into madness is swift and terrifying. He succumbs to the hotel's influence, eventually wielding an axe and pursuing his family with murderous intent.

Wendy, increasingly terrified by her husband's erratic behavior, seeks to protect Danny from the deranged Jack. With the help of Dick Hallorann, who rushes back to the hotel upon Danny's psychic distress call, Wendy and her son face a deadly and surreal showdown with Jack in the snowbound maze outside the hotel.

In a climactic struggle, Jack meets a gruesome end, frozen in the labyrinth, while Wendy and Danny barely escape with their lives.

The film ends with a lingering sense of unease, as a photograph from a past Overlook Hotel party hints at the hotel's enduring malevolence and cyclical nature.

"The Shining" is a chilling tale of isolation, supernatural forces, and the destructive power of madness. It leaves audiences with lingering questions about the true nature of the Overlook Hotel and the horrors that lurk within its haunted walls.

In summary, "The Shining" is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate and terrify audiences decades after its release. It is a testament to Stanley Kubrick's genius as a director, Jack Nicholson's unforgettable portrayal of madness, and Stephen King's ability to craft a story that resonates with deep-seated fears. "The Shining" remains an essential watch for anyone interested in psychological and supernatural horror, an enduring testament to the power of film to provoke both fear and introspection.

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